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Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Volume 295
Main Index

Issue 1, Pages 1-130 (5 November 1985)

Tris(trimethylsilyl)methyl-ditelluro-di-t-butylphosphan, (Me3Si)3CTeTeP(t-Bu)2, das erste ditellurophosphan
Pages c1-c2
Fritz Sladky, Benno Bildstein, Dagmar Obendorf
The synthesis and characterisation of new triosmium and triruthenium main-group metal clusters M3(H)(CO)11(M′R3) and Os3(H)(CO)10(CH3CN)(M′R3) (M = Os, Ru; M′ = Ge, Sn; R, aryl, alkyl)
Pages c3-c6
K. Burgess, C. Guerin, B. F. G. Johnson, J. Lewis
Author index
Page c16
Reactions of the carbido cluster anion [Re7C(CO)21]3− with group IB metals: X-ray crystal structure of the novel heterometallic carbide [{Re7AgC(CO)21}2Br]5−
Pages c7-c10
T. Beringhelli, G. D'Alfonso, M. Freni, G. Ciani and, A. Sironi
Page c16
Stabile palladium(II)-stannylkomplexe: Alkinyl-halogen austausch zwischen alkinylstannanen und 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethanpalladium(II)chlorid
Pages c11-c15
Carin Stader, Bernd Wrackmeyer
B-t-butyl-borazine und -diazadiboretidine
Pages 1-6
Holger-A. Steuer, Anton Meller, Gernot Elter
Siliciumverbindungen mit starken intramolekularen sterischen wechselwirkungen : XXII. Synthese und molekülstruktur des 1,2-bis(2,4,6-tri-t-butylphenyl)-3,3-di-t-butyl-1,2,3-diphosphasilirans
Pages 7-14
Manfred Weidenbruch, Marlies Herrndorf, Annemarie Schäfer, Karl Peters and, Hans Georg von Schnering
Asymmetry parameters of the electric field gradient at the 35Cl nuclei of (3-chloropropyl)trichlorostannane
Pages 15-19
V. P. Feshin, G. V. Dolgushin, M. G. Voronkov, Ju. E. Sapozhnikov and, Ja. B. Jasman, V. I. Shirjaev
Synthesis of tetraphenylstibonium alkyl- and aryl- sulphonates. Crystal structure of tetraphenylstibonium benzenesulphonate hydrate
Pages 21-28
Robert Rüther, Friedo Huber, Hans Preut
The synthesis of 1,6-distibatriptycene (5,10-o-benzenostibanthrene), Sb2(C6H4)3
Pages 29-32
N. A. A. Al-Jabar, D. Bowen, A. G. Massey
Über antimon-haltige heterocyclen : III. Phenylierte stibocane, ψ-oktaedrische 5- und ψ-monocapped-oktaedrische 6-koordination um antimon(III)
Pages 33-46
Harald M. Hoffmann, Martin Dräger
A convenient preparation of di-η5-cyclopentadienyltitana(IV)-cyclohexasulfane
Pages 47-49
Ali R. Koray, Vefa Ahsen, Füsun Gökçeli, Emel Yilmazer, Özer Bekaroglu
π-Arene complexes : II. Synthesis, characterization and reactivity towards arene and thioether substitution of π-arenedicarbonyl(thioether)chromium(0)complexes. Crystal structure of cis-tetracarbonyl(methyl-1,3-dithian-2-methyl-2-dithiocarboxylate)chromium(0)
Pages 51-61
Simon Lotz, Minet Schindehutte, Marthie M. van Dyk, Jan L. M. Dillen and, Petrus H. van Rooyen
Reaktionen mit metall-koordinierten olefinen : IV. Synthese und reaktivität von kationischen cyclopentadienyl-mangan-allyl-komplexen
Pages 63-71
B. Buchmann, A. Salzer
Multiple reaction pathways in the reactions of carbonylferrate anions with chalcogens, and with chalcogen-containing anions
Pages 73-78
Christopher Glidewell
Ruthenium-catalysed rearrangements of azobenzenes : II. The preparation of 1-phenylbenzimidazoles from azobenzene derivatives and primary alcohols catalysed by ruthenium complexes
Pages 79-89
Alwyn Spencer
Ruthenium-catalysed rearrangements of azobenzenes : III. Preparation of N-phenyl-1,2-phenylenediamine and N1-phenyl-N2-(sec-alkyl)-1,2-phenylenediamine and derivatives thereof by the ruthenium-catalysed reaction of azobenzenes with secondary alcohols
Pages 91-97
Alwyn Spencer
The reactions of free and surface anchored phosphines with multidentate ligand stabilised metal carbonyl cluster complexes
Pages 99-108
Douglas F. Foster, Jane Harrison, Barry S. Nicholls, Anthony K. Smith
The addition of metal nucleophiles (η-C5R5)M(CO)L to the dirhodium complex (η-C5H5)2Rh2(μ-CO)(μ-CF3C2CF3); Crystal structure of (η-C5H5)2(η-C5Me5)Rh3(CO)(gm-CO){μ-C(O)C2(CF3)2}
Pages 109-124
Ron S. Dickson, Gary S. Evans, Gary D. Fallon, Geoff N. Pain
Gold(III) complexes containing 2-[(phenylazo)phenyl] as a chelating ligand
Pages 125-130
J. Vicente, M. T. Chicote, M. D. Bermudez, M. Garcia-Garcia

