Journal of Organometallic Chemistry
Volume 133
Main Index
Issue 1, Pages 1-138 (14 June 1977)
Ketovinylation of Alkyl Palladium Complexes
Pages C5-C8
Robert A. Holton, Richard A. Kjonaas
Untersuchungen an dialkylmetallphosphor- und phosphinsäurederivaten der elemente aluminium, gallium, indium und thallium : IV. Dimethylgallium-
Pages C13-C15
H. Schrem, J. Weidlein
Organometallic compounds : XXVI. Ferrocenophane-7-carbocations and their rearrangement
Pages C9-C12
Masao Hisatome, Koji Yamakawa
Darstellung und spektroskopische untersuchung von bis(tri-t-butylsilyl)quecksilber
Pages 1-6
Hartwig Müller, Lutz Rösch
Acetolysis of 4,4-disubstituted 4-silacyclohexyl tosylates: effect of remote silicon substitution on organic reactivity
Pages 7-17
Stephen S. Washburne, Ram R. Chawla
Photochemically generated silicon—carbon double-bonded intermediates : V. Photolysis of arylpentamethyldisilanes in the presence of carbonyl compounds
Pages 19-28
Mitsuo Ishikawa, Takamasa Fuchikami, Makoto Kumada
Composes organometalliques a cycle moyen : VI. Mise en evidence d'une interaction transannulaire O—Si en serie silacyclanique par spectrometrie de masse et resonance magnetique nucleaire de
Pages 29-36
Françoise Duboudin, Guy Bourgeois, Alfreda Faucher, Pierre Mazerolles
Derives du titanocene presentant deux ligands
a chiralite planaire. Separation et identification des differentes formes stereochimiques
Pages 37-51
J. Besançon, J. Tirouflet, S. Top, B. H. Ea
Aminoxidinduzierte ligandensubstitution an metallcarbonylen
Pages 53-58
U. Koelle
Reactions of metal carbonyl complexes
: IX. Thiocarbonyl complexes of chromium(0), manganese(I) and rhenium(I)
Pages 59-71
I. S. Butler, N. J. Coville, D. Cozak
Carbonylkomplexe von chrom, molybdän und wolfram mit phthalsäuredinitril
Pages 73-76
Wolfgang Beck, Roland Höfer
Etude par RMN
H et
C des ferrocenophanes-cage. Mono- et bis-(1,3-cyclopentylene) ferrocene et de leurs derives acyles et alkyles
Pages 77-86
Didier Astruc, Patrick Batail, Maryvonne L. Martin
Stabilities and enthalpies of formation of base adducts of vitamin B
model complexes
Pages 87-92
D. P. Graddon, I. A. Siddiqi
The coordination of heterocumulenes and other unsaturated molecules to RhCl(P(C
Pages 93-105
H. L. M. van Gaal, J. P. J. Verlaan
Phosphido complexes obtained by reaction of (η
with diphenylphosphine. A determining role of dioxygen on the nature of the products
Pages 107-111
Pasquale Piraino, Felice Faraone, Sergio Sergi
Group IB organometallic chemistry : XIX. Synthesis and characterization of mixed-organocopper cluster compounds R
containing aryl and acetylide ligands
Pages 113-121
Richard W. M. Ten Hoedt, Gerard Van Koten, Jan G. Noltes
Unsaturated nitrogen-containing ligands in triosmium clusters derived from trimethylamine and N,N-dimethylbenzylamine
Pages 123-138
C. Choo Yin, A. J. Deeming
Issue 2, Pages 139-280 (21 June 1977)
Page C31
Übergangsmetall-substituierte vb elementsysteme : XIV. Ligandenaustauschprozesse an übergangsmetallkomplexen mit terminaler und verbrückender dimethylarsenido funktion
Pages C21-C24
W. Malisch, H. Rössner, K. Keller, R. Janta
A new route to dimethylsilanone [(CH
Si=o]; deoxygenation of dimethylsulfoxide by dimethylsilylene
Pages C17-C20
H. S. Dilanjan Soysa, Hiroshige Okinoshima, WM. P. Weber
Das eisentetracarbonylcarbamoyl-anion als komplexligand; darstellung eines bis(eisentetracarbonylcarbamoyl)nickel-komplexes
Pages C25-C27
Wolfgang Petz
Asymmetric induction in the course of internal palladation of enantiomeric 1-dimethylaminoethylferrocene
Pages C28-C30
V. I. Sokolov, L. L. Troitskaya, O. A. Reutov
Electrophilic alkylation of 1-SB
Pages 139-145
B. J. Meneghelli, R. W. Rudolph
Intramolecular exchange of methyl groups in μMethyl-μ-diphenylaminotetramethyldialuminum and its intermolecular exchange with trimethylgallium
Pages 147-157
John E. Rie, John P. Oliver
On the behaviour of an optically active cobalt—silicon bond. Evidence for the formation of analogues of silyl-grignard reagents
Pages 159-168
Ernesto Colomer, Robert J. P. Corriu
Etude dans la serie des organostannylazoles : II. Reactions de substitution nucleophyles avec les halogenures d'alkyles
Pages 169-176
R. Gassend, J. C. Maire, J. -C. Pommier
Imines et enamines stanniques : III. Etude et identification par spectrographies RMN, infrarouge et raman
Pages 177-182
Bernard De Jeso, Annette Marchand, Jean-Claude Pommier
Struktur eines spirocyclischen phenylstibonsäureesters
Pages 183-186
M. Wieber, N. Baumann, H. Wunderlich, H. Rippstein
