Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 12 October 1964
(Volume 136, Issue 1B)

Levels in 75Re188 from Studies of the Decay of 74W188 (69.4 day), 75Re188 (18 h), and 75Re188m (18.5 min)
S. B. Burson, E. B. Shera, T. Gedayloo, R. G. Helmer, and D. Zei
pp. B1-B17 [View   PDF (3219 kB) ]

Isomer Re188m
K. Takahashi, M. McKeown, and G. Scharff-Goldhaber
pp. B18-B27 [View   PDF (1698 kB) ]

Spin and Magnetic Moment of N13
A. M. Bernstein, R. A. Haberstroh, D. R. Hamilton, M. Posner, and J. L. Snider
pp. B27-B39 [View   PDF (2196 kB) ]

Energy Levels from (dp) Reactions on Sn117 and Sn119
Lloyd R. Norris and C. Fred Moore
pp. B40-B43 [View   PDF (448 kB) ]

Decay Scheme of Rb83
I. Dostrovsky, S. Katcoff, and A. W. Stoenner
pp. B44-B49 [View   PDF (1172 kB) ]

Deuteron Capture in C14
John B. Nelson, Emmett L. Hudspeth, and E. M. Bernstein
pp. B71-B77 [View   PDF (1150 kB) ]

Elastic and Inelastic Scattering of 18.4-MeV Alpha Particles from Na23
B. T. Lucas, S. W. Cosper, and O. E. Johnson
pp. B78-B83 [View   PDF (1059 kB) ]

Effects of Sample Size and Statistical Weights on Fluctuations in the C12(C12, α)Ne20 Reactions
E. Almqvist, J. A. Kuehner, D. McPherson, and E. W. Vogt
pp. B84-B98 [View   PDF (2600 kB) ]

Average Cross Sections for the C12(C12, α)Ne20 Reactions
E. W. Vogt, D. McPherson, J. Kuehner, and E. Almqvist
pp. B99-B111 [View   PDF (2206 kB) ]

Neutron Polarization at Small Scattering Angles Near an s-Wave Resonance
Robert F. Redmond
pp. B112-B117 [View   PDF (925 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Quasielastic (pn) Angular Distributions
J. D. Anderson, C. Wong, J. W. McClure, and B. D. Walker
pp. B118-B125 [View   PDF (1232 kB) ]

Photoneutron Cross Sections of Pb206, Pb207, Pb208, and Bi209
R. R. Harvey, J. T. Caldwell, R. L. Bramblett, and S. C. Fultz
pp. B126-B131 [View   PDF (1023 kB) ]

Polarization of Neutrons from the N14(dn0)O15 Reaction
H. M. Epstein, D. F. Herring, and K. W. Jones
pp. B131-B139 [View   PDF (1573 kB) ]

Relativistic Calculation of the Deuteron Electromagnetic Form Factor. II
Franz Gross
pp. B140-B161 [View   PDF (3321 kB) ]

Binding Energy of a Λ Particle in Nuclear Matter
Janusz Dabrowski and H. S. Köhler
pp. B162-B171 [View   PDF (1564 kB) ]

Electron Bremsstrahlung in Scattering by Nuclear Magnetic Moments
Patrick J. Dowling
pp. B171-B176 [View   PDF (828 kB) ]

Neutron Resonance Spectroscopy. IV. As and Br
J. B. Garg, W. W. Havens, and J. Rainwater
pp. B177-B194 [View   PDF (9262 kB) ]

ρ-Exchange Mechanism in the Reaction π++pN33*++0
Maris Abolins, D. Duane Carmony, Duong-N Hoa, Richard L. Lander, Carl Rindfleisch, and Nguyen-huu Xuong
pp. B195-B198 [View   PDF (719 kB) ]

Relation Between Masses of Pseudoscalar Octet and Vector Octet
José R. Fulco and David Y. Wong
pp. B198-B200 [View   PDF (544 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Photoproduction of Charged Mesons from Free Nucleons for Bombarding Gamma-Ray Energies Near 275 MeV
D. Garelick and G. Cooperstein
pp. B201-B213 [View   PDF (2169 kB) ]

Test for the Existence of the Neutral Vector Boson of Weak Interactions
Howard R. Reiss and Vladimir Wataghin
pp. B214-B216 [View   PDF (533 kB) ]

Dynamics of the d3 / 2 Unitary Multiplets
J. J. Brehm
pp. B216-B220 [View   PDF (721 kB) ]

Unitary Symmetry and the K→2π Decay
Kiyomi Itabashi
pp. B221-B222 [View   PDF (411 kB) ]

Departures from the Eightfold Way. II. Baryon Electromagnetic Masses
Sidney Coleman and Howard J. Schnitzer
pp. B223-B226 [View   PDF (718 kB) ]

Threshold Regge Poles and the Effective-Range Expansion
Bipin R. Desai and Bunji Sakita
pp. B226-B227 [View   PDF (330 kB) ]

Dynamical Basis of the Sum Rule ---+sqrt[3]Σ0+
Benjamin W. Lee and Arthur R. Swift
pp. B228-B230 [View   PDF (501 kB) ]

Inverse Bremsstrahlung with High-Intensity Radiation Fields
S. Rand
pp. B231-B237 [View   PDF (1170 kB) ]

Symmetrization Postulate and Its Experimental Foundation
A. M. Messiah and O. W. Greenberg
pp. B248-B267 [View   PDF (4118 kB) ]

Axial-Vector Current in Broken Unitary Symmetry
pp. B268-B272 [View   PDF (849 kB) ]

Selection Rules and Some Relations in W3 Symmetry
Mahiko Suzuki
pp. B272-B274 [View   PDF (466 kB) ]

Euclidean Approach to the Bethe-Salpeter Equation for Scattering
George Tiktopoulos
pp. B275-B280 [View   PDF (1007 kB) ]

Resonance Models for Nucleon Electromagnetic Structure
V. Barger and R. Carhart
pp. B281-B285 [View   PDF (847 kB) ]

Particle Mixing and Renormalization
S. A. Dunne
pp. B285-B288 [View   PDF (651 kB) ]

General Relativistic Instability
J. P. Wright
pp. B288-B289 [View   PDF (227 kB) ]

Hard-Core Insertion in the Many-Body Problem
J. K. Percus and G. J. Yevick
pp. B290-B296 [View   PDF (1053 kB) ]

Spatially Homogeneous Solutions to the Einstein-Maxwell Equations
Gerald Rosen
pp. B297-B298 [View   PDF (364 kB) ]

Origin of the Light Elements
Henri E. Mitler
pp. B298-B320 [View   PDF (3669 kB) ]