Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 8 June 1964
(Volume 134, Issue 5B)

Circular Polarization Measurements in Eu154
Richard T. Castle and Roger W. Finlay
pp. B929-B931 [View   PDF (508 kB) ]

Fluctuations in the Partial Radiation Widths of U239
H. E. Jackson
pp. B931-B936 [View   PDF (1092 kB) ]

Distorted-Wave Born Expansions
Leonard Rosenberg
pp. B937-B944 [View   PDF (1284 kB) ]

Partial-Wave Analysis of the Inelastic Scattering of Electrons by Nuclei. III. Systematics of Electric Multipole Excitation
D. S. Onley, J. T. Reynolds, and L. E. Wright
pp. B945-B952 [View   PDF (1206 kB) ]

Fission Barrier of Thallium-201
Donald S. Burnett, Raymond C. Gatti, Franz Plasil, P. Buford Price, Wladyslaw J. Swiatecki, and Stanley G. Thompson
pp. B952-B963 [View   PDF (2033 kB) ]

Excitation of the Giant Resonance in C12 and O16 by Inelastic Electron Scattering
J. Goldemberg and W. C. Barber
pp. B963-B971 [View   PDF (1465 kB) ]

Systematics of Fission Asymmetry with Respect to Nuclear Charge and Neutron Contents
M. Talât-Erben and Binay Güven
pp. B972-B976 [View   PDF (921 kB) ]

(d, He3) Reaction on Ca40 and the Titanium Isotopes
J. L. Yntema and G. R. Satchler
pp. B976-B984 [View   PDF (1504 kB) ]

Neutron Resonance Spectroscopy. III. Th232 and U238
J. B. Garg, J. Rainwater, J. S. Petersen, and W. W. Havens
pp. B985-B1009 [View   PDF (12976 kB) ]

Nucleus-Nucleus Long-Range Interaction Potential in Elastic Scattering
J. S. McIntosh, S. C. Park, and G. H. Rawitscher
pp. B1010-B1021 [View   PDF (2095 kB) ]

Form Factors for Strong M1 Transitions in Light Nuclei
J. Goldemberg, W. C. Barber, F. H. Lewis, and J. D. Walecka
pp. B1022-B1024 [View   PDF (398 kB) ]

Form Factors for Magnetic-Dipole Electron Scattering
Dieter Kurath
pp. B1025-B1027 [View   PDF (497 kB) ]

Independent Fission Yield of Sb127
David E. Troutner, Arthur C. Wahl, and Robert L. Ferguson
pp. B1027-B1029 [View   PDF (497 kB) ]

Quasifree Proton-Deuteron Scattering Corrections Near 210 MeV
P. F. Koehler, E. H. Thorndike, and Alan H. Cromer
pp. B1030-B1031 [View   PDF (343 kB) ]

Multiple Coulomb Excitation of Rotational Levels in Even-Even Nuclei
J. de Boer, G. Goldring, and H. Winkler
pp. B1032-B1046 [View   PDF (2235 kB) ]

Total Neutron Cross Section of Manganese
R. E. Coté, L. M. Bollinger, and G. E. Thomas
pp. B1047-B1051 [View   PDF (907 kB) ]

Low-Energy Neutron-Neutron Scattering Parameters
Myron Bander
pp. B1052-B1057 [View   PDF (780 kB) ]

Systematic Approach to the Analysis of NN and NN̅ Total Cross Sections
Akbar Ahmadzadeh and Elliot Leader
pp. B1058-B1062 [View   PDF (650 kB) ]

Elastic Scattering of Positive Pions by Protons in the Energy Range 500-1600 MeV
Jerome A. Helland, Thomas J. Devlin, Donald E. Hagge, Michael J. Longo, Burton J. Moyer, and Calvin D. Wood
pp. B1062-B1078 [View   PDF (2438 kB) ]

Elastic Scattering of Negative Pions on Protons in the Energy Range 500-1000 MeV
Jerome A. Helland, Calvin D. Wood, Thomas J. Devlin, Donald E. Hagge, Michael J. Longo, Burton J. Moyer, and Victor Perez-Mendez
pp. B1079-B1086 [View   PDF (1146 kB) ]

On the Analytic Structure of Production Amplitudes
Rudolph C. Hwa
pp. B1086-B1098 [View   PDF (2302 kB) ]

Use of the ρ-Photon Analogy in a Model of Isobar Production
Leo Stodolsky
pp. B1099-B1110 [View   PDF (2345 kB) ]

K-N Interaction in the I=0 State at Low Energies
V. J. Stenger, W. E. Slater, D. H. Stork, H. K. Ticho, G. Goldhaber, and S. Goldhaber
pp. B1111-B1123 [View   PDF (1886 kB) ]

Bound States and Elementary Particles in the Limit Z3=0
M. L. Whippman and I. S. Gerstein
pp. B1123-B1127 [View   PDF (630 kB) ]

S-Wave Λ-Λ Interaction for Odd Σ-Λ Parity
John Pappademos
pp. B1128-B1131 [View   PDF (693 kB) ]

Low-Energy Ξ-N Interactions
John Pappademos
pp. B1132-B1137 [View   PDF (1049 kB) ]

Multiple Pion Production in Interactions of Positive Pions with Protons Near 1 BeV
Horst W. Foelsche and Henry L. Kraybill
pp. B1138-B1150 [View   PDF (2013 kB) ]

Higher Order Spacing Distributions for a Class of Unitary Ensembles
David Fox and Peter B. Kahn
pp. B1151-B1155 [View   PDF (866 kB) ]

Aharonov-Bohm Paradox
G. T. Trammel
pp. B1183-B1184 [View   PDF (347 kB) ]