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Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Volume 217
Main Index

Issue 1, Pages 1-138 (1 September 1981)

Reactions of M2Cl4(PR3)4 (M = Mo and W) with carbon monoxide
Pages C14-C16
F. Albert Cotton, Donald J. Darensbourg, Brian W. S. Kolthammer
Organometallic compounds : XXXII. Syntheses of 1,3-disubstituted ferrocenes and intermolecular (1,3)ferrocenophanes
Pages C17-C20
Masao Hisatome, Osamu Tachikawa, Manabu Sasho, Koji Yamakawa
Reaction of magnesium hydride with pyridine
Pages C1-C4
A. J. de Koning, P. H. M. Budzelaar, B. G. K. van Aarssen, J. Boersma, G. J. M. van der Kerk
Inorganic reaction mechanisms volume 7 : Senior Reporter A.G. Skykes, The Royal Society of Chemistry, London, 1981, xxi + 442 pages, £72.00, $200.25
Page C23
Michael F. Lappert
Topics in current chemistry volume 92 : (Managing Editor, F.L. Boschke), Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1980, 178 pages.
Pages C21-C22
Michael F. Lappert
The use of ion-pairing phenomena in the assignment of v(co) ir bands of pv(co)5-
Pages C9-C13
Marcetta Y. Darensbourg, John M. Hanckel
Alkyl-, alkenyl, und hydrido-olefin-komplexe des rutheniums
Pages C5-C8
Herbert Lehmkuhl, Jürgen Grundke, Reinhard Benn, Gerhard Schroth, Richard Mynott
Organoboron compounds : XIV. Dialkylaminofluorophenylboranes
Pages 1-9
R. Harry Cragg, Tim J. Miller
Jahn-teller effects in the MNDO approximation: structures of the molecular cations of some simple organosilanes
Pages 11-18
Christopher Glidewell
Spectres de vibration de composes organiques des elements de la colonne IVb : XIII. Etude physico-chimique par spectrometries rmn, infrarogue et raman de disila-1,2 et digerma-1,2 cyclohexenes-4 et digerma-1,2 cycloalcanes
Pages 19-33
Annette Marchand, Pierre Gerval (avec la collaboration technique de B. Barbe M. Petraud et A. Caubit), Marguerite Joanny and, Pierre Mazerolles
Ultraviolet photoelectron spectra of group IV hexamethyl derivatives containing a metal-metal bond
Pages 35-41
L. Szepes, T. Korányi, G. Náray-Szabó, Alberto Modelli, Giuseppe Distefano
Nickel-catalyzed reaction of silacyclopropenes with acetylenes. in convenient route to 1-silacyclopenta-2,4-dienes
Pages 43-50
Mitsuo Ishikawa, Hiroshi Sugisawa, Osamu Harata, Makoto Kumada
Synthesis and physical properties of chlorodi(o-totyl)phosphine, lithium di(o-totyl)2P(CH2)nP(o-totyl) (n = 1-4, 6, 8)
Pages 51-59
Peter W. Clark, Bernard J. Mulraney
Preparation et etude des proprietes electroniques et chimiques de ligands isocyanures fonctionnels cncor coordines au chrome et au manganese
Pages 61-77
P. Le Maux, G. Simonneaux, G. Jaouen
Metal-stabilized carbanions : II. Kinetic acidity and nmr spectra of the π-(tricarbonylchromium)-flourenyl anion
Pages 79-89
Alberto Ceccon, Alessandro Gambaro, Giancarlo Agostini and, Alfonso Venzo
Fluxional behaviour in η3-allyl complexes of cr, mo and w as shown by magnetisation transfer difference spectroscopy (MTDS)
Pages 91-104
R. Benn, A. Rufinska, G. Schroth
The variety of compounds from the interaction of 1,5-diynes with η5-cyclopentadienylcobalt: 1,6-bis(trimethylsilyl)-1,5-hexadiyne, a complete product analysis
Pages 105-118
Ernst R. F. Gesing, K. Peter C. Vollhardt
Reduction of dehydropeptides catalyzed by the complex rhI- dioxop
Pages 119-127
D. Sinou, D. Lafont, G. Descotes, A. G. Kent
An nmr study of the interaction of α-diimines (rn=chch=nr) with cyclometallated palladium(ii) compounds [{2-me2nch(z)c6h4pdx}2] (z = h or (s)-me; x = cl, br)
Pages 129-138
Henk van der Poel, Gerard van Koten

