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SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems

Table of Contents
Volume 1, Issue 2, pp. 175-302

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Chaotic Synchronization in Coupled Map Lattices with Periodic Boundary Conditions

Wen-Wei Lin and Yi-Qian Wang

pp. 175-189

A Multiparameter, Numerical Stability Analysis of a Standing Cantilever Conveying Fluid

Nawaf M. Bou-Rabee, Louis A. Romero, and Andrew G. Salinger

pp. 190-214

Attracting Fixed Points for the Kuramoto--Sivashinsky Equation: A Computer Assisted Proof

Piotr Zgliczynski

pp. 215-235

Development of Standing-Wave Labyrinthine Patterns

Arik Yochelis, Aric Hagberg, Ehud Meron, Anna L. Lin, and Harry L. Swinney

pp. 236-247

Numerical Bifurcation Analysis for Multisection Semiconductor Lasers

Jan Sieber

pp. 248-270

Higher Order Modulation Equations for a Boussinesq Equation

C. Eugene Wayne and J. Douglas Wright

pp. 271-302