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SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems

Table of Contents
Volume 7, Issue 4, pp. 1131-1611

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The Geometry of Slow Manifolds near a Folded Node

M. Desroches, B. Krauskopf, and H. M. Osinga

pp. 1131-1162

Asymptotics of a Slow Manifold

J. Vanneste

pp. 1163-1190

Novel Vehicular Trajectories for Collective Motion from Coupled Oscillator Steering Control

Margot Kimura and Jeff Moehlis

pp. 1191-1212

A Hamiltonian Analogue of the Meandering Transition

Claudia Wulff

pp. 1213-1246

Traveling Waves and Synchrony in an Excitable Large-Scale Neuronal Network with Asymmetric Connections

William C. Troy

pp. 1247-1282

TC-HAT ($\widehat{TC}$): A Novel Toolbox for the Continuation of Periodic Trajectories in Hybrid Dynamical Systems

Phanikrishna Thota and Harry Dankowicz

pp. 1283-1322

Realization of Critical Eigenvalues for Scalar and Symmetric Linear Delay-Differential Equations

P.-L. Buono and V. G. LeBlanc

pp. 1323-1354

Singular Hopf Bifurcation in Systems with Two Slow Variables

John Guckenheimer

pp. 1355-1377

Eulerian Equilibria of a Gyrostat in Newtonian Interaction with Two Rigid Bodies

J. A. Vera

pp. 1378-1396

Snaking of Multiple Homoclinic Orbits in Reversible Systems

J. Knobloch and T. Wagenknecht

pp. 1397-1420

Hysteresis in a Rotating Differentially Heated Spherical Shell of Boussinesq Fluid

Gregory M. Lewis and William F. Langford

pp. 1421-1444

Stable Synchrony in Globally Coupled Integrate-and-Fire Oscillators

Yu-Chuan Chang and Jonq Juang

pp. 1445-1476

Algorithms for Rigorous Entropy Bounds and Symbolic Dynamics

Sarah Day, Rafael Frongillo, and Rodrigo Treviño

pp. 1477-1506

Asymptotic Expansions of I-V Relations via a Poisson–Nernst–Planck System

Nicole Abaid, Robert S. Eisenberg, and Weishi Liu

pp. 1507-1526

Separatrix Splitting in 3D Volume-Preserving Maps

Héctor E. Lomelí and Rafael Ramírez-Ros

pp. 1527-1557

Electrical Waves in a One-Dimensional Model of Cardiac Tissue

Margaret Beck, Christopher K. R. T. Jones, David Schaeffer, and Martin Wechselberger

pp. 1558-1581

Canard Induced Mixed-Mode Oscillations in a Medial Entorhinal Cortex Layer II Stellate Cell Model

Horacio G. Rotstein, Martin Wechselberger, and Nancy Kopell

pp. 1582-1611