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SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems

Table of Contents
Volume 2, Issue 4, pp. 517-671

Please Note: Electronic articles are available well in advance of the printed articles.

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Numerical Analysis of the Novikov Problem of a Normal Metal in a Strong Magnetic Field

Roberto De Leo

pp. 517-545

Computing Geodesic Level Sets on Global (Un)stable Manifolds of Vector Fields

Bernd Krauskopf and Hinke M. Osinga

pp. 546-569

The Forced van der Pol Equation II: Canards in the Reduced System

Katherine Bold, Chantal Edwards, John Guckenheimer, Sabyasachi Guharay, Kathleen Hoffman, Judith Hubbard, Ricardo Oliva, and Warren Weckesser

pp. 570-608

Symmetry Groupoids and Patterns of Synchrony in Coupled Cell Networks

Ian Stewart, Martin Golubitsky, and Marcus Pivato

pp. 609-646

Pulse Dynamics in an Actively Mode-Locked Laser

John B. Geddes, Willie J. Firth, and Kelly Black

pp. 647-671