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SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems

Table of Contents
Volume 6, Issue 2, pp. 293-547

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Uniform Attractors for Nonautonomous Wave Equations with Nonlinear Damping

Chunyou Sun, Daomin Cao, and Jinqiao Duan

pp. 293-318

Nonlinear Convective Instability of Turing-Unstable Fronts near Onset: A Case Study

Anna Ghazaryan and Björn Sandstede

pp. 319-347

A Multilegged Modular Robot That Meanders: Investigation of Turning Maneuvers Using Its Inherent Dynamic Characteristics

Shinya Aoi, Hitoshi Sasaki, and Kazuo Tsuchiya

pp. 348-377

Bifurcation and Bistability in a Model of Hematopoietic Regulation

Caroline Colijn and Michael C. Mackey

pp. 378-394

Application of the 0-1 Test for Chaos to Experimental Data

Ian Falconer, Georg A. Gottwald, Ian Melbourne, and Kjetil Wormnes

pp. 395-402

Unfolding the Cusp-Cusp Bifurcation of Planar Endomorphisms

Bernd Krauskopf, Hinke M. Osinga, and Bruce B. Peckham

pp. 403-440

Mathematical Modeling of the GnRH Pulse and Surge Generator

Frédérique Clément and Jean-Pierre Françoise

pp. 441-456

Spurious Lyapunov Exponents Computed from Data

Joshua A. Tempkin and James A. Yorke

pp. 457-474

Stability Crossing Curves of Shifted Gamma-Distributed Delay Systems

Constantin-Irinel Morărescu, Silviu-Iulian Niculescu, and Keqin Gu

pp. 475-493

Period-Doubling of Spiral Waves and Defects

Björn Sandstede and Arnd Scheel

pp. 494-547