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Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Volume 94
Main Index

Issue 1, Pages 1-138 (22 July 1975)

The diphenylmethylbis(π-chromium tricarbonyl) carbonium ion. Isolation of a stable hexafluorophosphate salt
Pages C5-C8
Dietmar Seyferth, C. Scott Eschbach
Synthese et dedoublement d'un compose stannique chiral
Pages C1-C2
M. Lequan, F. Meganem
Katalytische oxidation von cyclohexen mit IrCl(CO)(PPh3)2 und kritische hydroperoxidkonzentration
Pages C14-C19
Walter Strohmeier, Erwin Eder
A nonrigid mixed-chelate complex of iron(0)
Pages C9-C13
C. B. Ungermann, K. G. Caulton
Synthesis of trans-azoalkane ligands R---N=N---R by dehalogenation of N,N-dihaloalkylamines, RNCl2
Pages C3-C4
Gottfried Huttner, H. -G. Schmid, H. Willenberg, Th. Stark
Geometry optimised ab initio molecular orbital studies of the series AnBF3−n (A = CH3, C2H3; n = 0–3)
Pages 1-6
N. J. Fitzpatrick, N. J. Mathews
Magnetic double resonance studies of trimethyltin chalcogenides
Pages 7-14
John D. Kennedy, William McFarlane
Sulphur substituted organometallic compounds III. Reactions of Ph3SnCH2CH2SC6H4Me-p with some electrophilic reagents
Pages 15-21
Robin D. Taylor, James L. Wardell
Pages 23-27
A. Zwijnenburg, H. O. Van Oven, C. J. Groenenboom, H. J. De Liefde Meijer
A new organometallic compound of titanium: indenylcyclooctatetraenyltitanium(III)
Pages 29-33
J. Goffart, G. Duyckaerts
Pseudoasymetrie dans la serie du benchrotrene I. Synthese des trois glycols ortho-substitues (OC)3CrC6H4(CHOHCH3)2
Pages 35-46
J. Besançon, S. Top, J. Tirouflet, B. Gautheron, Y. Dusausoy
Pseudoasymetrie dans la serie du benchrotrene II. Structure cristalline de la forme pseudoasymetrique F 144° des glycols ortho-substitutes (OC)3CrC6H4(CHOHCH3)2
Pages 47-53
Y. Dusausoy, J. Protas, J. Besançon and, S. Top
Studies of chelation IV. Steric influences on the chelation of ditertiary phosphine complexes of group VI metal carbonyls
Pages 55-60
J. A. Connor, P. I. Riley
Preparation of the group VI pentacarbonyl nitrates
Pages 61-64
John L. Cihonski, Robert A. Levenson
Cyclometallation reactions XII. On the effect of various leaving groups on internal metallation reactions with alkylmanganese complexes
Pages 65-74
Ronald L. Bennett, Michael I. Bruce, F. Gordon A. Stone
Transition metal complexes of azo compounds V. Complexation and cleavage of the N=N bond of diazirines by iron carbonyls
Pages 75-85
Angelo Albini, Horst Kisch
Ferrocenderivate LX. Rationelle synthesen der ferrocen-1,1′-dicarbonsäure sowie von isomeren methyl-, phenyl-ferrocen- und [3]ferrocenophan-mono- und -1,1′-di-carbonsäuren
Pages 87-98
Vladimir Rapic, Karl Schlögl, Brigitte Steinitz
The reaction of Ir4(CO)12 with bases
Pages 99-106
M. Angoletta, L. Malatesta, G. Caglio
Organometallic compounds of transition metals containing phosphine and perchloroaryl ligands I. Preparation and studies of compounds of the type [MX(C6Cl5)(PPh3)2] (M = Ni, Pd)
Pages 107-113
J. M. Coronas, J. Sales
Cycloaddition of group VIII metal-dioxygen complexes to electrophilic olefins
Pages 115-129
R. A. Sheldon, J. A. Van Doorn
Transition metal---carbon bonds XXXVII. platinum acetylide complexes formed from ethynyl alcohols or ethers
Pages 131-138
H. David Empsall, Bernard L. Shaw, Anthony J. Stringer

