Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 15 August 1963
(Volume 131, Issue 4)

Magnetodynamic Instabilities in a Plasma-Beam System
Jacob Neufeld and Harvel Wright
pp. 1395-1401 [View   PDF (1032 kB) ]

Coulomb Self-Energy of Axial Figures
Robert Beringer
pp. 1402-1406 [View   PDF (882 kB) ]

Computations of Radial Distribution Functions for a Classical Electron Gas
David D. Carley
pp. 1406-1409 [View   PDF (585 kB) ]

Neutron Scattering by an Anharmonic Crystal
B. V. Thompson
pp. 1420-1427 [View   PDF (1051 kB) ]

Magnetic Susceptibilities and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Measurements in V-Fe Alloys
D. J. Lam, D. O. Van Ostenburg, M. V. Nevitt, H. D. Trapp, and D. W. Pracht
pp. 1428-1433 [View   PDF (913 kB) ]

Phonon Scattering by Point Defects
C. T. Walker and R. O. Pohl
pp. 1433-1442 [View   PDF (1820 kB) ]

Influence of Localized Modes on Thermal Conductivity
Max Wagner
pp. 1443-1455 [View   PDF (2002 kB) ]

Strain-Induced Splitting of the 2E State of V2+ in MgO
M. D. Sturge
pp. 1456-1458 [View   PDF (484 kB) ]

Interelectron Scattering in Quasi-Intrinsic Germanium and Silicon
E. G. Wikner and J. Pereue
pp. 1466-1468 [View   PDF (606 kB) ]

Temperature Dependence of Optical Harmonic Generation in KDP and ADP Crystals
Joseph J. Barrett and Alfons Weber
pp. 1469-1472 [View   PDF (859 kB) ]

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of Al27 in NiAl
J. A. Seitchik and R. H. Walmsley
pp. 1473-1477 [View   PDF (965 kB) ]

Size Effects in the Resistivity of Indium Wires at 4.2°K
R. T. Bate, Byron Martin, and P. F. Hille
pp. 1482-1488 [View   PDF (1402 kB) ]

Ultrasonic Attenuation in Superconductors for ql<1
Moises Levy
pp. 1497-1500 [View   PDF (650 kB) ]

Phonon Scattering by Lattice Defects
Miles V. Klein
pp. 1500-1510 [View   PDF (1645 kB) ]

Magnetic Structures of Chromium-Modified Mn2Sb
A. E. Austin, E. Adelson, and W. H. Cloud
pp. 1511-1517 [View   PDF (1284 kB) ]

Magnetic Structure of Rare-Earth Iridium Compounds RIr2
Gian Piero Felcher and W. C. Koehler
pp. 1518-1520 [View   PDF (567 kB) ]

Galvanomagnetic Phenomena in High Electric Fields
Herbert F. Budd
pp. 1520-1524 [View   PDF (723 kB) ]

Effect of Alloying and Pressure on the Band Structure of Germanium and Silicon
Franco Bassani and David Brust
pp. 1524-1529 [View   PDF (1039 kB) ]

Effects of High Pressure on the Thermoluminescence of γ-Irradiated α-Al2O3 Single Crystals
A. F. Gabrysh, J. M. Kennedy, H. Eyring, and V. R. Johnson
pp. 1543-1548 [View   PDF (1177 kB) ]

Diffusion with Interstitial-Substitutional Equilibrium. Zinc in GaAs
Leonard R. Weisberg and Joseph Blanc
pp. 1548-1552 [View   PDF (817 kB) ]

Superconductivity with Pairs in a Relative p Wave
R. Balian and N. R. Werthamer
pp. 1553-1564 [View   PDF (2075 kB) ]

Ion Cyclotron Resonance and the Determination of Collision Cross Sections
Darold Wobschall, John R. Graham, and Dennis P. Malone
pp. 1565-1571 [View   PDF (1308 kB) ]

Capture of Electrons by Molecular Ions
Robert C. Stabler
pp. 1578-1581 [View   PDF (632 kB) ]

Diffusion Narrowing of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Linewidth of F19 in CaF2: Sm2+
Wm. J. Veigele and A. W. Bevan
pp. 1585-1586 [View   PDF (296 kB) ]

Hyperfine Structure of Erbium-169
Walter M. Doyle and Richard Marrus
pp. 1586-1588 [View   PDF (502 kB) ]

Hypervirial Theorem for Collisions between Electrons and Atoms
Michael B. McElroy and Joseph O. Hirschfelder
pp. 1589-1595 [View   PDF (805 kB) ]

Theory of the Dynamical Jahn-Teller Effect
John C. Slonczewski
pp. 1596-1610 [View   PDF (2566 kB) ]

Stopping Cross Sections of Some Hydrocarbon Gases for 40-250 keV Protons and Helium Ions
John T. Park and E. J. Zimmerman
pp. 1611-1618 [View   PDF (1445 kB) ]

Nuclear Magnetic Relaxation by Hindered Rotations
R. De Micheli, L. Giulotto, and G. F. Nardelli
pp. 1619-1623 [View   PDF (623 kB) ]

Beta Decay of B12
David E. Alburger
pp. 1624-1632 [View   PDF (1920 kB) ]

Study of the C12(dp)C13 Reaction Mechanism: Polarization and (dpγ) Correlations
J. E. Evans, J. A. Kuehner, and E. Almqvist
pp. 1632-1641 [View   PDF (1859 kB) ]

Proton Polarization in the Reaction O16(dp)O17* (0.87 MeV)
J. E. Evans
pp. 1642-1643 [View   PDF (247 kB) ]

