10 August 2001
New advances in Laser-Scan's world-leading technology are providing the US National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) with additional capabilities to deliver its 3D digital map data in a standard format to customers.
VPF (Vector Product Format) is a widely used military standard for vector data. The Gothic LAMPS2 Object Oriented Database Architecture provides NIMA and the Department of Defense community with the capability to import, archive, and export data as 3D Foundation Feature Data (FFD), which is a VPF profile. The accurate import, update and export of this data is of vital importance to NIMA. Global coverage of Foundation Data is the basis for the creation of Mission Specific Datasets.
The flowline delivered to NIMA uses stereo imagery as the source to capture, maintain, and deliver FFD data. The workstations used host a tightly integrated combination of BAE SYSTEMS SOCET SET� and Laser-Scan LAMPS2 software. Laser-Scan has enhanced the LAMPS2 editing environment by adding tools to improve the efficiency of operation and to ensure that the VPF required topological structure is correctly maintained at all times. This work builds on previous development of a 3D geometry data model by Laser-Scan. The Digital Nautical Chart� flowline is also supported through this development.
The project includes extensions to the prototype Spatial Object Transfer Format (SOTF) which was designed and implemented by Laser-Scan in an earlier NIMA-funded research effort. SOTF is based on XML and is a description of vector data including 3D geometry and topological relationships. The advent of SOTF as an up to date transfer format is a step forward in the quest for an industry standard. SOTF 3D geometry and 2D topology are supported in SAFE Software's Feature Manipulation Engine (FME) for translation to other industry formats. The principles established in SOTF are being channelled by Laser-Scan and NIMA into the evolution of the OpenGIS Consortium's Geography Markup Language (GML).
NIMA's Mission is to provide timely, relevant, and accurate imagery, imagery intelligence, and geospatial information in support of national security objectives. Laser-Scan technology is enabling NIMA to achieve this mission by producing digital data using technology based on LAMPS2/SOCET SET�.
Laser-Scan is an international industry leader in the advanced geospatial solutions market delivering GIS solutions for mapping and charting, e-government and Internet-based services. The unique benefit of Laser-Scan's core technology is its true Object-Oriented (OO) design.
Laser-Scan is a member of the YEOMAN Group plc and has offices at the world-famous Cambridge Science Park in the UK and in Sterling, Virginia in the USA. YEOMAN brings together expertise in mobile navigation, mapping and communications. The combination of these capabilities puts the Group in a strong position to play a leading role in the future of Internet and location-based services business. The YEOMAN Group is listed on the London Stock Exchange Alternative Investment Market (AIM).
For more information please
Patty Mims
Tel: +1 703 709 9306
Fax: +1 703 709 8053
Email :
Lisa May
Tel: +44 (0) 1223 420414
Fax: +44 (0) 1223 420044