Physical Review E – July 2000
Volume 62, Issue 1


General methods of statistical physics

Subdiffusive fluctuations of “pulled” fronts with multiplicative noise
Andrea Rocco, Ute Ebert, and Wim van Saarloos
pp. R13-R16 [View PDF (62 kB)]

Chaos and nonlinear dynamical systems

Extensive chaos in the Nikolaevskii model
Hao-wen Xi, Raúl Toral, J. D. Gunton, and Michael I. Tribelsky
pp. R17-R20 [View PDF (96 kB)]
Singular continuous spectra in a pseudointegrable billiard
Jan Wiersig
pp. R21-R24 [View PDF (62 kB)]
Surrogate data test for nonlinearity including nonmonotonic transforms
D. Kugiumtzis
pp. R25-R28 [View PDF (234 kB)]
Intermittency in chaotic rotations
Ying-Cheng Lai, Dieter Armbruster, and Eric J. Kostelich
pp. R29-R32 [View PDF (89 kB)]
See Also: Comment Reply

Classical fluids

Crossover from a square to a hexagonal pattern in Faraday surface waves
C. Wagner, H. W. Müller, and K. Knorr
pp. R33-R36 [View PDF (437 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Interlayer molecular exchange in an anticlinically ordered chiral liquid crystal
Boštjan Zalar, Alan Gregorovič, and Robert Blinc
pp. R37-R40 [View PDF (143 kB)]

Complex fluids, polymers, and granular materials

Stabilizing grafted colloids in a polymer melt: Favorable enthalpic interactions
Itamar Borukhov and Ludwik Leibler
pp. R41-R44 [View PDF (104 kB)]

Biological physics

Unbinding transitions and phase separation of multicomponent membranes
Thomas R. Weikl, Roland R. Netz, and Reinhard Lipowsky
pp. R45-R48 [View PDF (495 kB)]

Plasma physics

Intermittency and turbulence in a magnetically confined fusion plasma
V. Carbone, L. Sorriso-Valvo, E. Martines, V. Antoni, and P. Veltri
pp. R49-R52 [View PDF (59 kB)]

Classical physics, including nonlinear media

Curvature-induced symmetry breaking in nonlinear Schrödinger models
Yu. B. Gaididei, S. F. Mingaleev, and P. L. Christiansen
pp. R53-R56 [View PDF (76 kB)]
Spatiotemporally localized solitons in resonantly absorbing Bragg reflectors
M. Blaauboer, G. Kurizki, and B. A. Malomed
pp. R57-R59 [View PDF (77 kB)]
Existence of internal modes of sine-Gordon kinks
Niurka R. Quintero, Angel Sánchez, and Franz G. Mertens
pp. R60-R63 [View PDF (134 kB)]
See Also: Comment

Computational physics

Partitioning composite finite systems
A. S. Botvina, A. D. Jackson, and I. N. Mishustin
pp. R64-R67 [View PDF (74 kB)]


