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SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems

Table of Contents
Volume 5, Issue 1, pp. 1-177

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Simultaneous Zip Bifurcation and Limit Cycles in Three Dimensional Competition Models

Eduardo Sáez, Eduardo Stange, and Iván Szántó

pp. 1-11

Approximating the Invariant Sets of a Finite Straight Segment near Its Collinear Equilibria

Jesús F. Palacián, Patricia Yanguas, and Susana Gutiérrez-Romero

pp. 12-29

Compound Laser Modes of Mutually Delay-Coupled Lasers

Hartmut Erzgräber, Bernd Krauskopf, and Daan Lenstra

pp. 30-65

Block-Diagonalization of the Symmetric First-Order Coupled-Mode System

Marina Chugunova and Dmitry Pelinovsky

pp. 66-83

Absolutely Continuous Invariant Measures that Cannot be Observed Experimentally

Pawel Góra, Abraham Boyarsky, MD Shafiqul Islam, and Wael Bahsoun

pp. 84-90

Reachable Matrices by a QR Step with Shift

Delin Chu and Moody Chu

pp. 91-107

The Effects of Varying the Timing of Inputs on a Neural Oscillator

Christina Ambrosio-Mouser, Farzan Nadim, and Amitabha Bose

pp. 108-139

Sufficient Conditions for Fast Switching Synchronization in Time-Varying Network Topologies

Daniel J. Stilwell, Erik M. Bollt, and D. Gray Roberson

pp. 140-156

Computation of Spiral Spectra

Paul Wheeler and Dwight Barkley

pp. 157-177