Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 9 March 1964
(Volume 133, Issue 5B)

Energy Gap in Nuclear Matter. I. Extended Theory
E. M. Henley and L. Wilets
pp. B1118-B1131 [View   PDF (2770 kB) ]

Energy Gap in Nuclear Matter. II. BCS Theory
R. Kennedy, L. Wilets, and E. M. Henley
pp. B1131-B1137 [View   PDF (800 kB) ]

Nuclear Spins and Hyperfine-Structure Separations of Silver-112 and Silver-113
Yau Wa Chan, W. Bruce Ewbank, William A. Nierenberg, and Howard A. Shugart
pp. B1138-B1144 [View   PDF (1078 kB) ]

Shape of the Positron Spectrum of Rb84
L. M. Langer, E. H. Spejewski, and D. E. Wortman
pp. B1145-B1149 [View   PDF (969 kB) ]

Photoneutron Cross Sections for Natural Cu, Cu63, and Cu65
S. C. Fultz, R. L. Bramblett, J. T. Caldwell, and R. R. Harvey
pp. B1149-B1154 [View   PDF (1107 kB) ]

Polarization of Protons from Deuteron Stripping Reactions
L. H. Reber and J. X. Saladin
pp. B1155-B1161 [View   PDF (1271 kB) ]

Second-Order Coulomb Excitation via the Giant Dipole Resonance
Jörg Eichler
pp. B1162-B1165 [View   PDF (799 kB) ]

Recoil Study of the Zn68(p,2p)Cu67 Reaction
David L. Morrison and Albert A. Caretto
pp. B1165-B1170 [View   PDF (1642 kB) ]

-Differential Recoil Study of the Cu65(p,pn)Cu64 Reaction
D. J. Reuland, N. K. Ganguly, and A. A. Caretto
pp. B1171-B1177 [View   PDF (1417 kB) ]

Polarization and Cross Section of Protons Scattered by He3 from 4 to 13 MeV
D. G. McDonald, W. Haeberli, and L. W. Morrow
pp. B1178-B1182 [View   PDF (1007 kB) ]

Neutron Spectra from Li7(d,n)Be8 and F19(d,n)Ne20 for 1.98-MeV Deuterons
C. H. Johnson and C. C. Trail
pp. B1183-B1190 [View   PDF (1801 kB) ]

Role of Particle-Hole Correlations in the Inelastic Scattering of Electrons from C12, O16, and Ca40
Vincent Gillet and Michel A. Melkanoff
pp. B1190-B1199 [View   PDF (1702 kB) ]

K+ Meson Photoproduction from Complex Nuclei
A. J. Sadoff and B. D. McDaniel
pp. B1200-B1201 [View   PDF (348 kB) ]

Three-Pion Decays of Unstable Particles
Charles Zemach
pp. B1201-B1220 [View   PDF (3859 kB) ]

Optical Theorem and Off-Diagonal Elements of the T Matrix
Leslie L. Foldy
pp. B1221-B1223 [View   PDF (562 kB) ]

Analytic Continuation in Complex Angular Momentum and Integral Equations
George Tiktopoulos
pp. B1231-B1238 [View   PDF (1340 kB) ]

Complex Propagators in Perturbation Theory
I. J. Aitchison and C. Kacser
pp. B1239-B1257 [View   PDF (3907 kB) ]

Logarithmic Singularities in Processes with Two Final-State Interactions
I. J. Aitchison
pp. B1257-B1266 [View   PDF (1800 kB) ]

Scattering of Yang-Mills Quanta
Edward A. Remler
pp. B1267-B1270 [View   PDF (647 kB) ]

Muonic-Decay Branching Ratio of the Lambda Hyperon
Anne Kernan, Wilson M. Powell, Carl L. Sandler, William L. Knight, and F. Russell Stannard
pp. B1271-B1273 [View   PDF (584 kB) ]

Bethe-Salpeter Equation for Triplet Amplitude in Intermediate-Vector-Boson Theory of Weak Interactions
K. Bardakci, M. Bolsterli, and H. Suura
pp. B1273-B1275 [View   PDF (399 kB) ]

K20 Decay
D. Luers, I. S. Mittra, W. J. Willis, and S. S. Yamamoto
pp. B1276-B1289 [View   PDF (2803 kB) ]

Phenomenological Treatment of the ϱ Trajectory
Akbar Ahmadzadeh and Ismail A. Sakmar
pp. B1290-B1292 [View   PDF (559 kB) ]

Interrelations Among Dissymmetries in SU3 Supermultiplets
Pekka Tarjanne and R. E. Cutkosky
pp. B1292-B1298 [View   PDF (1624 kB) ]

Higher Order Leptonic Weak Interactions
Yih Pwu and Tai Tsun Wu
pp. B1299-B1305 [View   PDF (1270 kB) ]

Monte Carlo Calculations Related to the Analysis of Ultrahigh-Energy Nucleon-Nucleon Interactions
R. D. Settles and R. W. Huggett
pp. B1305-B1317 [View   PDF (2665 kB) ]

Feynman Rules for Any Spin
Steven Weinberg
pp. B1318-B1332 [View   PDF (2260 kB) ]

Study of the Decay π→e
E. Di Capua, R. Garland, L. Pondrom, and A. Strelzoff
pp. B1333-B1340 [View   PDF (1626 kB) ]

Fairly Low-Energy Pion-Pion Scattering. II
Alvin M. Saperstein and Jack L. Uretsky
pp. B1340-B1343 [View   PDF (727 kB) ]

Radiative Tail in Elastic Electron Scattering
L. C. Maximon and D. B. Isabelle
pp. B1344-B1350 [View   PDF (1254 kB) ]

Gauge Invariance and Localizability in Electromagnetic Theory
L. J. Tassie
pp. B1351 [View   PDF (141 kB) ]

Generalization of the Runge-Lenz Vector in the Presence of an Electric Field
Peter J. Redmond
pp. B1352-B1353 [View   PDF (394 kB) ]