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Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Volume 234
Main Index

Issue 1, Pages 1-122 (3 August 1982)

Difluorocarbene complexes of ruthenium derived from trifluoromethyl compounds. RuCl2(CF2)(CO)(PPh3)2, RuCl2(CFNMe2)(CO)(PPh3)2, RuCl2(CFOMe)(CO)(PPh3)2 and the structure of Ru(CF3)(HgCF3)(CO)2(PPh3)2
Pages C9-C12
G. R. Clark, S. V. Hoskins, W. R. Roper
Synthese und reaktivität von dienylmetall-verbindungen : V. Cyclopentadienylnickel-komplexe mit bis(phenylthio)alkyliden-liganden
Pages C1-C4
N. Kuhn, M. Winter
Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic Chemistry : 8th Edition, F Perfluorohalogenoorgano Compounds of Main Group Elements, Part 9, Aliphatic and Aromatic Nitrogen Compounds (Conclusion). Springer-Verlag, 1981, DM 603.00, 223 pages.
Page C16
John F. Nixon
Combined decarboxylation of the formato ligand and reductive elimination of hydrido and aryl groups in the synthesis of ruthenium(0) complexes. Methylation of ruthenium(0) with formaldehyde
Pages C5-C8
W. R. Roper, L. J. Wright
Supported metals and metal oxides as promoters for the metal dimer and cluster catalysed co substitution reaction
Pages C13-C15
Michel O. Albers, Neil J. Coville, Eric Singleton
Tetraethylaluminoxane revisited. Synthesis and properties
Pages 1-6
A. Wolinska
Some highly sterically hindered organo-silanols and -siloxanes
Pages 7-14
Colin Eaborn, Kazem D. Safa
The crystal and molecular structure of 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexaphenyl-1,3-disilapropane
Pages 15-25
Christopher Glidewell, David C. Liles
Interet de la deuteriation des molecules organostanniques en rmn de 119Sn : I. Acces aux constantes de couplage nJ(SnD) et application a l'etude structurale de vinyl et d'allyletains
Pages 27-40
Jean-Paul Quintard, Marie Degueil-Castaing, Gilles Dumartin, Bernard Barbe and, Michel Petraud
Interet de la deuteriation des molecules organostanniques en RMN de 119Sn : II. Relation de type karplus pour 3J(SnD) et stereochimie de deuteriostannation de quelques hydrocarbures ethyleniques
Pages 41-61
Jean-Paul Quintard, Marie Degueil-Castaing, Bernard Barbe and, Michel Petraud
1,2-Disubstituierte ferrocene via 2-ferrocenyl-2-oxazoline
Pages 63-72
Günter Schmitt, Peter Klein, Wolfgang Ebertz
Synthese, eigenschaften und carbonyl-insertions-reaktionen von tetracarbonyleisen(0)-komplexen para-substituierter styrole
Pages 73-83
Eckhart K. G. Schmidt, Mehmet Dogan
Solution studies of the asymmetric hydrogenation catalyst system derived from the [rhodium (1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)-1-cyclohexylethane)] moiety
Pages 85-97
Dennis P. Riley
The reaction of trihydrobistriphenylphosphine iridium IrH3(PPh3)2 with diazonium salts
Pages 99-105
Maria Angoletta, Giorgio Caglio
Metals in organic syntheses : IX. The isolation and molecular structure of trans-[PtCl(COC6H13-n)(PPh3)2], an intermediate precursor in the catalytic hydroformylation of 1-hexene
Pages 107-115
R. Bardi, A. M. Piazzesi, A. Del Pra, G. Cavinato and, L. Toniolo
Regiospecific addition of alkylsilver species to enynyl sulfides, -sulfoxides, and -phosphines
Pages 117-122
H. Westmijze, H. Kleijn, P. Vermeer

Issue 2, Pages 123-248 (10 August 1982)

