Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 26 October 1964
(Volume 136, Issue 2B)

Low-Lying States of F19
R. M. Dreizler
pp. B321-B329 [View   PDF (1421 kB) ]

Nuclear Energy Levels of Gd156 as Populated by β Emission from Eu156
N. F. Peek, J. A. Jungerman, and C. G. Patten
pp. B330-B340 [View   PDF (1827 kB) ]

Isotopic Effects in the X-Ray Spectrum of Muonic Atoms of Ca40 and Ca44
J. A. Bjorkland, S. Raboy, C. C. Trail, R. D. Ehrlich, and R. J. Powers
pp. B341-B346 [View   PDF (1027 kB) ]

Angular Correlation Measurements in the Decay of Cd115m
V. R. Pandharipande, R. P. Sharma, and Girish Chandra
pp. B346-B350 [View   PDF (779 kB) ]

Energy Levels of Dy165
R. K. Sheline, W. N. Shelton, H. T. Motz, and R. E. Carter
pp. B351-B365 [View   PDF (2565 kB) ]

Decay of Xe137
Ronald J. Onega and William W. Pratt
pp. B365-B370 [View   PDF (1074 kB) ]

Study of the 7.285-MeV Level in Lead-208 Using a Rotor Technique
B. Arad, G. Ben-David, and Y. Schlesinger
pp. B370-B373 [View   PDF (610 kB) ]

Properties of the 4.431-MeV Excited State of Na23
F. R. Metzger
pp. B374-B379 [View   PDF (1103 kB) ]

Time-Dependent Hartree-Fock Theory Applied to Ne20 and Mg24
W. H. Bassichis, C. A. Levinson, and I. Kelson
pp. B380-B384 [View   PDF (717 kB) ]

Application of Time-Dependent Hartree-Fock Theory to Ne20: Odd-Parity Bands
W. H. Bassichis and I. Kelson
pp. B385-B387 [View   PDF (457 kB) ]

Thermal Neutron Capture by Deuterium and Structure of the Three-Body Wave Function
T. K. Radha and N. T. Meister
pp. B388-B395 [View   PDF (1180 kB)  See Also: Erratum]

Isotopic-Spin Selection-Rule Violation in the Ne20(d, α)F18 Reaction
G. M. Matous and C. P. Browne
pp. B399-B404 [View   PDF (953 kB) ]

Verification of Molière's Theory of Multiple Scattering for Heavy Ions
William G. Simon
pp. B410-B415 [View   PDF (1032 kB) ]

Cross Section for the Au197(dp)Au198 Reaction
Edmundo Sandoval and Edgar Páez
pp. B415-B417 [View   PDF (378 kB) ]

O16(γ, n)O15 Reaction Near 17.6 MeV
Walter Del Bianco, W. E. Stephens, and J. Wiza
pp. B418-B419 [View   PDF (326 kB) ]

Interaction of High-Energy Protons and Helium Ions with Niobium
Ralph G. Korteling and Earl K. Hyde
pp. B425-B437 [View   PDF (2462 kB) ]

Inelastic Deuteron Scattering and (dp) Reactions from Isotopes of Ti. I. Ti50(dp)Ti51
P. D. Barnes, C. K. Bockelman, Ole Hansen, and A. Sperduto
pp. B438-B446 [View   PDF (1418 kB) ]

Variational Upper and Lower Bounds for Multichannel Scattering
R. Sugar and R. Blankenbecler
pp. B472-B491 [View   PDF (3416 kB) ]

Meson Resonance Production in π+-d Interactions at 1.23 BeV/c
Robert Kraemer, Leon Madansky, Mosley Meer, Mirko Nussbaum, Aihud Pevsner, Clarence Richardson, Richard Strand, Richard Zdanis, Thomas Fields, Stephen Orenstein, and Timothy Toohig
pp. B496-B506 [View   PDF (1381 kB) ]

Effect of Unstable Particle Production on Scattering Amplitudes
James S. Ball and Peter Thurnauer
pp. B529-B536 [View   PDF (1319 kB) ]

Polarization of Recoil Protons in π±p Elastic Scattering Near 600 MeV
Richard D. Eandi, Thomas J. Devlin, Robert W. Kenney, Paul G. McManigal, and Burton J. Moyer
pp. B536-B542 [View   PDF (1303 kB) ]

Neutral Meson Production with Polarized X Rays
Darrell J. Drickey and Robert F. Mozley
pp. B543-B557 [View   PDF (2991 kB) ]

Scattering Resonances and Metastable States in Wave Equations
Max Wagner
pp. B562-B570 [View   PDF (1337 kB) ]

Relativistic Equations for Adiabatic, Spherically Symmetric Gravitational Collapse
Charles W. Misner and David H. Sharp
pp. B571-B576 [View   PDF (881 kB) ]