General methods of statistical physics

Three-dimensional Ising model in the fixed-magnetization ensemble: A Monte Carlo study
H. W. J. Blöte, J. R. Heringa, and M. M. Tsypin
pp. 77-82 [View PDF (90 kB)]
Asymmetric exclusion process with next-nearest-neighbor interaction: Some comments on traffic flow and a nonequilibrium reentrance transition
T. Antal and G. M. Schütz
pp. 83-93 [View PDF (134 kB)]
Lifetime enhancement of scroll rings by spatiotemporal fluctuations
V. Pérez-Muñuzuri, F. Sagués, and J. M. Sancho
pp. 94-99 [View PDF (171 kB)]
Critical packing fraction of rectangular particles on the square lattice
Markus Porto and H. Eduardo Roman
pp. 100-102 [View PDF (182 kB)]
See Also: Erratum
Random walks in logarithmic and power-law potentials, nonuniversal persistence, and vortex dynamics in the two-dimensional XY model
A. J. Bray
pp. 103-112 [View PDF (131 kB)]
Non-Turing stationary patterns in flow-distributed oscillators with general diffusion and flow rates
Razvan A. Satnoianu and Michael Menzinger
pp. 113-119 [View PDF (495 kB)]
Anomalous diffusion and the first passage time problem
Govindan Rangarajan and Mingzhou Ding
pp. 120-133 [View PDF (167 kB)]
Many-body partition function and thermal Hartree-Fock approximations
B. Farid, N. H. March, and A. K. Theophilou
pp. 134-140 [View PDF (85 kB)]
Front propagation in one-dimensional autocatalytic reactions: The breakdown of the classical picture at small particle concentrations
J. Mai, I. M. Sokolov, and A. Blumen
pp. 141-145 [View PDF (69 kB)]
Numerical verification of bona fide stochastic resonance
F. Marchesoni, L. Gammaitoni, F. Apostolico, and S. Santucci
pp. 146-149 [View PDF (134 kB)]
Power spectrum and detrended fluctuation analysis: Application to daily temperatures
Peter Talkner and Rudolf O. Weber
pp. 150-160 [View PDF (377 kB)]
Multiparticle biased diffusion-limited aggregation with surface diffusion: A comprehensive model of electrodeposition
Mario Castro, Rodolfo Cuerno, Angel Sánchez, and Francisco Domínguez-Adame
pp. 161-173 [View PDF (416 kB)]
Short-time dynamics and magnetic critical behavior of the two-dimensional random-bond Potts model
He-Ping Ying and Kenji Harada
pp. 174-178 [View PDF (76 kB)]
Error-correcting codes and image restoration with multiple stages of dynamics
K. Y. Michael Wong and Hidetoshi Nishimori
pp. 179-190 [View PDF (253 kB)]
Universality class of thermally diluted Ising systems at criticality
Manuel I. Marqués, Julio A. Gonzalo, and Jorge Íñiguez
pp. 191-196 [View PDF (148 kB)]
Passage through a barrier with a slowly increasing control parameter
C. Nicolis and G. Nicolis
pp. 197-203 [View PDF (104 kB)]
Mean-field approximations to the longest common subsequence problem
J. Boutet de Monvel
pp. 204-209 [View PDF (203 kB)]
Fluctuation-response relations for multitime correlations
Gregory L. Eyink
pp. 210-220 [View PDF (145 kB)]
Collective diffusion and a random energy landscape
Michael Schulz and Steffen Trimper
pp. 221-226 [View PDF (75 kB)]
Evaluation of the smallest nonvanishing eigenvalue of the Fokker-Planck equation for the Brownian motion in a potential. II. The matrix continued fraction approach
Yu. P. Kalmykov
pp. 227-236 [View PDF (139 kB)]
Critical transitions in colliding cascades
A. Gabrielov, V. Keilis-Borok, I. Zaliapin, and W. I. Newman
pp. 237-249 [View PDF (1,099 kB)]
Percolation in sign-symmetric random fields: Topological aspects and numerical modeling
Alexander V. Milovanov and Gaetano Zimbardo
pp. 250-260 [View PDF (309 kB)]
Incoherent neutron scattering functions for diffusion inside two concentric spheres
D. J. Bicout
pp. 261-271 [View PDF (165 kB)]
Transport in nonequilibrium systems with position-dependent mobility
Rolf H. Luchsinger
pp. 272-275 [View PDF (84 kB)]
Extremal-point densities of interface fluctuations
Z. Toroczkai, G. Korniss, S. Das Sarma, and R. K. P. Zia
pp. 276-294 [View PDF (269 kB)]
Bak-Sneppen model near zero dimension
S. N. Dorogovtsev, J. F. F. Mendes, and Yu. G. Pogorelov
pp. 295-298 [View PDF (56 kB)]
Intrawell stochastic resonance versus interwell stochastic resonance in underdamped bistable systems
L. Alfonsi, L. Gammaitoni, S. Santucci, and A. R. Bulsara
pp. 299-302 [View PDF (139 kB)]
Canonical solution of a system of long-range interacting rotators on a lattice
Alessandro Campa, Andrea Giansanti, and Daniele Moroni
pp. 303-306 [View PDF (61 kB)]
Maximal work problem in finite-time thermodynamics
Anatoly M. Tsirlin and Vladimir Kazakov
pp. 307-316 [View PDF (125 kB)]
Theory of controlling stochastic resonance
Markus Löcher, Mario E. Inchiosa, Joseph Neff, Adi Bulsara, Kurt Wiesenfeld, Luca Gammaitoni, Peter Hänggi, and William Ditto
pp. 317-327 [View PDF (950 kB)]
Correlation functions in the factorization approach of nonextensive quantum statistics
Marcelo R. Ubriaco
pp. 328-332 [View PDF (71 kB)]

