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SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems

Table of Contents
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Stabilizability via Time-Delayed Feedback: An Eigenvalue Optimization Approach

Henri Huijberts, Wim Michiels, and Henk Nijmeijer

pp. 1-20

Stabilization of Long-Period Periodic Orbits Using Time-Delayed Feedback Control

Claire M. Postlethwaite

pp. 21-39

Bifurcations from Synchrony in Homogeneous Networks: Linear Theory

Martin Golubitsky and Reiner Lauterbach

pp. 40-75

Quadratic Volume-Preserving Maps: Invariant Circles and Bifurcations

H. R. Dullin and J. D. Meiss

pp. 76-128

On the Implementation of the 0–1 Test for Chaos

Georg A. Gottwald and Ian Melbourne

pp. 129-145

Stability of TCP Dynamics in Large Data Networks

Russell D. Halper, Eric J. Harder, Brian R. Hunt, and James A. Yorke

pp. 146-159

Generalized Helmholtz–Kirchhoff Model for Two-Dimensional Distributed Vortex Motion

Raymond Nagem, Guido Sandri, David Uminsky, and C. Eugene Wayne

pp. 160-179

Dynamics of Symplectic Subvolumes

Jared M. Maruskin, Daniel J. Scheeres, and Anthony M. Bloch

pp. 180-201

Constructing Generalized Synchronization Manifolds by Manifold Equation

Jie Sun, Erik M. Bollt, and Takashi Nishikawa

pp. 202-221

Bifurcation Analysis of a Spatially Extended Laser with Optical Feedback

Kirk Green, Bernd Krauskopf, Frank Marten, and Daan Lenstra

pp. 222-252

Canards, Clusters, and Synchronization in a Weakly Coupled Interneuron Model

Bard Ermentrout and Martin Wechselberger

pp. 253-278

Nonautonomous Hamiltonian Systems and Morales–Ramis Theory I. The Case $\ddot{x}=f(x,t)$

Primitivo B. Acosta-Humánez

pp. 279-297

Design of Parametrically Forced Patterns and Quasipatterns

A. M. Rucklidge and M. Silber

pp. 298-347

A Global Bifurcation and the Appearance of a One-Dimensional Spiral Wave in Excitable Media

Eric N. Cytrynbaum and Timothy J. Lewis

pp. 348-370

A Poincaré Section for the General Heavy Rigid Body

Sven Schmidt, Holger R. Dullin, and Peter H. Richter

pp. 371-389

Traveling Wavefronts in a Volume-Filling Chemotaxis Model

Chunhua Ou and Wei Yuan

pp. 390-416

On Computing the Critical Coupling Coefficient for the Kuramoto Model on a Complete Bipartite Graph

Mark Verwoerd and Oliver Mason

pp. 417-453

On a Hamiltonian Version of the Rikitake System

Răzvan M. Tudoran, Anania Aron, and Stefan Nicoară

pp. 454-479

Computing Stability of Multidimensional Traveling Waves

Veerle Ledoux, Simon J. A. Malham, Jitse Niesen, and Vera Thümmler

pp. 480-507

Study of Singularities in Nonsmooth Dynamical Systems via Singular Perturbation

Jaume Llibre, Paulo R. da Silva, and Marco A. Teixeira

pp. 508-526