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Natsios Young Architects

31 May 2009. Revise captions for Secret Service special vehicles.

30 May 2009

Barack and Michelle came to New York City to catch a show at the Belasco Theater in Times Square.
An impressive operation to accommodate the presidential Saturday night date among packed crowds and
heavy traffic. The crowd was uncomplaining, most un-New Yorkish. Even the Secret Service guys and
gals were smiling, highly unusual. A woman told one agent he was very handsome and thanked him for
protecting the president. You're welcome, ma'am, he blushed.

Saw only dim figures in the two armored limousines, could have been the Obamas or mannequins.
Didn't stay for the couple's departure.

Obama protection files:

Cryptome photos, May 30, 2009.


Times Square looking south (above) and north (below).


NYC cops crawling through the crowd in Times Square.


A Secret Service Emergency Response Team van crawling through the crowd in Times Square (more on this vehicle below).


Pairs of sand-spreading trucks for sealing both ends of West 44th Street at 7th and 6th Avenues.





Looking east on West 44th Street toward the Belasco Theater, the Obamas' destination.




White vehicle above left is a Secret Service Canine Explosives Detection Unit (more below)



Below, preparing to search the marquee roof; a bucket of mastic was removed.
Three Secret Service agents at left guarding the stage door.





Probably NYC plainclothes cops: few Secret Service agents keep hands in pockets.



Two Secret Service agents, front and back.



Two Secret Service agents, one in uniform.


Two Secret Service agents.


Three Secret Service agents and Susan Candiotti, CNN reporter.


Local reporter.


Three Secret Service agents and two countersnipers packing equipment and rifles.


Secret Service countersnipers.




West 44th Street and 6th Avenue, above and below.



Sidewalks blocked. The "national debt clock" in the background adjoining the Internal Revenue Service office:
$11,199,431,663,649, or $94,828 per family.



6th Avenue awaiting the Obama motorcade.



Secret Service agents and NYC cops installing barricades just before Obama's caravan arrives.


The motorcade arrives in spurts of vehicles.


Below, Secret Service vans, white for Canine Explosives Detection, black for Emergency Response Team.




The two armored limousines approach.






Below, communications van number 1.


Emergency Response Team 2.


Satellite communications van number 2 (more below)




Below highway patrol motorcycles.


Below, sand trucks used to seal West 44th Street and 6th Avneue, now closed after the Obamas' arrival.


Secret Service Emergency Response Team vehicle






Secret Service Canine Explosives Detection Unit vehicle



Window card below says "Police K-9 Vehicle."


Satellite communications van number 2




Secret Service agent grabs a smoke, waring cuff links with Treasury seal.


The essential communications jewelry and ID badge of Secret Service agents.