Threshold Effects in Neutron Elastic Scattering
J. T. Wells, A. B. Tucker, and W. E. Meyerhof
pp. 1644-1660 [View   PDF (2846 kB) ]

Quasifree Proton-Neutron and Proton-Proton Scattering at 140 MeV
J. Lefrançois, R. A. Hoffman, E. H. Thorndike, and Richard Wilson
pp. 1660-1670 [View   PDF (2114 kB) ]

Proton-Deuteron Elastic Triple Scattering at 140 MeV
R. A. Hoffman, J. Lefrançois, and E. H. Thorndike
pp. 1671-1679 [View   PDF (1682 kB) ]

Interpretation of Quasifree Proton-Deuteron Scattering
A. H. Cromer and E. H. Thorndike
pp. 1680-1689 [View   PDF (1857 kB) ]

Study of the F19(p, α0)O16 Reaction with 3- to 12-MeV Protons
K. L. Warsh, G. M. Temmer, and H. R. Blieden
pp. 1690-1696 [View   PDF (985 kB) ]

Emission of Be7 and Competition Processes at 30 to 42 MeV
Edward F. Neuzil and Richard H. Lindsay
pp. 1697-1701 [View   PDF (1009 kB) ]

Studies of Alpha Particles from the Li6-Li6 Nuclear Reaction
Minao Kamegai
pp. 1701-1711 [View   PDF (1942 kB) ]

Low-Energy States in Y90
Yeong E. Kim
pp. 1712-1722 [View   PDF (1516 kB) ]

Reaction Na23(p, α)Ne20 for Proton Bombarding Energies from 100 to 450 keV
T. R. Fisher and W. Whaling
pp. 1723-1726 [View   PDF (788 kB) ]

Absolute Cross Sections and Excitation Functions for (dp) and (d, 2n) Reactions on Mn55, Cu63, Cu65, Zn66, and Zn68 Between 3 and 11.6 MeV
L. J. Gilly, G. A. Henriet, M. Preciosa Alves, and P. C. Capron
pp. 1727-1731 [View   PDF (867 kB) ]

Contribution to the Theory of Coulomb Stripping
A. Dar, A. de-Shalit, and A. S. Reiner
pp. 1732-1739 [View   PDF (1189 kB) ]

Threshold Effects in n-d Scattering due to the Existence of the Di-Neutron
R. Alzetta, G. C. Ghirardi, and A. Rimini
pp. 1740-1745 [View   PDF (840 kB) ]

Variation in U235 Mass Yields at Neutron Energies Below 0.5 eV
K. T. Faler and R. L. Tromp
pp. 1746-1749 [View   PDF (818 kB) ]

Decay of the 25-min Activity of Te131
S. H. Devare, P. N. Tandon, and H. G. Devare
pp. 1750-1755 [View   PDF (955 kB) ]

Effect of Exchange on M / L Electron Capture Ratios
John N. Bahcall
pp. 1756-1759 [View   PDF (716 kB) ]

Nuclear Reaction Energies with an Absolute Ion Velocity Gauge
B. R. Gasten
pp. 1759-1764 [View   PDF (1066 kB) ]

Ejection of Large Fragments in High-Energy Nuclear Reactions
Vitor P. Crespo, John M. Alexander, and Earl K. Hyde
pp. 1765-1781 [View   PDF (3188 kB) ]

Search for Charged Particles with Rest Mass Between that of the Electron and Muon
D. H. Coward, B. Gittelman, H. L. Lynch, and D. M. Ritson
pp. 1782-1786 [View   PDF (929 kB) ]

Range of Very High-Energy Nucleon-Nucleon Collisions
Freda Salzman
pp. 1786-1796 [View   PDF (1867 kB) ]

Evidence Relating to the Existence of the f0 Resonance
I. J. Aitchison
pp. 1797-1801 [View   PDF (703 kB) ]

Low-Energy Intranuclear Cascade Calculation
Hugo W. Bertini
pp. 1801-1821 [View   PDF (3102 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

π±-p Elastic Scattering at 31.4 MeV
D. E. Knapp and K. F. Kinsey
pp. 1822-1825 [View   PDF (607 kB) ]

π--D Scattering at 142 MeV
E. G. Pewitt, T. H. Fields, G. B. Yodh, J. G. Fetkovich, and M. Derrick
pp. 1826-1832 [View   PDF (1273 kB) ]

Pion-Deuteron Elastic Scattering at 142 MeV and the Form-Factor Approximation
Hugh N. Pendleton
pp. 1833-1844 [View   PDF (2283 kB) ]

Polarization of Protons from the High-Energy Photodisintegration of Deuterium
F. J. Loeffler, T. R. Palfrey, and T. O. White
pp. 1844-1846 [View   PDF (490 kB) ]

Complex Angular Momentum in Spinor Bethe-Salpeter Equation
Arthur R. Swift and Benjamin W. Lee
pp. 1857-1869 [View   PDF (1678 kB) ]

Divergence and Summability of the Many-Fermion Perturbation Series
George A. Baker
pp. 1869-1880 [View   PDF (1899 kB) ]

Hard-Sphere Boson Gas with Weak Attraction or Repulsion
Richard J. Drachman
pp. 1881-1882 [View   PDF (263 kB) ]

Regge Poles and Complex Singularities
John M. Cornwall, Kalyana T. Mahanthappa, and Virendra Singh
pp. 1882-1888 [View   PDF (1091 kB) ]

A Mechanism for the Induction of Symmetries Among the Strong Interactions
R. E. Cutkosky
pp. 1888-1890 [View   PDF (546 kB) ]