Chaos and nonlinear dynamical systems

Full instability behavior of N-dimensional dynamical systems with a one-directional nonlinear vector field
J. Rius, M. Figueras, R. Herrero, F. Pi, J. Farjas, and G. Orriols
pp. 333-348 [View PDF (314 kB)]
Multibaker map for thermodynamic cross effects in dynamical systems
László Mátyás, Tamás Tél, and Jürgen Vollmer
pp. 349-365 [View PDF (316 kB)]
Front propagation and pattern formation in anisotropic bistable media
Markus Bär, Aric Hagberg, Ehud Meron, and Uwe Thiele
pp. 366-374 [View PDF (749 kB)]
Intermingled basins and on-off intermittency in a multistate system
Meng Zhan and Gang Hu
pp. 375-383 [View PDF (374 kB)]
Delayed-feedback control of spatial bifurcations and chaos in open-flow models
Keiji Konishi, Hideki Kokame, and Kentaro Hirata
pp. 384-388 [View PDF (149 kB)]
Dynamic quasicrystalline patterns: Wave-mode–Turing-mode resonance with Turing-mode self-interaction
Ziad H. Musslimani and Len M. Pismen
pp. 389-396 [View PDF (230 kB)]
Intermingled basins due to finite accuracy
Malte Schmick, Eric Goles, and Mario Markus
pp. 397-401 [View PDF (122 kB)]
Collective phase slips and phase synchronizations in coupled oscillator systems
Zhigang Zheng, Bambi Hu, and Gang Hu
pp. 402-408 [View PDF (191 kB)]
Short-time effects on eigenstate structure in Sinai billiards and related systems
L. Kaplan and E. J. Heller
pp. 409-426 [View PDF (671 kB)]
Chaos or noise: Difficulties of a distinction
M. Cencini, M. Falcioni, E. Olbrich, H. Kantz, and A. Vulpiani
pp. 427-437 [View PDF (163 kB)]
Phase synchronization of coupled Ginzburg-Landau equations
Lutz Junge and Ulrich Parlitz
pp. 438-441 [View PDF (256 kB)]
Quantum response for chaotic resonances
A. Iomin
pp. 442-449 [View PDF (117 kB)]
Spectroscopic studies in open quantum systems
I. Rotter, E. Persson, K. Pichugin, and P. Šeba
pp. 450-461 [View PDF (648 kB)]
Unstable dimension variability and synchronization of chaotic systems
Ricardo L. Viana and Celso Grebogi
pp. 462-468 [View PDF (159 kB)]

