Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 15 January 1963
(Volume 129, Issue 2)

Measurements of Electronic Thermal Conductivity in Magnetoplasmas
F. Rostas, Ashok K. Bhattacharya, and J. H. Cahn
pp. 495-505 [View   PDF (1976 kB) ]

Microwave Emission from Non-Maxwellian Plasmas
H. Fields, G. Bekefi, and Sanborn C. Brown
pp. 506-515 [View   PDF (1901 kB) ]

Observations of Ionic Sound Waves in Plasmas: Their Properties and Applications
I. Alexeff and R. V. Neidigh
pp. 516-527 [View   PDF (2713 kB) ]

Magnetization and Critical Supercurrents
Y. B. Kim, C. F. Hempstead, and A. R. Strnad
pp. 528-535 [View   PDF (1577 kB) ]

Intensity Dependence of X-Ray-Induced Strain and Coloration in KCl at Room Temperature
Edward Abramson and M. E. Caspari
pp. 536-550 [View   PDF (3257 kB) ]

Adiabatic Approximations and Superconductivity Theories
Robert Englman
pp. 551-553 [View   PDF (542 kB) ]

Orthogonal Orbitals and Generalized Wannier Functions
Jacques Des Cloizeaux
pp. 554-566 [View   PDF (2257 kB) ]

Static Magnetoelastic Coupling in Cubic Crystals
Earl R. Callen and Herbert B. Callen
pp. 578-593 [View   PDF (2710 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Infrared Light Stimulation and Quenching in ZnS Phosphors
Karl M. Luchner, Hartmut P. Kallmann, Bernard Kramer, and Peter Wachter
pp. 593-596 [View   PDF (781 kB) ]

Model of Thermally Activated Hopping Motion in Solids
G. L. Sewell
pp. 597-608 [View   PDF (2435 kB) ]

Density and Energy of Surface States on Cleaved Surfaces of Germanium
D. R. Palmer, S. R. Morrison, and C. E. Dauenbaugh
pp. 608-613 [View   PDF (1086 kB) ]

Selection Rules for Cyclotron Resonance of Holes in Germanium and Silicon
Hiroshi Kamimura
pp. 614-617 [View   PDF (764 kB) ]

Self-Diffusion in Silver-Gold Solid Solutions
W. C. Mallard, A. B. Gardner, Ralph F. Bass, and L. M. Slifkin
pp. 617-625 [View   PDF (1903 kB) ]

Crystal Structure Variations in Alpha Uranium at Low Temperatures
C. S. Barrett, M. H. Mueller, and R. L. Hitterman
pp. 625-629 [View   PDF (945 kB) ]

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Solid Helium-3
Haskell A. Reich
pp. 630-643 [View   PDF (2911 kB) ]

Perturbation Theory Using a Reduced Set of States
Jerome I. Kaplan
pp. 644-646 [View   PDF (380 kB) ]

High-Frequency Magnetoacoustic Measurements in Indium and Lead
John A. Rayne
pp. 652-657 [View   PDF (1116 kB) ]

Solid State and Nuclear Results from a Mössbauer-Type Study of Au197
Louis D. Roberts and J. O. Thomson
pp. 664-673 [View   PDF (2112 kB) ]

Photoelectric K-Absorption Cross Section of Beryllium
T. J. Peterson, E. J. McGuire, and D. H. Tomboulian
pp. 674-677 [View   PDF (859 kB) ]

Alkali Polarizabilities by the Atomic Beam Electrostatic Deflection Method
George E. Chamberlain and Jens C. Zorn
pp. 677-680 [View   PDF (791 kB) ]

Threshold Effects in Average Cross Sections According to R-Matrix Theory
W. E. Meyerhof
pp. 692-702 [View   PDF (2010 kB) ]

Isomeric Transition in Samarium-143
W. L. Alford and D. R. Koehler
pp. 703-704 [View   PDF (469 kB) ]

Levels in Y89 Excited by the Y89(n,nγ) Reaction
S. M. Shafroth, P. N. Trehan, and D. M. Van Patter
pp. 704-716 [View   PDF (2809 kB) ]

Photodisintegration of Helium
M. L. Rustgi and S. N. Mukherjee
pp. 717-719 [View   PDF (439 kB) ]

C13(d,n)N14 and O18(d,n)F19 Differential Cross Sections at 3.9-MeV Bombarding Energy
R. E. Benenson and B. Yaramis
pp. 720-726 [View   PDF (1537 kB) ]

Shell-Model Study of Mn55
Ervin H. Schwarcz
pp. 727-732 [View   PDF (934 kB) ]

Neutrons from D + T and D + H
C. H. Poppe, C. H. Holbrow, and R. R. Borchers
pp. 733-739 [View   PDF (1225 kB) ]

Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of 31.1-MeV Protons by Carbon-12
J. Kirk Dickens, David A. Haner, and Charles N. Waddell
pp. 743-753 [View   PDF (1654 kB) ]

Average Resonance Parameters and the Optical Model
P. A. Moldauer
pp. 754-756 [View   PDF (550 kB) ]

