1 May 2002
Naval Air Systems Command
RFP Number N00421-02-R-3141
Description: Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) N00421-02-R-3141
Expendible/Low Cost surveillance, payload delivery and unattended remote controlled sensor technology.
Points of Contact:
Title Name Phone E-Mail
Contracts Specialist Jeff Schoerner 301-342-7060 schoernerja@navair.navy.mil
Electronics Engineer Chyau Shen 301-342-0093 shencn@navair.navy.mil
SOL Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) N00421-02-R-3141 TITLE Expendable/low cost surveillance, payload delivery and unattended remote controlled sensor technology DUE 5 March 2003 AGENCY NAVAL AIR WARFARE CENTER AIRCRAFT DIVISION (NAWCAD) (Code, Bldg 588, Suite 2, 47253 Whalen Road, Aircraft Division, Patuxent River, MD 20670-1463 POC: Jeff Schoerner, Contract Specialist, (301) 342-7060 Veronica M. Singmore, Contracting Officer, (301) 342-2094 TECHNICAL POC: Chyau Shen (301) 342-0093 This notice constitutes a BAA as contemplated by FAR 6.102(d)(2). This BAA is also listed at http://www.navair.navy.mil/business/ecommerce/index.cfm (Business Opportunities/Open Solicitations).
I. INTRODUCTION. The NAVAL AIR SYSTEMS TEAM (NAST) is soliciting proposals for expendable/low cost surveillance, payload delivery and unattended remote controlled sensor technology for the avionics group and the electro-optical and special mission sensors division of NAWCAD Patuxent River, MD.
II. BACKGROUND. The Navy is interested in researching the area of expendable/low cost autonomous airborne or surface surveillance platforms with ranges of 20 to over 1,000 nautical miles, low cost, light weight long range imagery and data transmission, light weight/low cost surveillance turrets/sensors and laser designator/range finder, remote and over-the-horizon controlled unattended ground sensors and compact autonomous vehicles, and data dissemination technologies.
III. SPECIFIC AREAS OF INTEREST. Proposals are being solicited in three areas: A. Expendable/low cost autonomous airborne or surface surveillance platforms 1. Ranges of 20 to over 1,000 nautical miles 2. Low cost 3. Light weight long-range imagery and data transmission 4. Light weight/low cost surveillance turrets/sensors and laser designator/range finder 5. Remote and over-the-horizon controlled unattended ground sensors and compact autonomous vehicles 6. Data dissemination technologies B. A modular payload bay is also desirable for the surveillance platform to accommodate a variety of payloads 1. Unattended ground sensors and compact autonomous vehicles, 2 Low cost imaging optical (uv through the far infrared) for both targeting and cueing using multi-band and/or spectral classification techniques 3. Low cost radar for target detection imaging and/or tracking 4. Laser radar for target tracking and identification 5. ESM for target location cueing and identification C. Concepts that shall be considered 1. Target geo-location 2. Auto classification utilizing target images 3. Acoustic and other emissions and secure means of data distribution using commercial satellites and networks 4. Low cost sensor stabilization requirements and proposed solutions shall be addressed
IV. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT TYPE. NAVAIR is willing to consider various types of acquisition vehicles including, but not limited to, traditional FAR/DFARS type contracts and/or non-procurement agreements (e.g. Cooperative Agreements and Other Transactions). Other Transactions will be entered into under the authority of 10 U.S.C. 2371 (Congressional direction requires that at least 50 percent of the cost of a project under this initiative be provided by industry) and Section 845, Authority to Carry Out Certain Prototype Projects. Information concerning Other Transactions can be found at http://www.darpa.mil/cmo/pages/other_trans.html and http://www.acq.osd.mil/ddre/research, or by contacting Jeff Schoerner at (301) 342-7060 or by e-mail at SchoernerJA@navair.navy.mil. Final decision on acquisition type (contract/agreement) will be made by the government. NOTE: Typically, research findings result in the need for additional services/supplies, which are not possible to anticipate or project. Contract modifications may be executed to satisfy these requirements; thereby providing for flexibility in technology assessment (with technology transition the ultimate goal). In the event that this is required, it shall be considered to be within the scope of this BAA and the resulting contract, and therefore will have met the requirements of the FAR/DFARS and the Competition in Contracting Act.