Classical fluids

Magnetic compensation of gravity forces in (p-) hydrogen near its critical point: Application to weightless conditions
R. Wunenburger, D. Chatain, Y. Garrabos, and D. Beysens
pp. 469-476 [View PDF (504 kB)]
Local Marangoni number at the onset of hydrothermal waves
Miguel Angel Pelacho, Angel Garcimartín, and Javier Burguete
pp. 477-483 [View PDF (401 kB)]
Symmetries, invariants, and cascades in a shell model of turbulence
P. D. Ditlevsen
pp. 484-489 [View PDF (87 kB)]
Statistics of velocity fluctuations arising from a random distribution of point vortices: The speed of fluctuations and the diffusion coefficient
Pierre-Henri Chavanis and Clément Sire
pp. 490-506 [View PDF (197 kB)]
Thermal lattice Boltzmann simulation for multispecies fluid equilibration
Linda Vahala, Darren Wah, George Vahala, Jonathan Carter, and Pavol Pavlo
pp. 507-516 [View PDF (503 kB)]
Decay rates of internal waves in a fluid near the liquid-vapor critical point
K. F. Gurski and R. L. Pego
pp. 517-524 [View PDF (119 kB)]
Universality of k-1 noise, the enstrophy cascade, and the large-scale atmospheric spectrum
Kamen N. Beronov
pp. 525-531 [View PDF (235 kB)]
Velocity cross-correlations and atomic momentum transfer in simple liquids with different potential cores
A. Verdaguer and J. A. Padró
pp. 532-537 [View PDF (115 kB)]
Statistical geometry of cavities in a metastable confined fluid
Aleksey Vishnyakov, Pablo G. Debenedetti, and Alexander V. Neimark
pp. 538-544 [View PDF (357 kB)]
Geometric properties of passive random advection
Stanislav A. Boldyrev and Alexander A. Schekochihin
pp. 545-552 [View PDF (112 kB)]
Difference-quotient turbulence model: Analytical solutions for the core region of plane Poiseuille flow
Peter W. Egolf and Daniel A. Weiss
pp. 553-563 [View PDF (254 kB)]
Distribution of scales in turbulence
Haris J. Catrakis
pp. 564-578 [View PDF (471 kB)]
Hydrogen-bond dynamics for the extended simple point-charge model of water
Francis W. Starr, Johannes K. Nielsen, and H. Eugene Stanley
pp. 579-587 [View PDF (176 kB)]
Adsorption on a periodically corrugated substrate
K. Rejmer and M. Napiórkowski
pp. 588-596 [View PDF (157 kB)]
Isotope effect of diffusion in a simple liquid
M. Kluge and H. R. Schober
pp. 597-600 [View PDF (49 kB)]
Prediction of pattern selection due to an interaction between longitudinal rolls and transverse modes in a flow through a rectangular channel heated from below
Yuki Kato and Kaoru Fujimura
pp. 601-611 [View PDF (227 kB)]
Molecular dynamics simulation of the fragile glass-former orthoterphenyl: A flexible molecule model
S. Mossa, R. Di Leonardo, G. Ruocco, and M. Sampoli
pp. 612-630 [View PDF (512 kB)]
Dynamics of a charged simple fluid with exponential memory and two relaxation times
J. E. Flores-Mena and J. L. Carrillo
pp. 631-639 [View PDF (120 kB)]
Velocity and temperature scaling in a rough wall boundary layer
R. A. Antonia and R. J. Smalley
pp. 640-646 [View PDF (128 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Thermal fluctuations and x-ray scattering from free-standing smectic-A films
L. V. Mirantsev
pp. 647-657 [View PDF (161 kB)]
Hexagonal symmetry for smectic blue phases
B. Pansu, E. Grelet, M. H. Li, and H. T. Nguyen
pp. 658-665 [View PDF (355 kB)]
Theory of chiral modulations and fluctuations in smectic-A liquid crystals under an electric field
Jonathan V. Selinger, Jianling Xu, Robin L. B. Selinger, B. R. Ratna, and R. Shashidhar
pp. 666-674 [View PDF (335 kB)]
Determination of the thermo-optic coefficients and the thermal conductivities of a ferrofluid-doped lyotropic nematic liquid crystal using a nonlinear optical technique
S. L. Gómez and A. M. Figueiredo Neto
pp. 675-680 [View PDF (94 kB)]
Surface oscillations of smectic-A liquid crystals
D. O. Fedorov, V. P. Romanov, and S. V. Ul’yanov
pp. 681-688 [View PDF (97 kB)]
Surface- and optical-field-induced Fréedericksz transitions and hysteresis in a nematic cell
Jianru Shi and Hong Yue
pp. 689-698 [View PDF (118 kB)]
Coherent x-ray scattering and dynamics of fluctuations in smectic-A and crystal-B films: Continuous model
A. N. Shalaginov and D. E. Sullivan
pp. 699-710 [View PDF (257 kB)]
Defect configurations and dynamical behavior in a Gay-Berne nematic emulsion
Jeffrey L. Billeter and Robert A. Pelcovits
pp. 711-717 [View PDF (1,223 kB)]
Influence of surface treatment on the smectic ordering within porous glass
S. Kralj, A. Zidanšek, G. Lahajnar, S. Žumer, and R. Blinc
pp. 718-725 [View PDF (189 kB)]