Lifetimes of the 246- and 46.7-keV Transitions in Po210
E. G. Funk, H. J. Prask, F. Schima, J. McNulty, and J. W. Mihelich
pp. 757-759 [View   PDF (569 kB) ]

Polarization and Angular Distribution Measurements on the Neutrons from the Be9(p,n)B9 Reaction
C. A. Kelsey, G. P. Lietz, S. F. Trevino, and S. E. Darden
pp. 759-764 [View   PDF (1337 kB) ]

Proton Groups from the S33(d,p)S34 Reaction
M. W. Brenner
pp. 765-768 [View   PDF (568 kB) ]

Yield Ratios of Isomers Produced by Neutron Activation
Bernard Keisch
pp. 769-775 [View   PDF (1397 kB) ]

Properties of Finite Nuclei
K. S. Masterson and A. M. Lockett
pp. 776-785 [View   PDF (1879 kB) ]

He3+t Reactions
Darryl B. Smith, Nelson Jarmie, and A. M. Lockett
pp. 785-790 [View   PDF (1135 kB) ]

Absolute Cross Sections and Angular Distributions for Charged Particles from Lithium-Lithium Nuclear Reactions
M. N. Huberman, M. Kamegai, and G. C. Morrison
pp. 791-802 [View   PDF (2375 kB) ]

Nuclear E1 Peak Splitting
D. C. Peaslee
pp. 808-815 [View   PDF (1764 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Positron Decay of Y88
J. I. Rhode, O. E. Johnson, and W. G. Smith
pp. 815-820 [View   PDF (1338 kB) ]

Applications of Polology to Stripping Reactions
C. Dullemond and H. J. Schnitzer
pp. 821-826 [View   PDF (1138 kB) ]

Lifetimes of the Low-Energy M1 Transitions in La137 and Kr83
S. L. Ruby, Y. Hazoni, and M. Pasternak
pp. 826-828 [View   PDF (592 kB) ]

1.57-MeV State in Mo94
C. W. Reich, R. P. Schuman, and R. L. Heath
pp. 829-835 [View   PDF (1534 kB) ]

Deuterons from High-Energy Proton Bombardment of Matter
S. T. Butler and C. A. Pearson
pp. 836-842 [View   PDF (1088 kB) ]

Semi-Phenomenological Model for Meson Production in High-Energy Nucleon-Nucleon Collisions
J. W. Olley and S. T. Butler
pp. 843-854 [View   PDF (1768 kB) ]

Production of Tritons, Deuterons, Nucleons, and Mesons by 30-GeV Protons on A1, Be, and Fe Targets
A. Schwarzschild and Č. Zupančič
pp. 854-862 [View   PDF (1745 kB) ]

Spin Rotation Coefficients in nπ-N Scattering
Young S. Kim
pp. 862-865 [View   PDF (606 kB) ]

Partial and Total Capture Probabilities of Negative Muons by C12
M. Ruel and J. G. Brennan
pp. 866-869 [View   PDF (721 kB) ]

Measurement of the Magnetic Moment of the Λ0 Hyperon
W. Kernan, T. B. Novey, S. D. Warshaw, and A. Wattenberg
pp. 870-872 [View   PDF (580 kB) ]

Low-Energy Pion-Pion Scattering. II
Louis A. Balázs
pp. 872-876 [View   PDF (1008 kB) ]

Elastic μ- Scattering in Nuclear Emulsion
D. Kotelchuck, J. G. McEwen, and J. Orear
pp. 876-879 [View   PDF (846 kB) ]

Nuclear Many-Body Problem with Nonuniform Density. I. Theory
D. S. Koltun and L. Wilets
pp. 880-888 [View   PDF (1304 kB) ]

Sampson-Seitz Procedures and the Static Responses of Normal Fermion Systems
Ronald M. Rockmore
pp. 926-936 [View   PDF (1323 kB) ]

Analytic Approximation to the Low-Energy Solutions of Inverse Amplitude Dispersion Relations
I. R. Gatland and J. W. Moffat
pp. 937-940 [View   PDF (694 kB) ]

Quantum-Mechanical Measurement Operator
James Albertson
pp. 940-943 [View   PDF (816 kB) ]

Quantum Statistical Mechanics of a Many-Body System with Several Components
R. K. Pathria and M. P. Kawatra
pp. 944-959 [View   PDF (2560 kB) ]

Quantum Cell Model for Bosons
H. A. Gersch and G. C. Knollman
pp. 959-967 [View   PDF (1441 kB) ]

Dispersion-Theoretic Impulse Approximation for Potential Scattering
Leonard Rosenberg
pp. 968-973 [View   PDF (1126 kB) ]

Regge Poles and Inelastic Scattering at High Energies
A. P. Contogouris, S. C. Frautschi, and How-sen Wong
pp. 974-981 [View   PDF (1715 kB) ]

Overlapping Final-State Interactions
Ronald F. Peierls and Jan Tarski
pp. 981-990 [View   PDF (1737 kB) ]