Issue 2, Pages 139-271 (8 September 1981)

Dynamic behaviour of bis(DIOP)palladium and its reaction with alkenes
Pages C25-C28
Kathleen Brown, Penny A. Chaloner
Direct observation of diastereomers with opposite Mo configurations by 95Mo NMR
Pages C34-C36
M. Minelli, T. W. Rockway, John H. Enemark, H. Brunner and, M. Muschiol
Binuclear rhodium(I) complexes. Synthesis of [Rh(COD)]2L(OAc)2 where L is the new 22-membered macromonocycle 1,4,7,12,15,18-hexaazacyclodocosane
Pages C29-C33
Andrea E. Martin, John E. Bulkowski
Contributions to organoboron chemistry : XV. Aminodiphenylboranes
Pages 139-149
Charles Brown, R. Harry Cragg, Tim J. Miller, David O'N. Smith
Vinylmetalloids : IV. Intramolecular bond-forming reaction of vinylsilanes upon electron impact
Pages 151-156
John A. Soderquist, Alfred Hassner
Characterization of phenyl-substituted pentacoordinated compounds of main group elements by 1H NMR
Pages 157-167
Arjun C. Sau, Robert R. Holmes
Vibrational spectra of thoracene and the potassium salt of dicyclooctatetraenyllanthanum
Pages 169-177
V. T. Aleksanyan, I. A. Garbusova, T. M. Chernyshova, Z. V. Todres, M. R. Leonov and, N. I. Gramateeva
A new heterocyclic ligand for transition metals: 1,4,5,8,9,12-hexaazatriphenylene and its chromium carbonyl complexes
Pages 179-182
R. Nasielski-Hinkens, M. Benedek-Vamos, D. Maetens, J. Nasielski
μ-Ylidkomplexe von chrom, wolfram und rhenium
Pages 183-194
Wolfgang Uedelhoven, Dietmar Neugebauer, Fritz R. Kreissl
Interaction of chromium vapour with benzonitrile and bromobenzene
Pages 195-198
A. N. Nesmeyanov, V. A. Sergeev, N. V. Zakurin, A. Yu. Vasil'kov, A. S. Kogan, L. P. Yur'eva, N. N. Zaitseva, I. A. Uralets
Alkylation of furan catalysed by arenetricarbonylmolybdenum
Pages 199-203
David J. Milner
Organometallic compounds : LXIX. Synthesis and properties of the first chiral triorganostannyl-manganese complex
Pages 205-213
Marcel Gielen, Ivan Vanden Eynde
Periodic variation in time of optical density in the electron absorption spectra of solutions of ferrocene and its derivatives
Pages 215-219
T. V. Burova, V. N. Trembovler, B. M. Yavorsky, N. V. Fock, R. B. Materikova, N. S. Kochetkova
Organometallic compounds : XXXI. N,N-dimethylaminomethylation of biferrocene and conversions of the products into several biferrocene derivatives
Pages 221-230
Masao Hisatome, Shigeto Ichida, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Koji Yamakawa
The stoichiometric hydrogenation of substituted phenyl alkenes by hydridocobalt tetracarbonyl
Pages 231-234
Jerome A. Roth, Paul Wiseman
A comment on the structures of the dodecacarbonyls of cobalt, rhodium and iridium
Pages 235-245
D. L. Kepert, S. C. Williams
The catalytic substitution of metal carbonyls and substituted metal carbonyls by isonitriles in the presence of rhodium(I) and polymer-supported rhodium(I) complexes
Pages 247-250
Michel O. Albers, Neil J. Coville, Christakis P. Nicolaides, Ronald A. Webber, Terence V. Ashworth and, Eric Singleton
Cationic rhodium(I) complexes with diolefin and substituted pyridine N-oxides as ligands
Pages 251-257
R. Uson, L. A. Oro, M. A. Ciriano, F. Lahoz
Linear free energy relationship in substituted styrene complexes of platinum(II) containing the η3-methylallyl ligand
Pages 259-266
Hideo Kurosawa, Naonori Asada
Allenylcopper(I) compounds: suitable reagents for the synthesis of allenynes
Pages 267-271
K. Ruitenberg, J. Meijer, R. J. Bullee, P. Vermeer