Complex fluids, polymers, and granular materials

Structure analysis of regenerated cellulose hydrogels by small-angle and ultra-small-angle x-ray scattering
Hitoshi Ando and Toshiki Konishi
pp. 727-733 [View PDF (350 kB)]
Structure transition in cluster-cluster aggregation under external fields
Zhi-Jie Tan, Xian-Wu Zou, Wen-Bing Zhang, and Zhun-Zhi Jin
pp. 734-737 [View PDF (66 kB)]
Influence of the number of layers on the equilibrium of a granular packing
M. A. Aguirre, N. Nerone, A. Calvo, I. Ippolito, and D. Bideau
pp. 738-743 [View PDF (245 kB)]
Collective response of an array of rotating particles to fluctuating confining forces
G. Schliecker, Y. Khidas, M. Ammi, and J.-C. Messager
pp. 744-755 [View PDF (191 kB)]
Contact line deposits in an evaporating drop
Robert D. Deegan, Olgica Bakajin, Todd F. Dupont, Greg Huber, Sidney R. Nagel, and Thomas A. Witten
pp. 756-765 [View PDF (383 kB)]
Crossover from the hydrodynamic regime to the thermal fluctuation regime in a two-dimensional phase-separating binary fluid containing surfactants
Jiunn-Ren Roan and Chin-Kun Hu
pp. 766-774 [View PDF (291 kB)]
Segment diffusion and flip-flop spin diffusion in entangled polyethyleneoxide melts: A field-gradient NMR diffusometry study
Elmar Fischer, Rainer Kimmich, Nail Fatkullin, and Galina Yatsenko
pp. 775-782 [View PDF (112 kB)]
Experimental studies of the liquid-glass transition in trimethylheptane
G. Q. Shen, J. Toulouse, S. Beaufils, B. Bonello, Y. H. Hwang, P. Finkel, J. Hernandez, M. Bertault, M. Maglione, C. Ecolivet, and H. Z. Cummins
pp. 783-792 [View PDF (235 kB)]
Chemical waves in self-oscillating gels
Kenji Miyakawa, Fumitaka Sakamoto, Ryo Yoshida, Etsuo Kokufuta, and Tomohiko Yamaguchi
pp. 793-798 [View PDF (144 kB)]
Partitioning of a polymer chain between two confining cavities: The role of electrostatic interactions
Stefan Tsonchev, Rob D. Coalson, and Anthony Duncan
pp. 799-806 [View PDF (110 kB)]
Flow and pattern formation in a binary mixture of rotating granular materials
R. Khosropour, E. Valachovic, and B. Lincoln
pp. 807-812 [View PDF (314 kB)]
Particle characterization using multiple scattering decorrelation methods: Hard-sphere model system
Andreas Heymann, Christian Sinn, and Thomas Palberg
pp. 813-820 [View PDF (171 kB)]
Static and dynamic properties of the backbone network for the irreversible kinetic gelation model
Dae Yeun Ki, Kyung Yoon Woo, and Sang Bub Lee
pp. 821-827 [View PDF (108 kB)]
Simulation of natural convection effects on succinonitrile crystals
Robert Tönhardt and Gustav Amberg
pp. 828-836 [View PDF (117 kB)]
Statistical fractal adsorption isotherms, linear energy relations, and power-law trapping-time distributions in porous media
Marcel Ovidiu Vlad, Gianfranco Cerofolini, and John Ross
pp. 837-844 [View PDF (160 kB)]
Steady adiabatic state: Its thermodynamics, entropy production, energy dissipation, and violation of Onsager relations
A. E. Allahverdyan and Th. M. Nieuwenhuizen
pp. 845-850 [View PDF (80 kB)]
Monodisperse colloidal plates under shear
A. B. D. Brown and A. R. Rennie
pp. 851-862 [View PDF (730 kB)]
Identification of the permeability field of a porous medium from the injection of a passive tracer
Lang Zhan and Yannis C. Yortsos
pp. 863-879 [View PDF (2,516 kB)]
Conformational statistics of stiff macromolecules as solutions to partial differential equations on the rotation and motion groups
Gregory S. Chirikjian and Yunfeng Wang
pp. 880-892 [View PDF (168 kB)]
Stochastic reconstruction of sandstones
C. Manwart, S. Torquato, and R. Hilfer
pp. 893-899 [View PDF (117 kB)]
Superlattice formation in mixtures of hard-sphere colloids
Neil Hunt, Roger Jardine, and Paul Bartlett
pp. 900-913 [View PDF (318 kB)]
Roughening, deroughening, and nonuniversal scaling of the interface width in electrophoretic deposition of polymer chains
Frank W. Bentrem, R. B. Pandey, and Fereydoon Family
pp. 914-917 [View PDF (190 kB)]
Indirect interaction of colloidal particles adsorbed on smectic films
Peter Schiller
pp. 918-926 [View PDF (122 kB)]
Kramers problem for a polymer in a double well
K. L. Sebastian and Alok K. R. Paul
pp. 927-939 [View PDF (469 kB)]
Wetting in a phase separating polymer blend film: Quench depth dependence
Mark Geoghegan, Hubert Ermer, Gerald Jüngst, Georg Krausch, and Rüdiger Brenn
pp. 940-950 [View PDF (595 kB)]
Fabricating colloidal particles with photolithography and their interactions at an air-water interface
A. B. D. Brown, C. G. Smith, and A. R. Rennie
pp. 951-960 [View PDF (868 kB)]
Reverse and intermediate segregation of large beads in dry granular media
N. Thomas
pp. 961-974 [View PDF (1,244 kB)]
Out-of-equilibrium nucleation in the solidification of helium
T. A. Johnson and C. Elbaum
pp. 975-981 [View PDF (106 kB)]
Mechanical properties of granular media, including snow, investigated by a low-frequency forced torsion pendulum
G. D’Anna
pp. 982-992 [View PDF (185 kB)]
Towards a quantification of disorder in materials: Distinguishing equilibrium and glassy sphere packings
T. M. Truskett, S. Torquato, and P. G. Debenedetti
pp. 993-1001 [View PDF (262 kB)]
Intermittency in dynamics of two-dimensional vortexlike defects
V. V. Lebedev
pp. 1002-1016 [View PDF (182 kB)]
Structure of a mixed dipolar liquid near a metal surface: A combined approach of weighted density and perturbative approximations
Sanjib Senapati and Amalendu Chandra
pp. 1017-1024 [View PDF (115 kB)]

