Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 21 December 1964
(Volume 136, Issue 6B)

Nuclear Resonance Fluorescence in Te122
J. C. Palathingal
pp. B1553-B1556 [View   PDF (578 kB) ]

Sn116 Levels Populated by the Decay of 54-Min ln116m
H. H. Bolotin
pp. B1557-B1565 [View   PDF (1757 kB) ]

Determination of Radiative Transition Widths of Excited States in C12
H. L. Crannell and T. A. Griffy
pp. B1580-B1584 [View   PDF (799 kB) ]

Excited States of Iodine-127
S. Jha and R. Leonard
pp. B1585-B1590 [View   PDF (864 kB) ]

Resonance Fluorescence in Ir191
H. Langhoff
pp. B1590-B1593 [View   PDF (689 kB) ]

Application of the Reference-Spectrum Method to the Nuclear Surface
B. D. Day
pp. B1594-B1608 [View   PDF (2382 kB) ]

Moderation and Absorption Times for Negative Pions in Liquid Deuterium
J. H. Doede, R. H. Hildebrand, and M. H. Israel
pp. B1609-B1614 [View   PDF (927 kB) ]

Magnetic Moment of the 26.8-keV State of 129I Measured with the Aid of Superconducting Magnets
H. de Waard and Juergen Heberle
pp. B1615-B1617 [View   PDF (476 kB) ]

4He and 3He Particles from Au, Bi, and Th Nuclides Bombarded by 157-MeV Protons
H. Dubost, M. Lefort, J. Peter, and X. Tarrago
pp. B1618-B1623 [View   PDF (936 kB) ]

Analytic Solutions for Nonlocal Singlet-Even Nucleon-Nucleon Potentials
Lee H. Schick
pp. B1624-B1632 [View   PDF (1549 kB) ]

Protons from the Deuteron Bombardment of Helium-4
G. G. Ohlsen and P. G. Young
pp. B1632-B1639 [View   PDF (1232 kB) ]

Gamma Rays from Thermal Neutron Capture in Cl, V, Mn, and Co
O. A. Wasson, K. J. Wetzel, and C. K. Bockelman
pp. B1640-B1653 [View   PDF (1902 kB) ]

Quadrupole Moments of Odd-Neutron Nuclei; Spin and Moments of 14-Year Cd113m
F. W. Byron, M. N. McDermott, R. Novick, B. W. Perry, and E. B. Saloman
pp. B1654-B1661 [View   PDF (1507 kB) ]

Polarization in p-C12 Elastic Scattering
L. Drigo, C. Manduchi, G. C. Nardelli, M. T. Russo-Manduchi, and G. Zannoni
pp. B1662-B1667 [View   PDF (898 kB) ]

Dynamic Calculations of Fission of an Axially Symmetric Liquid Drop
I. Kelson
pp. B1667-B1673 [View   PDF (1019 kB) ]

Variation of Bremsstrahlung Intensity With Angle Near the High-Energy End of the Spectrum
R. Zdarko, D. Drickey, and R. Mozley
pp. B1674-B1677 [View   PDF (671 kB) ]

Distorted-Wave Born Approximation Analysis of C12(dp)C13
R. van Dantzig and W. Tobocman
pp. B1682-B1687 [View   PDF (1015 kB) ]

Li7 (Li7,He6) Be8 Reaction
R. R. Carlson, R. L. McGrath, and E. Norbeck
pp. B1687-B1692 [View   PDF (1088 kB) ]

Analysis of p-p Data Near the Interference Minimum
Martin L. Gursky and Leon Heller
pp. B1693-B1702 [View   PDF (1760 kB) ]

Deuteron Stripping Reaction on Mg26
J. Silverstein, L. J. Lidofsky, G. E. Mitchell, and R. B. Weinberg
pp. B1703-B1709 [View   PDF (862 kB) ]

Polarization and Differential Cross Section for Neutrons Scattered from Li6 and Li7
R. O. Lane, A. J. Elwyn, and A. Langsdorf
pp. B1710-B1719 [View   PDF (1661 kB) ]

Thresholds for (pn) Reactions on 26 Intermediate-Weight Nuclei
C. H. Johnson, C. C. Trail, and A. Galonsky
pp. B1719-B1729 [View   PDF (2122 kB) ]

High-Energy Inelastic Scattering of Nucleons; The Distorted-Wave Impulse Approximation
R. M. Haybron and H. McManus
pp. B1730-B1740 [View   PDF (1753 kB) ]

Li(d, α) Reactions at Deuteron Energies between 175 and 300 keV
Mel Manalis and Joel E. Henkel
pp. B1741-B1743 [View   PDF (358 kB) ]

Configuration Mixing Effects in Stripping
N. Austern
pp. B1743-B1747 [View   PDF (986 kB) ]

Almost Local Field Theories of the S Matrix
R. F. Streater
pp. B1748-B1755 [View   PDF (1410 kB) ]

Supermultiplets of Elementary Particles
B. Sakita
pp. B1756-B1760 [View   PDF (1018 kB) ]

Pion-Nucleon Vertex Functions
Masakuni Ida
pp. B1767-B1776 [View   PDF (1396 kB) ]

Experimental Restrictions on Ne'eman's Fifth Interaction
D. Beder, R. Dashen, and S. Frautschi
pp. B1777-B1782 [View   PDF (1177 kB) ]

Electromagnetic Form Factor of the Neutrino
Wen-Kwei Cheng and S. A. Bludman
pp. B1787-B1790 [View   PDF (572 kB) ]

Leptonic Decays of Charged Σ Hyperons and the ΔSQ Selection Rule
H. Courant, H. Filthuth, P. Franzini, A. Minguzzi-Ranzi, A. Segar, R. Engelmann, V. Hepp, E. Kluge, R. A. Burnstein, T. B. Day, R. G. Glasser, A. J. Herz, B. Kehoe, B. Sechi-Zorn, N. Seeman, G. A. Snow, and W. Willis
pp. B1791-B1802 [View   PDF (2598 kB) ]

Lifetimes of Hypernuclei, ΛH3, ΛH4, ΛH5
R. J. Prem and P. H. Steinberg
pp. B1803-B1806 [View   PDF (664 kB) ]

Permutation Symmetries of Two-Body Amplitudes
D. C. Peaslee
pp. B1807-B1813 [View   PDF (1107 kB) ]

Boson-Pole Model in K-Meson and η-Meson Decays
K. Tanaka
pp. B1813-B1816 [View   PDF (588 kB) ]

Higher Order Poles in the S Matrix
R. J. Eden and P. V. Landshoff
pp. B1817-B1820 [View   PDF (655 kB) ]

Field Theory of Matter. II
Julian Schwinger
pp. B1821-B1824 [View   PDF (676 kB) ]

Quasiparticles and Projection Operators
W. Tobocman
pp. B1825-B1830 [View   PDF (931 kB) ]

Mean Life of the Neutral π Meson
Hla Shwe, Frances M. Smith, and Walter H. Barkas
pp. B1839-B1847 [View   PDF (1546 kB) ]

μ-+He3→H3 Capture Rate
R. J. Oakes
pp. B1848-B1850 [View   PDF (498 kB) ]

Theory of Hidden Variables
David Kershaw
pp. B1850-B1856 [View   PDF (650 kB) ]