Issue 3, Pages 273-413 (15 September 1981)

Addition of ketone enolates to π-allylpalladlum compounds. Stereochemistry and scope of the reaction
Pages C41-C43
Björn Akermark, Anny Jutand
Transition metal hydride abstraction by tropylium cation: a new route to monohapto-cycloheptatrienyl complexes
Pages C37-C40
James R. Sweet, William A. G. Graham
Jahn-teller effects in the MNDO approximation: structures of the molecular cations of some simple organoberyllium compounds
Pages 273-282
Christopher Glidewell
Organoboron compounds XVI. Alkylaminodialkylaminophenylboranes
Pages 283-290
R. Harry Cragg, Tim J. Miller
Solvation of ion pairs of barium and strontium salts of α, ω-bis(9-fluorenyl)polymethylenes in tetrahydrofuran
Pages 291-301
Claude Mathis, Bernard François, Johannes Smid
Oxydation thallique du phenylacetylene. Cinetique de formation et de decomposition oxydative du compose d'oxythallation, C6H5C(OH)=CHTl2+
Pages 303-309
Claire Deschamps, Miklos Zador
Calculation of activation energies in the chlorination of disilane
Pages 311-313
T. N. Bell, K. A. Perkins, P. G. Perkins, K. A. Perkins and, P. G. Perkins
Reaction of trialkylstannyllithium and hexaalkydistanne. 1H and 119Sn NMR studies
Pages 315-328
Kazuko Kobayashi (née Kunô), Mituyosi Kawanisi, Sinpei Kozima and, Torazô Hitomi, Hiizu Iwamura and, Tadashi Sugawara
Vinyl tellurothiocarbamate
Pages 329-331
F. Wudl, D. Nalewajek
Tricarbonyl-chrom(molybdän, wolfram)(0)-η6-komplexe von 4-R-λ3-arseninen und 2-aryl-4-R-λ3-arseninen
Pages 333-356
G. Märkl, H. Baier, R. Lierl, K. K. Mayer
Kinetic study of the thermal and photosubstitution reaction [Mo(η5-C5H5)2I(NCC6H5)][PF6] + CH3CN angle-measured [Mo(η5-C5H5)2I(NCCH3)][PF6] + C6H5CN
Pages 357-363
Sílvia, M. B. Costa, Alberto R. Dias, Fernando J. S. Pina
Optisch Aktive übergangsmetall-komplexe : LXXVII. Konformationsanlyse von C5H5(CO)2Mo-amidinat-komplexen mit hilfe des kern-overhauser-effekts
Pages 365-371
Henri Brunner, Giuseppe Agrifoglio, Reinhard Benn and, Anna Rufinska
Iron carbonyl π-complexes of vinylsilanes, vinyldisilanes and vinylsiloxanes
Pages 373-383
M. I. Rybinskaya, L. V. Rybin, A. A. Pogrebnyak, G. V. Nurtdinova and, V. P. Yur'ev
The transition metal-catalysed reaction between Fe(CO)5 and group V donor ligands. A facile, high yield synthesis of Fe(CO)4PPh3
Pages 385-390
Michel O. Albers, Neil J. Coville, Terence V. Ashworth and, Eric Singleton
S-, O-, O, O′- p-toluenesulfinato complexes of iron(II), cobalt(II) and nickel(II) with polydentate tripod-like phosphines, crystal structure of 1,1,1-tris(diphenylphosphinomethyl)ethane p-toluenesulfinatocobalt(II) perchlorate
Pages 391-401
C. A. Ghilardi, S. Midollini, S. Moneti
New organogold complexes: tetraphenylcyclopentadiene derivatives
Pages 403-413
E. G. Perevalova, K. I. Grandberg, V. P. Dyadchenko, T. V. Baukova