
Table of


Chapter 7

Early Entry, Lethality, and Survivability Battle Lab OCRs

Army early entry forces will confront a wide range of potential missions, many of which will be joint, multinational, and interagency. Innovative combinations of forces will be required to meet the challenges associated with early entry operations. Early entry operations will be conducted by forces that are not necessarily light or heavy, but tailored to METT-T in order to create the best possible capabilities based force to meet the needs of any given contingency. Early entry operations will occur across the wide range of military operations--peacemaking, humanitarian assistance, civil support, unconventional warfare, forcible entry, and even heavy battle. Therefore, early entry forces must be prepared to fight its way in or, soon after arrival, expand its battlespace, take advantage of its own inherent strengths (lethality, survivability, control of operational tempo), as well as those other services, and win quickly or rapidly establish control.

Early Entry, Lethality, and Survivability

7-1. EEL01: Precision Line of Sight Munitions and Weapon Systems:

Required capability to employ line of sight precision munitions and weapons systems (lethal/non-lethal) from ground, air, sea, and special operations platforms that minimize collateral damage and human risk during military operations.

7-2. EEL02: Drop Zone Assembly:

Required capability to assemble forces on the drop zone, quickly link personnel with combat/combat support equipment and reduce employment exposure time during forced entry/initial entry operations.

7-3. EEL03: Suppressive Fire:

Require capability to employ effective suppressive fires (including smoke), from ground, air, sea, and special operations platforms during military operations.

7-4. EEL04: Precision Non-Line of Sight: Munitions and Weapon Systems.

Required capability to employ non-line of sight precision munitions from organic ground, air, sea, and special operations platforms to counter threat fires during military operations.

7-5. EEL05: Identify Targets:

Required capability to employ advanced target detection systems (including airborne and space based warning systems) to rapidly acquire, identify, and transmit real time targeting data to multiple receivers.

7-6. EEL06: Non-lethal Munitions:

Required capability to employ non-lethal munitions and methods in support of military operations to minimize collateral damage and casualties.

7-7. EEL07: Remote Early Entry Forces:

Required capability to remove the soldier from the initial entry battlefield through the employment of remote sensor suites that provide commanders with security reconnaissance, surveillance, target acquisition-designation (RSTA-D), chemical and biological detection and mine-countermine capabilities.

7-8. EEL08: Soldier/Equipment Protection:

Required capability to rapidly install highly deployable soldier/equipment protection systems and protective shelters against biological and chemical agent exposure, blast, and fragmentation effects of indirect and direct fire weapons.

7-9. EEL09: Soldier/Equipment Camouflage:

Required capability to rapidly camouflage soldiers and equipment, and employ adaptive techniques, to prevent detection in a variety of topographic environments.

7-10. EEL10: Deception Capabilities:

Required capability to install deployable and versatile deception systems (against widest range of topographic environments) to prevent visual, acoustic and thermal signatures (including smoke) to mask friendly forces and mislead the threat commander in the deployment of forces.

7-11. EEL11: Situation Awareness:

Required capability to rapidly deploy and employ an instantly established, smart networking communications system, automatically routing traffic and not reliant upon an area microwave or multi-channel system carrier. System must meet the Army Digitization Office criteria, be compatible and interoperative with enroute C4I capability, and provide uninterrupted high throughput links with the National Command Authority (NCA), Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS), and the Joint Force Commander (JFC) from notification through arrival in the area of responsibility (AOR).

7-12. EEL12: Real Time Targeting.

Required capability to integrate real time targeting data from advanced target detection systems, including space based early warning systems, into ground, air, sea, and special operations platforms to facilitate near real time targeting.

7-13. EEL13: Identify and Locate Nontraditional Signatures:

Required capability to locate and identify individuals or forces that do not exhibit traditional signatures during military operations.

7-14. EEL14: Identify, Locate and Defeat targets using Traditional and Nontraditional Signatures:

Required capability to locate, identify and defeat/disrupt threat C2/C4I and fire support electronic systems that exhibit traditional and non-traditional signatures during military operations.

7-15. EEL15: Space Based Early Warning:

Required capability to rapidly deploy a system capable of receiving, processing, and disseminating space based early warning (including Identification, Friend or Foe [IFF]) and provide targeting data to weapon systems against, air breathers, TBMs, airborne platforms (i.e. UAV and fixed/rotary wing aircraft) and ground targets.

7-16. EEL16: Rapid Supply/Resupply of Early Entry Forces.

Required capability to rapidly deploy and move resources into and throughout theaters during force projection operations and operate in and from improved and/or austere ports.

7-17. EEL17 Force Projection Operations:

Required capability to implement rapid, real-time adjustments to deployment plans and assets during execution of force projection operations.

7-18. EEL18: Rapid Insertion of Army Equipment and Aviation:

Required improved capability to self-deploy or preposition army aviation assets for rapid insertion during force projection operations.

7-19. EEL19: Host/Nearby Nation Support:

Required improved capability for early entry and follow-on forces to plan for and exploit the use of host nation and/or nearby-nation resources.

7-20. EEL20: Vessel Discharge.

Required capability to discharge containers and other cargo (wheeled and tracked vehicles/breakbulk cargo) from vessels anchored "in stream" to army lighterage, roll-on, roll-off, (RORO) discharge platforms and causeway systems in sea state 3 (SS3) conditions and below. This capability is crucial to enable the Army to meet force projection requirements.

7-21. EEL21: Constructive Simulations:

Required capability to use constructive simulations to experiment with new warfighting concepts and technology that support the projection of forces within a joint framework. Capability should address initial entry/forced entry and follow-on force arrival in a hostile, tactical environment and should be capable of simulating warfighting conditions. Capability should address the full spectrum of force projection including reception, sustainment, onward movement and integration issues (e.g. configuring host nation port and airfield facilities) and the ability to degrade, modify, or change to replicate threat capabilities. Capability should support sharing of data and ideas with technical and operational analysis agencies. Capability should also be designed to support mission planning architectures.

7-22. EEL22: Mission Planning Tools.

Required capability to conduct joint crisis action mission planning, preparation and rehearsal which supports the evaluation of early entry and follow-on force organization, deployment, employment and tailoring alternatives.

7-23. EEL23: Miniaturized Soldier Communication System:

Required capability to conduct secure communications with low probability of detection/intercept both over-the-horizon and line-of-sight with standard and future Army communications systems in a lightweight miniaturized configuration. The system must allow early entry forces to rapidly receive and disseminate information seamlessly throughout the area of operations, interface with joint service C4I systems, the Army Tactical Command and Control System (ATTCS) and DOD networks. The system requires throughput rates to support rapid data file transfer and support Search and Rescue (SAR) and Combat Search and Rescue (CSAR.)

7-24. EEL24: Airborne C4I:

Required capability to conduct enroute communication compatible with future, high capacity, trunk radio systems, which provide the commander and staff with high-capacity, multi-media communications processing, (voice, data, imagery, and video,) and enables interoperability with national and DOD networks.