Issue 2, Pages 131-264 (12 November 1985)

α, ω-Disäureamide aus 1,2-alkadienen und isocyanaten an nickel(O)-komplexen
Pages c21-c23
Heinz Hoberg, Elisa Hernandez, Klaus Sümmermann
Group IB metal exchange reactions: A novel, high yield route to heteronuclear cluster compounds containing M(PPh3) (M = Cu, Ag or Au) moieties
Pages c17-c20
Ian D. Salter
Author Index
Page c24
Oxymetallation : XIX. Preparation of the first oxymercurials derived from cyclopropane
Pages 131-135
A. J. Bloodworth, Christopher J. Cooksey
Diiod(methylthio)gallan. Darstellung und reaktivität
Pages 137-148
Gerhard G. Hoffmann, Peter Resch
Preparation and spectroscopic studies of some cyclic urea adducts of triphenyl-tin and -lead halides
Pages 149-158
Clare T. Aitken, Mario Onyszchuk
Alkylzirconium-(III) and -(IV) complexes
Pages 159-165
T. Cuenca, P. Royo
Insertion of activated acetylenes into the metal-hydride bond of [(η5-C5H5)2M(CO)H] (M = Nb, Ta)
Pages 167-174
Jacques Amaudrut, Jean-Claude Leblanc, Claude Moïse, Jean Sala-Pala
Mehrfachbindungen zwischen hauptgruppenelementen und übergangsmetallen : XVIII. Heterometallische selenido-komplexe
Pages 175-187
Wolfgang A. Herrmann, Jürgen Rohrmann, Manfred L. Ziegler and, Thomas Zahn
Electrochemistry of phosphaferrocenes : II. Electrochemical behavior of 3,3′,4,4′-tetramethyl-1,1′- diphosphaferrocene bonded to M(CO)5 (M = Cr, Mo, W) fragments forming heterometallic complexes with multiple redox centers
Pages 189-197
Paul Lemoine, Maurice Gross, Pierre Braunstein, François Mathey, Bernard Deschamps, John H. Nelson
Ruthenium-catalysed rearrangements of azobenzenes : IV. Rearrangement of deuterated azobenzenes to 1-phenylbenzimidazole and N-phenyl-1,2-phenylenediamine derivatives
Pages 199-210
Alwyn Spencer
Asymmetrische katalysen : XXVII. Rh-komplexe mit von tropolon abgeleiteten optisch aktiven liganden
Pages 211-221
Henri Brunner, Alfons Knott, Reinhard Benn and, Anna Rufinska
The reactions of a secondary phosphite with chloro- and pentan-2,4-dionato complexes of iridium(I) and rhodium(I)
Pages 223-231
M. A. Bennett, T. R. B. Mitchell
Molecular structure of η5-[Pd(CH2partial double bond, top dashedCHpartial double bond, top dashedCMeCH2CH2CH=CMe2)-(MeCN)](BF4), A cationic π-allylpalladium complex with an almost in-plane intramolecular olefin coordination
Pages 233-238
Rosaria Ciajolo, Mohamud A. Jama, Angela Tuzi, Aldo Vitagliano
195Pt, 119Sn and 31P NMR studies of alkyl, aryl and acyl trichlorostannate complexes of platinum(II). The crystal structure of trans-[Pt(SnCl3)(COC6H5)(PEt3)2]
Pages 239-256
Alberto Albinati, Urs Von Gunten, Paul S. Pregosin, Hubert J. Ruegg
Reactions of diphosphineplatinum(II) oxalate complexes with phenylacetylene. Formation of phenylalkynylplatinum complexes
Pages 257-264
Gordon K. Anderson, Gregg J. Lumetta

