Division IV - Technical Sciences

Committee on Metrology
and Scientific Instrumentation

VOLUME IX - NUMBER 3/2002 [previous] [next]


Michał Wieczorowski - Sampling on a spiral for surface topography195
Czesław Łukianowicz - Microinterference methods of surface topography assessment209
Michał Wieczorowski - Future trends of surface topography analysis221
Edward Wantuch - Natural networks in induction research of the workpiece surface layer selected features235
Czesław Łukianowicz - Surface roughness assessment by light scattering247
Adam Boryczko - Stereometry turned surfaces in a frequency-domain formulation of profile irregularities261
Paweł Pawlus - The errors of surface topography measurement using stylus instruments273
Stanisław Adamczak, Włodzimierz Makieła - The simulation method for the determination of the measuring error of a curvilinear profile exemplified a circle using a coordinate measuring machine291
Andrzej Cellary - Mulitipoint methods of form deviation measurement of rotary objects303
Jan Chajda - Brief information about Conversatorium317
Jan Kaczmarek - O ewolucji diagnostyki powierzchni technicznych w świetle jej metriozofii321