Issue 2, Pages 139-326 (29 July 1975)

A triply bridged dimeric iridium(III) hydride: μ-chlorodi-μ-(phenylthio)di{hydridobis(triphenylphosphine)iridium(III)} perchlorate, [(Ph3P)2(H)Ir(SPh2ClIr(H)(PPh3)2]ClO4 · 3(CH3)2CO
Pages C26-C28
Paul J. Roberts, George Ferguson, Caesar V. Senoff
Bi-heterometallic hydrido transfer between iridium and platinum
Pages C29-C32
Jack P. C. M. van Dongen, Christopher Masters, Jacobus P. Visser
Thermal rearrangement of epoxysilanes
Pages C21-C25
A. R. Bassindale, A. G. Brook, P. Chen, J. Lennon
The chemistry of metal carbonyls: “the life work of Walter Hieber”
Pages 139-159
H. Behrens
Vibrational spectroscopy of metal carbonyls
Pages 161-180
M. Bigorgne
Effect of the bridging ligands on the C---O stretching force constants of the compounds Co2(CO)6(μ-Y)2 and Fe2(CO)6(μ-X)2 (where Y = CO, P, As, CR and X = S, SR, Se, PRR′, Br, I)
Pages 181-188
György Bor
Evidence for chiral organometallic intermerdiates in stereospecific phosphine exchange reactions
Pages 189-194
H. Brunner
Thermochemical and spectroscopic studies of bonding in organotransition metal carbonyls
Pages 195-199
J. A. Connor
Beiträge zur chemie polyfunktioneller liganden , : XXXII. Kobaltcarbonyl-komplexe polytertiärer phosphine
Pages 201-212
Jochen Ellermann
Technische reaktionen von kohlenmonoxid mit metallcarbonylen als katalysatoren
Pages 213-227
Jürgen Falbe
New aspects of metal carbonyl ylide chemistry
Pages 229-234
E. Lindner
Kinetics of reaction of alkynes with some cobalt carbonyls
Pages 235-239
A. J. Poë
Structures and reactivity of some bridged dinuclear d8 and d7 complexes
Pages 241-250
R. Poilblanc
The reactivity of trans-[IrCl(CO)L2] (L = Tertiary phosphine) and related compounds
Pages 251-257
Bernard L. Shaw
Basicity and reactivity of metal carbonyls
Pages 259-271
D. F. Shriver
Photochemische aktivierung von metall-carbonyl-katalysatoren
Pages 273-280
W. Strohmeier
Thermochemistry of metal carbonyl compounds
Pages 281-284
R. H. T. Bleyerveld, Th. Höhle, K. Vrieze
Kinetische untersuchungen über reaktionen von metall-komplexen , : XVI. Substitutionsreaktionen von metallcarbonylkomplexen des chroms, molybdäns und wolframs; einige neue kinetische und mechanistische aspekte
Pages 285-302
H. Werner
High pressure infrared spectroscopic studies of carbonylation reactions of olefins in the presence of group VIIB metal carbonyls
Pages 303-309
R. Whyman
Reactions of coordinated propargyl and allene ligands in cyclopentadienyliron dicarbonyl complexes
Pages 311-326
Dale W. Lichtenberg, Andrew Wojcicki

Issue 3, Pages 327-471 (5 August 1975)

