Physical Review Online Archive Physical Review Online Archive

Physical Review – 20 December 1965
(Volume 140, Issue 6B)

Level Structure of Ca48
R. J. Peterson
pp. B1479-B1482 [View   PDF (586 kB) ]

Hyperfine-Structure Separation, Nuclear Magnetic Moment, and Hyperfine-Structure Anomaly of Cesium-131
Richard D. Worley, Vernon J. Ehlers, William A. Nierenberg, and Howard A. Shugart
pp. B1483-B1487 [View   PDF (771 kB) ]

Decay of Pd111 and Pd111m
V. R. Pandharipande, R. M. Singru, and R. P. Sharma
pp. B1488-B1496 [View   PDF (1215 kB) ]

Decay of Eu158
F. Schima and Toshio Katoh
pp. B1496-B1500 [View   PDF (779 kB) ]

Qualitative Aspects of Neutron-Nuclear Interactions and the Optical Model
Victor Franco
pp. B1501-B1512 [View   PDF (2272 kB) ]

R. McPherson, R. A. Esterlund, A. M. Poskanzer, and P. L. Reeder
pp. B1513-B1516 [View   PDF (753 kB) ]

Decay of Rh105
William R. Pierson
pp. B1516-B1528 [View   PDF (2573 kB) ]

Intensity of the E3 Transition in Argon-38
Berol L. Robinson
pp. B1529-B1532 [View   PDF (737 kB) ]

Measurement of Proton-Proton Triple Scattering at 430 MeV
R. Roth, E. Engels, S. C. Wright, P. Kloeppel, R. Handler, and Lee G. Pondrom
pp. B1533-B1540 [View   PDF (1242 kB) ]

Angular Distributions of the Fast-Neutron-Induced Gamma Rays from Calcium
W. E. Tucker
pp. B1541-B1548 [View   PDF (1424 kB) ]

Emission of Li8 Fragments from Cu, Ag, and Au Irradiated by High-Energy Protons
S. Katcoff, E. W. Baker, and N. T. Porile
pp. B1549-B1556 [View   PDF (1549 kB) ]

Angular Correlation Measurements on the Mg25(dpγ)Mg26 Reaction
R. N. Horoshko, R. B. Weinberg, L. J. Lidofsky, and G. E. Mitchell
pp. B1557-B1562 [View   PDF (897 kB) ]

Study of the Tl203(nth, γ)Tl204 Reaction
W. V. Prestwich, L. B. Hughes, T. J. Kennett, and H. J. Fiedler
pp. B1562-B1566 [View   PDF (833 kB) ]

Spectroscopy of the Lower Excited States of Co59
A. G. Blair and D. D. Armstrong
pp. B1567-B1569 [View   PDF (595 kB) ]

S-Matrix Theory and Higher Order Corrections to the Weak Interactions
M. B. Halpern
pp. B1570-B1578 [View   PDF (1620 kB) ]

Kinetic Supermultiplets of Ũ(12)
R. Gatto, L. Maiani, and G. Preparata
pp. B1579-B1583 [View   PDF (826 kB) ]

T Violation and Electromagnetic Interactions
H. S. Mani, Gyan Mohan, and L. K. Pande
pp. B1584-B1585 [View   PDF (289 kB) ]

Bootstrap Algebra for Mesons
Rudolph C. Hwa and Sharashchandra H. Patil
pp. B1586-B1591 [View   PDF (1102 kB) ]

Theoretical and Experimental Comments on the Momentum Dependence of the S Matrix for Many-Particle Processes
M. Goldberg, F. Rohrlich, and J. Leitner
pp. B1592-B1594 [View   PDF (438 kB) ]

Modification of a Regge-Pole Representation
W. J. Abbe, P. Kaus, P. Nath, and Y. N. Srivastava
pp. B1595-B1598 [View   PDF (602 kB) ]

Approximate Solution to the Multichannel ND-1 Equations
Heinz Pagels
pp. B1599-B1604 [View   PDF (887 kB) ]

Baryon Resonance Production by Neutrinos and the Relativistic Generalizations of SU(6)
C. H. Albright and L. S. Liu
pp. B1611-B1617 [View   PDF (1154 kB) ]

Experimental Tests of Broken Ũ(12) and Approximate U(6)×U(6)
H. Harari and H. J. Lipkin
pp. B1617-B1619 [View   PDF (621 kB) ]

Radiative τ Decays and the σ Meson
I. Richard Lapidus and Menasha J. Tausner
pp. B1620-B1625 [View   PDF (628 kB) ]

Theory of Low-Energy πω Scattering
Kyungsik Kang
pp. B1626-B1642 [View   PDF (2584 kB) ]

Vertex-Function Poles and the Bootstrap Condition in Field Theory
I. S. Gerstein and N. G. Deshpande
pp. B1643-B1648 [View   PDF (879 kB) ]

Single-Resonance Productions and Double-Resonance Productions
Yasuo Hara
pp. B1649-B1653 [View   PDF (734 kB) ]

Two Types of Baryons in Broken (SU3)L⊗(SU3)R Symmetry
Riazuddin, Fayyazuddin, and M. A. Rashid
pp. B1653-B1654 [View   PDF (322 kB) ]

Polarization of the Λ0 Particle Produced from Protons in Carbon Nuclei by 1.17-BeV/c Negative Pions
Young S. Kim, G. R. Burleson, P. I. Kalmus, A. Roberts, and T. A. Romanowski
pp. B1655-B1660 [View   PDF (966 kB) ]

Radiative Corrections. I. High-Energy Bremsstrahlung and Pair Production
Kjell Mork and Haakon Olsen
pp. B1661-B1674 [View   PDF (1992 kB) ]

Cross Section for the Production of a Possible Bound Cascade-Nucleon System
M. E. Ebel and R. L. Goble
pp. B1675-B1680 [View   PDF (826 kB) ]

Higher Symmetries and the Neutron-Proton Magnetic-Moment Ratio
J. W. Moffat
pp. B1681-B1685 [View   PDF (961 kB) ]

Longitudinal Polarization of Low-Energy Muons from Kμ3+ Decay
G. Borreani, G. Gidal, G. Rinaudo, A. E. Werbrouck, A. Caforio, C. M. Garelli, S. Natali, and M. Villani
pp. B1686-B1688 [View   PDF (559 kB) ]

Spin Correlations in the Photoproduction of Vector Mesons
J. A. McClure and D. L. Weaver
pp. B1688-B1692 [View   PDF (956 kB) ]