The following list gives the names of replacement functions for those functions that have been withdrawn or superseded.
The list indicates the minimum change necessary, but many of the replacement functions for those functions have additional
flexibility and users may wish to take advantage of new features. It is strongly recommended that users consult the function
Withdrawn at Mark 2.
No replacement document required.
Withdrawn at Mark 2.
No replacement document required.
Withdrawn at Mark 2.
No replacement document required.
Scheduled for withdrawal at Mark 10.
Replaced by
nag_2d_shep_interp (e01sgc) or
nag_2d_triang_interp (e01sjc).
nag_2d_scat_interpolant (e01sac) generates a two-dimensional surface interpolating a set of scattered data points, using either
the method of Renka and Cline or a modification of Shepard's method. The replacement functions separate these two methods.
e01sac_rk.c provides replacement call information for the Renka and Cline method (
nag_2d_shep_interp (e01sgc)) and
e01sac_shep.c provides replacement call information for the Shepard's method (
nag_2d_triang_interp (e01sjc)).
Scheduled for withdrawal at Mark 10.
Replaced by
nag_2d_shep_eval (e01shc) or
nag_2d_triang_eval (e01skc).
See the example program
e01sac_rk.c and
e01sac_shep.c for full details.
Scheduled for withdrawal at Mark 10.
No replacement document required.
Scheduled for withdrawal at Mark 10.
Replaced by
nag_opt_nlp_solve (e04wdc).
See the example program
e04jbce.c for full details.
Scheduled for withdrawal at Mark 10.
Replaced by
nag_opt_nlp_solve (e04wdc).
See the example program
e04kbce.c for full details.
Scheduled for withdrawal at Mark 10.
Replaced by
nag_opt_sparse_convex_qp_solve (e04nqc).
See the example program
e04nkce.c for full details.
Scheduled for withdrawal at Mark 10.
Replaced by
nag_opt_nlp_solve (e04wdc).
See the example program
e04ucce.c for full details.
Withdrawn at Mark 2.
No replacement document required.