Biological physics

Electroporation dynamics in biological cells subjected to ultrafast electrical pulses: A numerical simulation study
R. P. Joshi and K. H. Schoenbach
pp. 1025-1033 [View PDF (112 kB)]
Bacterial turgor pressure can be measured by atomic force microscopy
Markus Arnoldi, Monika Fritz, Edmund Bäuerlein, Manfred Radmacher, Erich Sackmann, and Alexei Boulbitch
pp. 1034-1044 [View PDF (729 kB)]
Elastic property of single double-stranded DNA molecules: Theoretical study and comparison with experiments
Haijun Zhou, Yang Zhang, and Zhong-can Ou-Yang
pp. 1045-1058 [View PDF (178 kB)]
Extinction transition in bacterial colonies under forced convection
T. Neicu, A. Pradhan, D. A. Larochelle, and A. Kudrolli
pp. 1059-1062 [View PDF (153 kB)]
Information coding via spontaneous oscillations in neural ensembles
Yuqing Wang and Z. D. Wang
pp. 1063-1068 [View PDF (147 kB)]
Structural properties of the sliding columnar phase in layered liquid crystalline systems
L. Golubović, T. C. Lubensky, and C. S. O’Hern
pp. 1069-1094 [View PDF (578 kB)]
Spatial evolutionary prisoner’s dilemma game with three strategies and external constraints
György Szabó, Tibor Antal, Péter Szabó, and Michel Droz
pp. 1095-1103 [View PDF (144 kB)]
Role of noise in image processing by the human perceptive system
M. Piana, M. Canfora, and M. Riani
pp. 1104-1109 [View PDF (62 kB)]
Spectromicroscopy of boron in human glioblastomas following administration of Na2B12H11SH
B. Gilbert, L. Perfetti, O. Fauchoux, J. Redondo, P.-A. Baudat, R. Andres, M. Neumann, S. Steen, D. Gabel, Delio Mercanti, M. Teresa Ciotti, P. Perfetti, G. Margaritondo, and Gelsomina De Stasio
pp. 1110-1118 [View PDF (226 kB)]
Extinctions and taxonomy in a trophic model of coevolution
Juan Camacho and Ricard V. Solé
pp. 1119-1123 [View PDF (515 kB)]
Pressure patches for membranes: The induced pinch of a grafted polymer
T. Bickel, C. Marques, and C. Jeppesen
pp. 1124-1127 [View PDF (128 kB)]
Pulling a polymer out of a potential well and the mechanical unzipping of DNA
K. L. Sebastian
pp. 1128-1132 [View PDF (109 kB)]
Spontaneous base flipping in DNA and its possible role in methyltransferase binding
Y. Z. Chen, V. Mohan, and R. H. Griffey
pp. 1133-1137 [View PDF (148 kB)]
Multiscaling and information content of natural color images
Antonio Turiel, Néstor Parga, Daniel L. Ruderman, and Thomas W. Cronin
pp. 1138-1148 [View PDF (852 kB)]
Emergent global oscillations in heterogeneous excitable media: The example of pancreatic β cells
Julyan H. E. Cartwright
pp. 1149-1154 [View PDF (76 kB)]