Page C46
Infrared spectroscopic evidence for the existence of the (η5-cycloheptatrienyl)tricarbonyl(hydrido)molybdenum intermediate trapped in frozen gas matrices at 12 K
Pages C23-C27
Richard H. Hooker, Anthony J. Rest
Topics in current chemistry
Pages C43-C44
John F. Nixon
Advances in inorganic chemistry and radiochemistry
Page C44
John F. Nixon
13C NMR data for organometallic compounds
Page C43
Colin Eaborn
Neutral substituted carbonyl clusters of iridium. Synthesis and X-ray structure of μ3-carbonyltri-μ-carbonyloctacarbonyltetrakis(triphenylphosphite)-octahedro-hexairidium
Pages C39-C41
Francesco Demartin, Mario Manassero, Mirella Sansoni, Luigi Garlaschelli, Ugo Sartorelli and, Ferruccio Tagliabue
Modellkomplex des nickels für die c---c verknüpfung von alkinen mit isocyanaten
Pages C35-C38
Heinz Hoberg, Benno W. Oster
Complex formation between benzene and [Cr(CO)36-arene)]
Pages C20-C22
William J. Bland, Reg. Davis, James L. A. Durrant
The radical anion from tetra-t-butyltetraborane(4), a new route to t-Bu4B4
Pages C17-C19
Hartmut Klusik, Armin Berndt
The stereochemistry of the hydroboration of ferrocenylalkenes
Pages C28-C30
Claudio Lo Sterzo, Giancarlo Ortaggi
Methyldiplatinum(I) complexes
Pages C31-C34
Kazi A. Azam, Richard J. Puddephatt, Michael P. Brown and, Ahmad Yavari
Advances in physical organic chemistry
Page C45
Colin Eaborn
Ortho-metallation reactions of various N-substituted pyrroles
Pages 123-136
M. E. K. Cartoon, G. W. H. Cheeseman
Preparation of halomethaneboronates
Pages 137-141
Peter G. M. Wuts, Paul A. Thompson
Spectroscopie de masse d'ions negatifs de composes organometalliques
Pages 143-150
J. Tirouflet, J. BesanÇon, B. Gautheron, F. Gomez and, D. Fraisse
Reaktionen von carbonylcyclopentadienylhydriden von molybdän und wolfram mit α-aminoacetylenen.II
Pages 151-174
Harald Brix, Wolfgang Beck
Neutral and cationic dicarbonyl complexes of manganese (I) with diphosphines
Pages 175-183
G. A. Carriedo, V. Riera, J. Santamaria
Syntheses and magnetic properties of aryliron(III) complexes of octaethylporphyrins
Pages 185-195
Hisanobu Ogoshi, Hiroshi Sugimoto, Zen-Ichi Yoshida, Hanako Kobayashi, Hiroshi Sakai, Yutaka Maeda
The photolysis of η6-o-,m-OR P-azidotoluene-η5-cyclopentadienyliron hexafluorophosphate
Pages 197-203
R. G Sutherland, P. C. Chang, C. C. Lee
Mono- and dinuclear cationic rhodium(I) complexes with phosphine oxides and related ligands
Pages 205-217
R. Uson, L. A. Oro, M. A. Ciriano, F. J. Lahoz, M. C. Bello
Mechanism of the formation of palladium complexes serving as catalysts in hydrogenation reactions : I. Reactions of complexes with molecular hydrogen
Pages 219-235
A. S. Berenblyum, A. G. Knizhnik, S. L. Mund, I. I. Moiseev
Mechanism of the formation of palladium complexes serving as catalysts in hydrogenation reactions : II. Reactivity of palladium phosphine halides towards molecular hydrogen
Pages 237-248
A. S. Berenblyum, A. P. Aeeva, L. I. Lakhman, I. I. Moiseev

Issue 3, Pages 249-373 (17 August 1982)

Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry : 8th edition, Fe. Organoiron Compounds, Part C5: Binuclear Compounds 5, U. Behrens and B. Lubke, volume authors, U. Kruerke, volume editor, Gmelin Institut für Anorganische Chemie der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Forderung der Wissenschaften and Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York, 1981, ii + 172 pages, DM 501.00
Pages C56-C57
Peter L. Pauson
Author index
Page C57
Advances in catalysis, vol. 28 : Edited by D.D. Eley, H. Pines, and P.B. Weisz, Academic Press, New York, London, Toronto, San Francisco, 1979, xi + 403 pages, $52.00
Page C55
J. Chatt
Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry : 8th edition, Fe. Organoiron Compounds, Part A: Ferrocene 5, J. Füssel, volume author, A. Slawisch, volume editor, Gmelin Institut für Anorganische Chemie der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Forderung der Wissenschaften and Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York, 1981, iv + 338 pages, DM 998.00 (in German)
Page C56
Thermolysis and photolysis of (η-C5Me5)Os(CO)2CH2OH: A retro Fischer-Tropsch step
Pages C49-C51
Christopher J. May, William A. G. Graham
Subject index
Pages C59-C63
Linkage isomerism in 5-exo thiocyanate and isothiocyanate substituted tricarbonyl(η-cyclohexa-1,3-diene)iron and tricarbonyl(η-cyclohepta-1,3-diene)iron
Pages C52-C54
David A. Brown, Noel J. Fitzpatrick, William K. Glass, Pardeep K. Sayal
Reduction of carbonyl compounds via hydrosilylation : V. Synthesis of optically active allylic alcohols via regioselective asymmetric hydrosilylation
Pages 249-256
Tetsuo Kogure, Iwao Ojima
Synthesis of triphenylphosphonopropionbetainetriorganotin(IV) salts [(C6H5)3P(CH2)2CO2SnR3]+X, by nucleophilic displacement of anions from triorganotins
Pages 257-275
S. -W. Ng, J. J. Zuckerman
Untersuchungen zum elektronischen einfluss von organylliganden : IV. 13C-NMR-spektroskopische untersuchung der gegenseitigen beeinflussung von organylliganden in triethylzinnorganylverbindungen
Pages 277-285
Dirk Steinborn, Michael Buthge, Rudolf Taube, Reiner Radeglia, Klaus Schlothauer, Karin Nowak
The synthesis and spectroscopic examination of telluronium salts based on the 1-organo-3,4-benzo-1-telluracyclopentane cation
Pages 287-298
Ali Z. Al-Rubaie, William R. McWhinnie, Pierre Granger, Stella Chapelle
The crystal structures of 1-allyl-1-bromo-3,4-benzo-1-telluracyclopentane [C8H8Te(C3H5)Br], 1-phenacyl-1-bromo-3,4-benzo-1-telluracyclopentane [C8H8Te(C8H7O)Br] and 1-deuteromethyl-1-iodo-3,4-benzo-1-telluracyclopentane [C8H8Te(CD3)I]; the trans effect in organotellurium bromides and iodides
Pages 299-308
Richard H. Jones, Thomas A. Hamor
Dicyclopentadienyl-niobium(iii) and -niobium(iv) complexes
Pages 309-314
A. Antiñolo, M. Fajardo, A. Otero, P. Royo
Antiferromagnetic complexes with a metal—metal bond : VIII. Synthesis and structure of the antiferromagnetic heteronuclear cluster, “butterfly” (or “metal-chain”), (Cp4Cr2Ni2)(μ3-S)24-S)
Pages 315-322
A. A. Pasynskii, I. L. Eremenko, O. G. Ellert, V. M. Novotortsev, Yu. V. Rakitin, V. T. Kalinnikov, V. E. Shklover and, Yu. T. Struchkov
Field desorption mass spectra of [M(CO)3(η-arene)]X (M=Mn, Re; X=BF4, PF6) salts
Pages 323-327
D. E. Games, L. A. P. Kane-Maguire, D. A. Sweigart
Metallotropic rearrangement of η5-fluoroenyltricarbonyl-manganese in acid media
Pages 329-335
M. G. Yezernitskaya, B. V. Lokshin, V. I. Zdanovich, I. A. Lobanova, N. E. Kolobova
Gezielte synthesen von zweifach μ3-verbrückten dreikernigen eisenclustern Fe3(CO)93-S)(μ3-X) (X = PR, AsR, SO) aus [Fe3(CO)93-S-t-C4H9)]
Pages 337-353
Andreas Winter, Laszlo Zsolnai, Gottfried Huttner
The analysis of the near IR of some organic and organometallic compounds by photoacoustic spectroscopy
Pages 355-365
Larry N. Lewis
Reductive dehalogenation of α-halogenated carbonyl and cyano compounds with the hexamethyldisilane/tetrakis(triphenylphosphine)palladium system
Pages 367-373
Hisao Urata, Hiroharu Suzuki, Yoshihiko Moro-Oka, Tsuneo Ikawa