Reactions d'insertion d'aldehydes dans la liaison germanium---phosphore de germaphospholannes
Pages C35-C37
C. Couret, J. Escudie, J. Satge, G. Redoules
Silylene additions to cyclopentadiene and 1,3-cyclohexadiene. Evidence for the addition mechanism
Pages C38-C42
Rong-Juh Hwang, Robert T. Conlin, Peter P. Gaspar
Page C56
Homogenkatalytische asymmetrische hydrierung von ketonen
Pages C47-C48
Bálint Heil, Szilárd Torös, Sándor Vastag, László Markó
Pages C33-C34
G. B. Deacon, G. J. Farquharson, J. M. Miller
Evidence for restricted rotation of the Pt---P bond of [η3-C3H5Pt[P(C6H11)3]2]+PF6
Pages C49-C52
Thomas G. Attig, H. C. Clark
Fluxional behavior of the bridging vinyl group in HOs3(CO)10(CHCH2) and related complexes
Pages C43-C46
J. R. Shapley, S. I. Richter, M. Tachikawa, J. B. Keister
The structures of two reaction products of ditertiary-butylacetylene with diiron nonacarbonyl. A new iron---iron double bond.
Pages C53-C55
F. Albert Cotton, Jackie D. Jamerson, B. Ray Stults
Unsymmetrical bis-phosphorus ligands : VIII. Synthesis of an ω-diphenylphosphinoalkyl grignard reagent, its precursor and novel derivatives
Pages 327-332
Samuel O. Grim, Richard C. Barth
The reaction of isocyanide—mercuric chloride complexes with amines. Preparation of guanidines
Pages 333-343
Hiroaki Sawai, Takeo Takizawa
Studies of alkylmetal alkoxides of aluminium, gallium and indium : IV. The molecular structure of dimethylaluminium t-butoxide dimer by gas phase electron diffraction
Pages 345-352
Arne Haaland, Oddvar Stokkeland
The molecular structure of dimethylaluminium thiomethoxide dimer, [(CH3)2AlSCH3]2, as determined by gas phase electron diffraction
Pages 353-360
Arne Haaland, Oddvar Stokkeland, Johann Weidlein
Complexes of carbonyl compounds with RnAlX3-n compounds : III. The stoichiometry of complexes of ketones with aluminium trichloride
Pages 363-366
K. B. Starowieyski, S. Pasynkiewicz, A. Sporzynski, A. Chwojnowski
Oxidation of silicon---silicon and silicon---hydrogen bonds with molecular oxygen and bis(trimethylsilyl) peroxide
Pages 367-376
Kohei Tamao, Makoto Kumada, Toru Takahashi
CNDO/2 study of 29Si NMR chemical shifts
Pages 377-381
F. F. Roelandt, D. F. Van De Vondel, E. V. Van Den Berghe
Über arsen-haltige heterocyclen : III. Kristalistruktur von 2,6-dimethyl-4,4-diphenyl-1,4-oxarsenaniumbromid-monohydrat
Pages 383-391
Martin Dräger
Umsetzung von methan-bis-(dichlorarsin) mit primären und sekundären aminen
Pages 393-401
F. Kober
Preparation of organochalcogen-bridged dinuclear complexes of titanium or niobium and iron or cobalt
Pages 403-408
Masao Sato, Tadao Yoshida
Etude cristallochimique de derives du chrome(0) : I. Structure cristalline et moleculaire du benzoate de methyle chrome dicarbonyle thiocarbonyle
Pages 409-416
Jean-Yves Saillard, Guy Le Borgne, Daniel Grandjean
Zur komplexchemie von 4-zentren-π-systemen : XII. Glyoxaldiiminkomplexe: 1H-nmr-spektren und long range-kopplungen
Pages 417-424
H. Tom Dieck, I. W. Renk, K. D. Franz
Mass spectrometry of π-complexes of transition metals : III. Mass spectra of some π-cyclopentadienyl complexes of seven—coordinate rhenium
Pages 425-440
V. F. Sizoi, Yu. S. Nekrasov, Yu. V. Makarov, N. E. Kolobova
Stereochimie de derives ferroceniques heteropontes chiraux
Pages 441-447
Pierre Dodey, Bernard Gautheron
Reduction of carbonyl compounds via hydrosilylation : I. Hydrosilylation of carbonyl compounds catalyzed by tris(triphenylphosphine)chlororhodium
Pages 449-461
Iwao Ojima, Mitsuru Nihonyanagi, Tetsuo Kogure, Miyoko Kumagai, Shuji Horiuchi, Kimiyo Nakatsugawa, Yoichiro Nagai
Carbonatation de divers organocuivreux
Pages 463-468
G. Cahiez, J. F. Normant, D. Bernard
13C NMR spectra of arylthalliumtrifluoroacetates: a clarification
Pages 469-471
William Kitching, Christopher J. Moore, David Doddrell, William Adcock