Darstellung und eigenschaften von lithium-trimesitylochromat(II) und dilithium-tetramesitylochromat(II)
Pages 187-192
K. Schmiedeknecht
Redox behaviour of group VIIB metal—metal bonded carbonyls: substitution effects
Pages 193-199
P. Lemoine, M. Gross
Etude vibrationnelle de Ni[P(CH
et de Ni(PH
. Determination de la constante de force de la liaison nickel—phosphore dans Ni(PH
Pages 201-211
A. Loutellier, M. Trabelsi, M. Bigorgne
Reactions of
-hydridocyanoalkylplatinum(II) complexes with isocyanides. Preparation of novel platinum(II) compounds with adjacent Pt---H and Pt---C bonds
Pages 213-218
Renzo Ros, Rino A. Michelin, Giovanni Carturan, Umberto Belluco
Pyrolysis of methylsilyl phenyl ketones. Formation of silene in the decomposition of an intermediate silaoxetane
Pages 219-230
Wataru Ando, Akira Sekiguchi
Rhodium trichloride - promoted dimerization of a bidentate olefinic tertiary phosphine to a tridentate olefinic ditertiary phosphine: Additions to metal atom and to ligand and hydrogen abstractions from the ligand in derived complexes of rhodium and iridium
Pages 231-271
M. A. Bennett, R. N. Johnson, I. B. Tomkins
-influence and electronegativity. Crystal and molecular structure of
-di-iodobis(trimethylphosphine) platinum(II)
Pages 273-280
Peter B. Hitchcock, Barbara Jacobson, Alan Pidcock
Issue 3, Pages 281-422 (28 June 1977)
Photoaktivierte, homogene hydrierung mit IrCl(CO)L
in substanz bei normaldruck mit umsatzzahlen bis 14000
Pages C43-C46
Walter Strohmeier, Luise Weigelt
Reaction of 5,6-dimethylene-7-oxabicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-ene with iron carbonyls
Pages C36-C38
Tristano Boschi, Pierre Vogel, Raymond Roulet
Homogene katalytische hydrierung mit IrCl(CO)L
bei mittleren aktivitäten bis 180 und umsatzzahlen bis 150 000
Pages C47-C51
Walter Strohmeier, Maria Lukacs
The X-ray Structure of Tetraethylammonium μ-Pentachlorothiophenolato-
Pages C33-C35
Mervyn K. Cooper, Manuela Saporta, Mary Mcpartlin
Iron and molybdenum carbonyls of 5,6,7,8-tetramethylenebicyclo[2.2.2]-oct-2-ene
Pages C39-C42
Tristano Boschi, Philippe Narbel, Pierre Vogel, Raymond Roulet
On the structure and vibrational spectra of cyclopentadienylberyllium chloride
Pages 281-284
K. B. Starowieyski, J. Lusztyk
Addition du di-t-butyl-zinc a la triple liaison des enynes conjugues, simples et fonctionnels
Pages 285-291
J. Auger, G. Courtois, L. Miginiac
Organoarsen-verbindungen : XXX. Zur synthese der tetrahydro-1,4-benzazarsenin-2-one und des tetrahydro-benz[
Pages 293-299
A. Tzschach, H. Biering
Facile cleavage of the p---h bond of secondary phospine sulphides by nucleophilic rhodium(I) and iridium(I) metal complexes
Pages 301-305
Vittorio Marsala, Felice Faraone, Pasquale Piraino
Phosphinhaltige terpenderivate als optisch aktive liganden in der homogenen katalyse
Pages 307-310
Wolfgang Beck, Hartmut Menzel
A dipole moment study of the conformational properties of diaryl diselenides and related compounds
Pages 311-319
Giuseppe C. Pappalardo, Kurt J. Irgolic, R. A. Grigsby
Substituent effects in π-(tricarbonylchromium)arenes : IV.
H NMR Spectroscopy of substituted methyl π-(tricarbonylchromium)benzoates
Pages 321-326
F. van Meurs, H. van Bekkum
Mössbauer studies of some new hexacoordinate iron(II) complexes with isocyanides, phosphines and halides
Pages 327-337
Sandro Calogero, Gabriele Albertin, Angelo A. Orio, Giancarlo Pelizzi
Reactions of mononuclear transition metal carbonyl complexes with hydride donors. The reduction of coordinated carbon monoxide and a convenient synthesis of formyltetracarbonylferrate(O)salts
Pages 339-346
Stanley R. Winter, Gordon W. Cornett, Evan A. Thompson
Triferrocenylphosphineiron carbonyls by substitution and disproportionation processes
Pages 347-357
Gilbert P. Sollott, David L. Daughdrill, William R. Peterson Jr.
Contribution a l'etude des metallocenes
: XXVIII. Reduction de cetones cycliques en series du ferrocene et du cymantrene. Etude de la stereospecificite. Assignation des configurations
des alcools derives
Pages 359-375
Maryvonne Le Plouzennec, Rene Dabard
Complexes of rhodium(I) and iridium(I) with optically active schieff bases
Pages 377-384
G. Zassinovich, A. Camus, G. Mestroni
Mise en evidence de la presence de plusieurs reactifs dans le cuprate (2 C
MgBr + CuI)
Pages 385-392
P. Four, Ph. Le Tri, H. Riviere
Metalloidalmethyl substituent effects by
C and
F NMR : electron release in the neutral ground state.
Pages 393-422
W. Adcock, D. P. Cox, W. Kitching