Issue 3, Pages 265-405 (19 November 1985)

Pages c45-c46
Übergängsmetallcarbin-komplexe , : LXXX. Darstellung, spektroskopische eigenschaften und reaktivität eines phosphansubstituierten nickelcarben-und eines neuartigen kationischen nickelcarbin-komplexes
Pages c29-c34
Ernst Otto Fischer, Johannes Rudolf Schneider
Subject index
Pages c47-c52
Reactions of transition metal σ-acetylide complexes : III. Synthesis of some aryldiazovinylidene and cycloheptatrienylvinylidene complexes. X-ray structures of [Ru(C=CPhN=NC6H3Me2-3,4)(PPh3)2(η-C5H5)][BF4] · 0.67CH2Cl2 and [Ru{C=CPh(C7H7)}(DPPE)(η-C5H5)][PF6] · 0.63CH2Cl2
Pages c40-c44
Michael I. Bruce, Christopher Dean, D. Neil Duffy, Mark G. Humphrey, George A. Koutsantonis
13C NMR Investigation of the properties of the anion [Re3(μ-H)3(CO)10]2− in solution
Pages c35-c39
Tiziana Beringhelli, Giuseppe D'Alfonso, Henriette Molinari
n-Butylsodium: The preparation, properties and NMR spectra of a hydrocarbon- and tetrahydrofuran-soluble reagent
Pages c25-c28
Christian Schade, Walter Bauer, Paul Von Ragué Schleyer
Author index
Pages c46-c47
The alcoholysis of hydrosilanes
Pages 265-315
E. Lukevics, M. Dzintara
The use of bulky x-ligands in the synthesis of new Cp2MX2 compounds (M = UIV; ThIV; Cp = η5-C5H5)
Pages 317-326
G. Paolucci, P. Zanella, A. Berton
Olefin complexes of vanadocene
Pages 327-331
M. Morán, J. J. Santos-García, J. R. Masaguer, V. Fernández
Electric dipole moments and anisotropic optical polarisabilities of methyl- and t-butyl-substituted (η6-benzene)tricarbonylchromium(0) complexes: Their relevance to the nature of the chromium-arene bond
Pages 333-342
M. J. Aroney, M. K. Cooper, R. K. Pierens, S. J. Pratten, S. W. Filipczuk
An unusual route to the isopolymolybdates; Octamolybdate β-[Mo8O26]4− and hexamolybdate [Mo6O19]2−. Reaction of dioxomolybdenum complexes with triphenylphosphonium ylides. Crystal structures of the salts [PPh3CH2COOEt]+2[NH2Et]+2 [Mo8O26]4−, [PPh3CH2COOEt]+2 [Mo6O19]2−, and [PPh3CH2Ph]+2 [Mo6O19]2−
Pages 343-352
Henri Arzoumanian, André Baldy, Richard Lai, América Odreman, Jacques Metzger, Marcel Pierrot
Preparation of the monodentate dithiophosphate complexes Cpstar, filledFe(CO)21-SP(S)(OR)2), (Cpstar, filled = η-C5H5, η-C5H4Me, η-C5Me5)
Pages 353-363
M. Morán, I. Cuadrado
Triosmium clusters derived from α,β-unsaturated aldehydes
Pages 365-369
Alejandro J. Arce, Ysaura De Sanctis, Antony J. Deeming
Factors affecting the regioselectivity in the rhodium-catalysed hydroformylation of vinyl ethers
Pages 371-376
Raffaello Lazzaroni, Sergio Bertozzi, Paolo Pocai, Francesco Troiani, Piero Salvadori
X-ray crystal structure of the dimeric η3-cyclopropenylnickel(0) complex [(C3Ph3)Ni(CO)Br]2
Pages 377-381
Carlo A. Ghilardi, Stefano Midollini, Annabella Orlandini
Palladium-catalyzed asymmetric coupling reactions between allylic acetates and organozinc reagents. Mechanistic implications
Pages 383-387
Jean-Claude Fiaud, Louisa Aribi-Zouioueche
Molecular orbital analysis of the bonding in penta- and hepta-nuclear gold tertiary phosphine clusters
Pages 389-400
David G. Evans, D. Michael P. Mingos
Dimethylmetal(III) pyrazolides
Pages 401-405
Peter K. Byers, Allan J. Canty, Karen Mills, Louise Titcombe