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- D02 Introduction
- D02 Introduction to the 'mn' routines
- d02ag – ODEs, boundary value problem, shooting and matching technique, allowing interior matching point, general parameters to be
- d02bg – ODEs, IVP, Runge–Kutta–Merson method, until a component attains given value (simple driver)
- d02bh – ODEs, IVP, Runge–Kutta–Merson method, until function of solution is zero (simple driver)
- d02bj – ODEs, IVP, Runge–Kutta method, until function of solution is zero, integration over range with intermediate output (simple
- d02cj – ODEs, IVP, Adams method, until function of solution is zero, intermediate output (simple driver)
- d02ej – ODEs, stiff IVP, BDF method, until function of solution is zero, intermediate output (simple driver)
- d02ga – ODEs, boundary value problem, finite difference technique with deferred correction, simple nonlinear problem
- d02gb – ODEs, boundary value problem, finite difference technique with deferred correction, general linear problem
- d02ha – ODEs, boundary value problem, shooting and matching, boundary values to be determined
- d02hb – ODEs, boundary value problem, shooting and matching, general parameters to be determined
- d02ja – ODEs, boundary value problem, collocation and least-squares, single nth-order linear equation
- d02jb – ODEs, boundary value problem, collocation and least-squares, system of first-order linear equations
- d02ka – Second-order Sturm–Liouville problem, regular system, finite range, eigenvalue only
- d02kd – Second-order Sturm–Liouville problem, regular/singular system, finite/infinite range, eigenvalue only, user-specified break-points
- d02ke – Second-order Sturm–Liouville problem, regular/singular system, finite/infinite range, eigenvalue and eigenfunction, user-specified
- d02la – Second-order ODEs, IVP, Runge–Kutta–Nystrom method
- d02lx – Second-order ODEs, IVP, setup for d02la
- d02ly – Second-order ODEs, IVP, diagnostics for d02la
- d02lz – Second-order ODEs, IVP, interpolation for d02la
- d02mv – ODEs, IVP, DASSL method, setup for D02M–N routines
- d02mz – ODEs, IVP, interpolation for D02M–N routines, natural interpolant
- d02nb – Explicit ODEs, stiff IVP, full Jacobian (comprehensive)
- d02nc – Explicit ODEs, stiff IVP, banded Jacobian (comprehensive)
- d02nd – Explicit ODEs, stiff IVP, sparse Jacobian (comprehensive)
- d02ng – Implicit/algebraic ODEs, stiff IVP, full Jacobian (comprehensive)
- d02nh – Implicit/algebraic ODEs, stiff IVP, banded Jacobian (comprehensive)
- d02nj – Implicit/algebraic ODEs, stiff IVP, sparse Jacobian (comprehensive)
- d02nm – Explicit ODEs, stiff IVP (reverse communication, comprehensive)
- d02nn – Implicit/algebraic ODEs, stiff IVP (reverse communication, comprehensive)
- d02nr – ODEs, IVP, for use with D02M–N routines, sparse Jacobian, enquiry routine
- d02ns – ODEs, IVP, for use with D02M–N routines, full Jacobian, linear algebra set up
- d02nt – ODEs, IVP, for use with D02M–N routines, banded Jacobian, linear algebra set up
- d02nu – ODEs, IVP, for use with D02M–N routines, sparse Jacobian, linear algebra set up
- d02nv – ODEs, IVP, BDF method, setup for D02M–N routines
- d02nw – ODEs, IVP, Blend method, setup for D02M–N routines
- d02nx – ODEs, IVP, sparse Jacobian, linear algebra diagnostics, for use with D02M–N routines
- d02ny – ODEs, IVP, integrator diagnostics, for use with D02M–N routines
- d02nz – ODEs, IVP, setup for continuation calls to integrator, for use with D02M–N routines
- d02pc – ODEs, IVP, Runge–Kutta method, integration over range with output
- d02pd – ODEs, IVP, Runge–Kutta method, integration over one step
- d02pv – ODEs, IVP, setup for d02pc and d02pd
- d02pw – ODEs, IVP, resets end of range for d02pd
- d02px – ODEs, IVP, interpolation for d02pd
- d02py – ODEs, IVP, integration diagnostics for d02pc and d02pd
- d02pz – ODEs, IVP, error assessment diagnostics for d02pc and d02pd
- d02qf – ODEs, IVP, Adams method with root-finding (forward communication, comprehensive)
- d02qg – ODEs, IVP, Adams method with root-finding (reverse communication, comprehensive)
- d02qw – ODEs, IVP, setup for d02qf and d02qg
- d02qx – ODEs, IVP, diagnostics for d02qf and d02qg
- d02qy – ODEs, IVP, root-finding diagnostics for d02qf and d02qg
- d02qz – ODEs, IVP, interpolation for d02qf or d02qg
- d02ra – ODEs, general nonlinear boundary value problem, finite difference technique with deferred correction, continuation facility
- d02sa – ODEs, boundary value problem, shooting and matching technique, subject to extra algebraic equations, general parameters to
be determined
- d02tg – nth-order linear ODEs, boundary value problem, collocation and least-squares
- d02tk – ODEs, general nonlinear boundary value problem, collocation technique
- d02tv – ODEs, general nonlinear boundary value problem, setup for d02tk
- d02tx – ODEs, general nonlinear boundary value problem, continuation facility for d02tk
- d02ty – ODEs, general nonlinear boundary value problem, interpolation for d02tk
- d02tz – ODEs, general nonlinear boundary value problem, diagnostics for d02tk
- d02xj – ODEs, IVP, interpolation for D02M–N routines, natural interpolant
- d02xk – ODEs, IVP, interpolation for D02M–N routines, C_1 interpolant
- d02za – ODEs, IVP, weighted norm of local error estimate for D02M–N routines