Thermochimica Acta
Volume 51
Main Index
Issue 1, Pages 1-95 (16 December 1981)
Page i
R. De Batist, A. Van Den Bosch
The conferences on vacuum microbalance techniques
Pages ix-xi
E. Robens, A.W. Czanderna
Measuring the density of gases with the aid of free magnetic suspension
Pages 1-6
Th. Gast, K.-P. Gebauer
A limited budget approach to TG/MS
Pages 7-15
E Clarke
Use of the magnetic suspension balance for the study of liquid mixtures
Pages 17-24
A.J. Ashworth
Vacuum balance and related studies of carbons used in zinc-lead production
Pages 25-31
Margaret A. Carter, D.R. Glasson, S.A.A. Jayaweera
Use of an ultrahigh vacuum balance for the quantitative assay of evaporated reference layers
Pages 33-43
H.L. Eschbach, I.V. Mitchell, E. Louwerix
Vacuum balance studies of milled material and mechanochemical reactions
Pages 45-52
D.R. Glasson
Precipitation and ageing of antimony (III) sulphide
Pages 53-65
Elizabeth C. Brown, D.R. Glasson, S.A.A. Jayaweera
Computerised reduction of the weighing time required for the determination of adsorption isotherms on activated carbons
Pages 67-75
Clavi Jäntti, Erich Robens
Precipitation of ageing of iron sulphides
Pages 77-84
Nandita Chakrabarti, D.R. Glasson, S.A.A. Jayaweera
On an IC electronic balance control system and its impact on the calibration
Pages 85-95
L. Binard, A. Van Den Bosch, J. Vansummeren
Issues 2-3, Pages 97-394 (31 December 1981)
Kinetics and mechanism of the thermal dehydration stages of BaCl
· 2 H
O by means of simultaneous TG—DSC
Pages 97-103
Haruhiko Tanaka, Keiko Maeda
Thermal analysis studies of the dolomite, ferroan dolomite, ankerite series. Part 1. Iron content recognition and determination by variable atmosphere DTA
Pages 105-111
S.St.J. Warne, D.J. Morgan, A.E. Milodowski
Mechanistic and mathematical modeling of the thermal decompostion of cyclohexane
Pages 113-127
D.S. Aribike, A.A. Susu, A.F. Ogunye
A study of the interactions of iron metal, haematite and calcium carbonate between 700 and 1100°C in a nitrogen atmosphere using Mössbauer spectroscopy
Pages 129-140
Peter A. Gillespie
DSC study of phase transitions in
-aminobenzoic acid
Pages 141-151
K.Usha Deniz, E.B. Mirza, U.R.K. Rao, P.S. Parvathanathan, A.S. Paranjpe, K.V. Patankar
Thermal stability and phase transitions of the oxides of antimony
Pages 153-168
S.E. Golunski, T.G. Nevell, M.I. Pope
Thermal decomposition of vanadium oxysalts
Pages 169-173
M.R. Udupa
Combined differential and integral method for analysis of non-isothermal kinetic data
Pages 175-189
T.P. Bagchi, P.K. Sen
A study of the proton transfer of the nitro-substituted benzoic acids in water—dimethylsulfoxide mixtures compared with the same process in the gaseous phase
Pages 191-197
F. Rodante, M. Pasquali
SEM observation of the thermal decomposition processes of KClO
, KClO
, KBrO
, KlO
and KIO
in the presence of α-Fe
and α-Al
Pages 199-224
Ryusaburo Furuichi, Tadao Ishii, Zenzo Yamanaka, Masahide Shimokawabe
The conversion of kinetic data taken at constant time increments to constant reaction increments
Pages 225-231
D.W. Johnson Jr., P.K. Gallagher
Thermal decomposition of Ba(NO
· H
Pages 233-237
P.K. Gallagher
Optimalisation du filtrage electronique inverse en microcalorimetrie a conduction
Pages 239-243
J.P. Dubes, H. Tachoire
Effect of α-Fe
additive on the thermal decomposition of salts of halogen oxoacids, oxalates, azide, permanganate, and oxides
Pages 245-267
Ryusaburo Furuichi, Tadao Ishii, Zenzo Yamanaka, Masahide Shimokawabe
The mass spectrometric and thermogravimetric determination of rising temperature kinetic parameters for the solid state decomposition of nickel nitrate hexahydrate
Pages 269-276
D. Dollimore, G.A. Gamlen, T.J. Taylor
Kinetic analysis of thermogravimetric data. XXI. Derivatographic study on the thermal decomposition of some [Co(en)
]Y and [Co(en)
type complexes
Pages 277-286
J. Zsakó, Maria Várhelyi, Cs. Várhelyi, Gy. Liptay
The effect of thermal treatment on some characteristics of animal carbon
Pages 287-296
Wafa I. Abdel-Fattah, T.M. Ghazy, M.M. Selim
Thermal investigation on electrostatic precipitator kiln dust
Pages 297-306
Wafa I. Abdel-Fattah, Hamdy El-Didamony
DTA study of RuO
formation from the thermal decomposition of ruthenium(III) hydrate
Pages 307-314
P.H. Duvigneaud, D. Reinhard-Derie
Thermal studies of basalt and clay for the manufacture of building bricks
Pages 315-323
B.A. Sabrah, N. Burham, H. El-Didamony
Nitrosation cleavage of hexamethylenetetramine in slightly acid medium from the aspect of the thermochemistry of the nitrosation agent formation
Pages 325-334
Svatopluk Zeman, Milan Dimun
Electrical properties of semiconductor materials. Chromium trioxide
Pages 335-341
M.A. Khilla, A.A. Hanna
A magnetic study of the formation of NiCO
Pages 343-351
D. Mehandjiev, E. Nikolova-Zhecheva
The thermal decomposition of gum tragacanth in nitrogen
Pages 353-361
D. Dollimore, R. Karimian
Kinetics of desolvation of solvated metal complexes of hippuric acid and lapachol from thermogravimetric curves
Pages 363-365
S.S. Sawhney, S.D. Matta
Thermodynamics of KCl + water + glucose and NaCl + water + glucose systems from viscosity data
Pages 367-372
S. Mohanty, P.B. Das
The thermal behaviour of poly-
Pages 373-378
Rajendra D. Patel, M.R. Patel, I.S. Bhardwaj
Comments on the paper “On the evaluation of kinetic parameters from thermogravimetric curves” By J.M. Criado and J. Morales
Pages 379-380
S.R. Dharwadkar, M.S. Chandrasekharaiah
Studies on selenates. VIII. The thermal decomposition of double selenate hydrates of holmium and ytterbium with rubidium
Pages 381-385
M.A. Nabar, V.R. Ajgaonkar
Energy parameters for the π-υ type of charge transfer complexes
Pages 387-389
Kanchan Singla, G.S. Grewal, Anita Singla, H.S. Randhawa
Page 390
Author index
Page 391
Subject index
Pages 392-394