V. PROPOSAL SUBMISSION. No request for proposal (RFP), solicitation or other announcement of this opportunity will be made. Submit proposals in two (2) phases.
A. PHASE I - Proposal Abstracts Submit Proposal Abstract, not to exceed fifteen pages, any time during the above stated open period. The Proposal Abstracts will be evaluated (at a minimum) quarterly. All proprietary portions of the abstract shall be clearly identified and will be treated in the strictest confidence. Offerors are hereby notified that non-government participants will have access to the offerors proposals, and that submission of an offer shall constitute consent to the disclosure of proprietary information to all non-government participants in the source selection. The non-government participants are employees of commercial firms under contract to the Government, and if they serve as technical advisors they will be authorized access to only those portions of the proposal data and discussions that are necessary to enable them to provide specific technical advice on specialized matters or on particular problems. Abstracts shall identify the following: (1) BAA Number; N00421-02-R-3141; (2) Organization Name; (3) Other Team Members and type of business for each; (4) Technical Points of contact (including phone, fax, and e-mail information); (5) Administrative Point of Contact; (6) Overview of the Proposed Work to include: A summary of proposed concept (including commercial applications), an estimated timeframe for project completion, a brief description of the facilities involved, and a brief resume of the principle investigator(s); and, (7) A rough order of cost magnitude with type of acquisition vehicle (contract/agreement) being proposed, and, if applicable, the anticipated sharing arrangement. IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR PROSPECTIVE CONTRACTORS: Registration in the DoDs Central Contractor Registration (CCR) database will be a prerequisite for receiving an award resulting from this BAA. For more information please contact the CCR Assistance Center at 1-888-227-2423.
B. PHASE II Full Proposal General Information: Only Offerors whose Phase I - Proposal Abstract is considered capable of meeting Program requirements will be asked to submit Phase II - Full Proposals. REQUEST FOR SUBMISSION OF A FULL PROPOSAL DOES NOT GUARANTEE AWARD SELECTION. Proposals shall be submitted in original, with the signature of an authorizing official, with five copies to the address noted above. Proposal submission is not restricted in any way to any particular entity. Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Minority Institutions, Tribal Colleges and Universities, and small, HUBZone small disadvantaged, and women owned small businesses are encouraged to participate. The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes for this BAA is 54133 with the small business size of 1,500 employees. Submit Full Proposals in two (2) volumes; (1) VOLUME I TECHNICAL PROPOSAL, not to exceed thirty (30) pages, should include the following three sections: Section 1 - Executive Summary: Provide a brief technical and business description of the contents of the proposal. The technical area should address the proposal's technical goals, approach, and expected results. The business area should address business and/or commercial applications of the proposal technology. Section 2 - Technical Issues: Detail the technical approach, objectives, staffing and resources relating to the development of the proposed technology for military and commercial (if applicable) use; discuss specifically in realistic terms the technical objectives of this proposed effort; provide a Statement of Work (SOW) that discusses the specific tasks to be accomplished, tied to the specific approach and goals of the project; provide resumes for Principle Investigator(s) and other key research personnel; describe the current and planned facilities and equipment to accomplish the research objectives; and, give a description of past performance on similar efforts. Section 3 - Business Issues: Discuss the business issues relating to the commercial applications of the proposed development and its impact on the market; detail benefits to the Department of Defense (DoD). (2) VOLUME II - COST/FUNDING PROPOSAL. Cost/funding proposals are not restricted in length, have no specific page layout requirements, and should address funding periods of performance. Formal work breakdown structures and certified cost or pricing data are neither required nor desired, however, NAVAIR reserves the right the request this information for proposals using FAR/DFARS type contracts. Organize Cost/Funding proposals to include four (4) sections in the following order: Section 1 - Total Project Cost: This section will give a detailed breakdown of costs of the project. Cost should also be broken for each task appearing in the Statement of Work and should include all of the proposed costs to the Government and cost shared by the offeror. Present the following information for each phase of the effort: total cost of the particular project phase; total offeror cost share (mandatory for certain "other transaction agreements" see above); funding requested from the Government; and elements of cost (labor, direct materials, travel, other direct costs, equipment, software, patents, royalties, indirect