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Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Volume 115
Main Index

Pages 1-415 (21 September 1976)

Zinc and cadmium : Literature survey covering the year 1974.
Pages 1-16
J. Boersma
Structures of organo-transition metal complexes : Annual survey covering the year 1974.
Pages 17-176
Michael I. Bruce
Manganese, technetium, and rhenium : Annual survey covering the year 1974
Pages 177-220
P. M. Treichel
Chromium, molybdenum and tungsten : Annual survey covering the year 1974
Pages 221-325
Donald J. Darensbourg, Marcetta York Darensbourg
Cobalt, rhodium and iridium : Annual survey covering the year 1974
Pages 327-415
Martin E. Howden, Raymond D. W. Kemmitt