Plasma physics

Electromagnetic instabilities in unmagnetized plasmas
H. Saleem, K. Watanabe, and T. Sato
pp. 1155-1161 [View PDF (85 kB)]
Bifurcations and transport barriers in the resistive-g paradigm
M. Berning and K. H. Spatschek
pp. 1162-1174 [View PDF (607 kB)]
Linear theory of plasma wakes
Giovanni Lapenta
pp. 1175-1181 [View PDF (134 kB)]
Modeling of electron-cyclotron-resonance-heated plasmas
A. Girard, C. Pernot, G. Melin, and C. Lécot
pp. 1182-1189 [View PDF (228 kB)]
Mie and Debye scattering in dusty plasmas
R. Guerra and J. T. Mendonça
pp. 1190-1201 [View PDF (182 kB)]
Hydrodynamic simulation of subpicosecond laser interaction with solid-density matter
K. Eidmann, J. Meyer-ter-Vehn, T. Schlegel, and S. Hüller
pp. 1202-1214 [View PDF (224 kB)]
Nonlinear oscillations of trapped plasmas
Sh. G. Amiranashvili
pp. 1215-1223 [View PDF (116 kB)]
Equation-of-state properties of high-energy-density matter using intense heavy ion beams with an annular focal spot
N. A. Tahir, D. H. H. Hoffmann, A. Kozyreva, A. Shutov, J. A. Maruhn, U. Neuner, A. Tauschwitz, P. Spiller, and R. Bock
pp. 1224-1233 [View PDF (287 kB)]
Threshold of induced transparency in the relativistic interaction of an electromagnetic wave with overdense plasmas
F. Cattani, A. Kim, D. Anderson, and M. Lisak
pp. 1234-1237 [View PDF (56 kB)]
Melting of dust plasma crystals with defects
I. V. Schweigert, V. A. Schweigert, A. Melzer, and A. Piel
pp. 1238-1244 [View PDF (165 kB)]
Evidence for topological nonequilibrium in magnetic configurations
S. I. Vainshtein, Z. Mikić, R. Rosner, and J. A. Linker
pp. 1245-1251 [View PDF (213 kB)]

Physics of beams

Hybrid Čerenkov mode in a resonant medium
Levi Schächter
pp. 1252-1257 [View PDF (124 kB)]
Collective beam-beam effects in hadron colliders
J. Shi and D. Yao
pp. 1258-1265 [View PDF (171 kB)]
Theory of wakefields in a dielectric-lined waveguide
S. Y. Park and J. L. Hirshfield
pp. 1266-1283 [View PDF (321 kB)]

Classical physics, including nonlinear media

Solitary current-density patterns in thin ZnS:Mn films
S. Zuccaro, F.-J. Niedernostheide, B. Kukuk, M. Strych, and H.-G. Purwins
pp. 1284-1289 [View PDF (311 kB)]
Theory of surface nuclear magnetic resonance with applications to geophysical imaging problems
Peter B. Weichman, Eugene M. Lavely, and Michael H. Ritzwoller
pp. 1290-1312 [View PDF (1,300 kB)]
Exact soliton solutions for a family of N coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations in optical fiber media
K. Nakkeeran
pp. 1313-1321 [View PDF (90 kB)]
Stable solitons of quadratic Ginzburg-Landau equations
Lucian-Cornel Crasovan, Boris A. Malomed, Dumitru Mihalache, Dumitru Mazilu, and Falk Lederer
pp. 1322-1327 [View PDF (713 kB)]
Two-dimensional optical spatiotemporal solitons in quadratic media
Xiang Liu, Kale Beckwitt, and Frank Wise
pp. 1328-1340 [View PDF (580 kB)]
Acoustic energy and momentum in a moving medium
Michael Stone
pp. 1341-1350 [View PDF (112 kB)]
Viscoplasticity and the dynamics of brittle fracture
J. S. Langer
pp. 1351-1360 [View PDF (114 kB)]
Onset of fluidization in vertically shaken granular material
Thorsten Pöschel, Thomas Schwager, and Clara Salueña
pp. 1361-1367 [View PDF (97 kB)]