costs, and cost of money). Sufficient information should be provided in supporting documents to allow the Government to evaluate the reasonableness of these proposed costs, including salaries, overhead, equipment purchases, fair market rental value of leased items, and the method used for making such valuations. Profit should not be included as a cost element if the contract type to be awarded will be cost sharing. Section 2 - Cost Sharing and In-Kind Contributions: This section will include: (i) the sources of cash and amounts to be used for matching requirements; (ii) the specific in-kind contributions proposed, their value in monetary terms, and the methods by which their values were derived; and (iii) evidence of the existence of adequate cash or commitments to provide sufficient cash in the future. Affirmative, signed statements are required from outside sources of cash. Provide sufficient information regarding the sources of the offerors' cost share so that a determination may be made by the Government regarding the availability, timeliness, and control of these resources. For example: How will the funds and resources be applied to advance the progress of the proposed effort? What is the role of any proposed in-kind contributions? Section 3 - Cost to the Government: This section will specify the total costs proposed to be borne by the Government and any technical or other assistance including equipment, facilities, and personnel of Federal laboratories, if any, required to support these activities. The cost to the Government should be that portion of the proposed effort, which is not covered, by the contractor's portion of the cost share. The costs incurred and work performed by any DoD or national laboratory "partnering" with the offeror under the proposal shall normally be considered costs of the Government and not costs of the offeror for purposes of the cost-sharing requirement. Present sufficient information regarding the resources to be provided by the Government so that an evaluation of their availability, timeliness, and control may be made. Section 4 - Off-Budget Supporting Resources: This section will show cash or in-kind resources which will support the proposed activity but which are not intended to be included in the total project cost. Items in this category do not count as cost share or as Federal funds, which must be matched. Examples of items to place in this category include: Commitments of cash or in-kind resources from other Federal sources, such as national laboratories, and projections of fee-based income where there is substantial uncertainty about the level which will actually be collected and where the income is not needed to meet cost-share requirements.
VI. EVALUATION CRITERIA. The government will evaluate proposals responsive to any or all of the areas of interest discussed herein. Proposals will not be evaluated against each other since each is a unique technology with no common work statement. The primary evaluation criteria are: (A) Scientific and technical merits of the proposed research to include, (1) the degree to which proposed research and development objectives support the targeted technical topic and (2) validity of the technical basis for the approach offered; and (B) Potential contributions to the Avionics Group and the Electro-Optical and Special Missions Sensors Division to include (1) relevance to the stated technology areas of interest; (2) anticipated operational military (or commercial, if applicable) utility; (3) ability of proposed system/study to be rapidly ready for field-testing; (4) suitability for inclusion in a warfighting experiment (results of a simulation/study may be suitable for inclusion, but a contractor proposing paper vice hardware, needs to specifically address this evaluation factor); and, (5) projected affordability of transitioning the technology to the fleet or a commercial activity (for any developed hardware). Other evaluation criteria, of lesser importance than (A) and (B) but equal to each other, are: (C) The offeror's capabilities, related experience, past performance on similar efforts, research investigators/personnel, facilities, techniques or unique combination of these which are integral factors for achieving the proposal objectives; and (D) The realism and reasonableness of cost, including proposed cost sharing.
III. AWARDS. NAVAIR is planning to make awards within the overall Program Objectives stated above (See para. II). All awards will be based on merit competition. The Government reserves the right to select all, some or none of the proposals received in response to this announcement. Any awards are subject to the availability of appropriations. There is no commitment by the Navy to be responsible for any monies expended by the offeror before award of a contract/agreement. For awards made as contracts, the socio-economic merits of each proposal will be evaluated based on the commitment to provide meaningful subcontracting opportunities with small business, small disadvantaged business, woman-owned small business concerns, and HBCU/MIs. If a full cost proposal is requested by the contracting officer, and the total exceeds $500,000, any large business is required to include a Small, Small Disadvantaged and Women-Owned Subcontracting Plan with its proposal package in accordance with FAR 52.219-9.
Last Updated: 04/17/2002