28 March 2002



ERDAS Defense Solutions

The Map of the Future is an Intelligent Image.
By combining the full functionality of an Electronic Light Table (ELT) package with the capabilities of a Geographic Information System (GIS), ERDAS IMAGINE provides the military user a broad range of functionality ideally suited for the conversion of imagery into defense related information.

Simulate military missions

Simulate times of day

Simulate military night visions

Edit flight paths


View 3D flight paths

ERDAS Defense Initiatives
ERDAS is proud to support the U.S. Department of Defense, as well as other friendly foreign militaries throughout the world. ERDAS continues to take a leadership role within the imagery intelligence, military mapping and scene visualization communities.

ERDAS Defense Applications
Military applications of ERDAS software are as varied as the missions of our end users. ERDAS IMAGINE was used to build target graphics during Desert Storm and Kosovo, but was also used to build the map products for the Dayton Peace Talks. It is being used by Army medical research teams to track insect borne diseases in Africa and by strategic intelligence organizations to track refugees in the Balkans. If the mission requires the extraction of information from imagery, then ERDAS provides a solution. To learn more about Defense Applications, please click the link at the right.

ERDAS Defense Team
Recognizing the special requirements of the Defense Community, ERDAS organized a Defense Team. Headquartered in Washington DC, the ERDAS Defense Team is dedicated to supporting the specific needs of both the intelligence and geo-spatial military community.

IMAGINE Geospatial Light Table
ERDAS IMAGINE now has the capability of being configured as an Electronic Light Table (ELT) using the IMAGINE Geospatial Light Table (GLT) enhancement. The IMAGINE GLT provides a self-contained data viewing environment, capable of displaying multiple linked geospatial views within a GUI that presents all the commonly used exploitation tools immediately to the user without the need to drill down through multiple menu choices.

Contact Us
For more information about ERDAS Defense Solutions, please contact us at toll-free at 1-877-318-0422 or email us at