Computational physics

Long-lived localized field configurations in small lattices: Application to oscillons
M. Gleiser and A. Sornborger
pp. 1368-1374 [View PDF (95 kB)]
Dissipative high phase-lag order Numerov-type methods for the numerical solution of the Schrödinger equation
G. Avdelas and T. E. Simos
pp. 1375-1381 [View PDF (79 kB)]
Numerical solution of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation using an explicit finite-difference scheme: An application to trapped Bose-Einstein condensates
M. M. Cerimele, M. L. Chiofalo, F. Pistella, S. Succi, and M. P. Tosi
pp. 1382-1389 [View PDF (123 kB)]
Energy correction for isolated impurities under periodic boundary conditions
Hanae Nozaki and Satoshi Itoh
pp. 1390-1396 [View PDF (119 kB)]
Improved Rosenbluth Monte Carlo scheme for cluster counting and lattice animal enumeration
C. M. Care and R. Ettelaie
pp. 1397-1404 [View PDF (117 kB)]
Numerical model for collisions in the drift approximation that reproduces classical and neoclassical transport
Qudsia Quraishi and Scott Robertson
pp. 1405-1412 [View PDF (104 kB)]


Chaos and nonlinear dynamical systems

Classical fluids

Measurement of negative Soret coefficients in a vertical fluid layer with an adverse density gradient
M. M. Bou-Ali, O. Ecenarro, J. A. Madariaga, C. M. Santamaría, and J. J. Valencia
pp. 1420-1423 [View PDF (49 kB)]
Statistical properties of passive tracers in a positive four-point vortex model
Sílvio Gama and Paula Milheiro-Oliveira
pp. 1424-1426 [View PDF (51 kB)]
Voids in the H-bonded network of water and their manifestation in the structure factor
David R. Barker, Mark Wilson, Paul A. Madden, Nikolai N. Medvedev, and Alfons Geiger
pp. 1427-1430 [View PDF (56 kB)]

Liquid crystals

Nematic liquid crystal viscosity: Inadequacies of microscopic theories
Agnieszka Chrzanowska
pp. 1431-1434 [View PDF (49 kB)]
Blue phases of cholesteric liquid crystals as thermotropic photonic crystals
P. Etchegoin
pp. 1435-1437 [View PDF (40 kB)]

Complex fluids, polymers, and granular materials

Correlation functions for glass-forming systems
R. L. Jacobs
pp. 1438-1440 [View PDF (54 kB)]
Validity of a macroscopic description in dilute polymeric solutions
P. Ilg and I. V. Karlin
pp. 1441-1443 [View PDF (43 kB)]

Biological physics

Nutrient chemotaxis suppression of a diffusive instability in bacterial colony dynamics
Scott Arouh and Herbert Levine
pp. 1444-1447 [View PDF (74 kB)]
Online learning with ensembles
R. Urbanczik
pp. 1448-1451 [View PDF (57 kB)]

Plasma physics

Boundary conditions in fluid models of gas discharges
G. J. M. Hagelaar, F. J. de Hoog, and G. M. W. Kroesen
pp. 1452-1454 [View PDF (79 kB)]


Erratum: Responses of a Hodgkin-Huxley neuron to various types of spike-train inputs [Phys. Rev. E 61, 718 (2000)]
Hideo Hasegawa
pp. 1456 [View PDF (73 kB)]
Erratum: Three-dimensional spinning solitons in dispersive media with the cubic-quintic nonlinearity [Phys. Rev. E 61, 3107 (2000)]
Anton Desyatnikov, Andrey Maimistov, and Boris Malomed
pp. 1457 [View PDF (11 kB)]