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- F04 Introduction
- f04aa – Solution of real simultaneous linear equations with multiple right-hand sides (Black Box)
- f04ab – Solution of real symmetric positive-definite simultaneous linear equations with multiple right-hand sides using iterative
refinement (Black Box)
- f04ac – Solution of real symmetric positive-definite banded simultaneous linear equations with multiple right-hand sides (Black Box)
- f04ad – Solution of complex simultaneous linear equations with multiple right-hand sides (Black Box)
- f04ae – Solution of real simultaneous linear equations with multiple right-hand sides using iterative refinement (Black Box)
- f04af – Solution of real symmetric positive-definite simultaneous linear equations using iterative refinement (coefficient matrix
already factorized by f03ae)
- f04ag – Solution of real symmetric positive-definite simultaneous linear equations (coefficient matrix already factorized by f03ae)
- f04ah – Solution of real simultaneous linear equations using iterative refinement (coefficient matrix already factorized by f03af)
- f04aj – Solution of real simultaneous linear equations (coefficient matrix already factorized by f03af)
- f04am – Least-squares solution of m real equations in n unknowns, rank =n, m >= n using iterative refinement (Black Box)
- f04ar – Solution of real simultaneous linear equations, one right-hand side (Black Box)
- f04as – Solution of real symmetric positive-definite simultaneous linear equations, one right-hand side using iterative refinement
(Black Box)
- f04at – Solution of real simultaneous linear equations, one right-hand side using iterative refinement (Black Box)
- f04ax – Solution of real sparse simultaneous linear equations (coefficient matrix already factorized)
- f04ba – Computes the solution and error-bound to a real system of linear equations
- f04bb – Computes the solution and error-bound to a real banded system of linear equations
- f04bc – Computes the solution and error-bound to a real tridiagonal system of linear equations
- f04bd – Computes the solution and error-bound to a real symmetric positive-definite system of linear equations
- f04be – Computes the solution and error-bound to a real symmetric positive-definite system of linear equations, packed storage
- f04bf – Computes the solution and error-bound to a real symmetric positive-definite banded system of linear equations
- f04bg – Computes the solution and error-bound to a real symmetric positive-definite tridiagonal system of linear equations
- f04bh – Computes the solution and error-bound to a real symmetric system of linear equations
- f04bj – Computes the solution and error-bound to a real symmetric system of linear equations, packed storage
- f04ca – Computes the solution and error-bound to a complex system of linear equations
- f04cb – Computes the solution and error-bound to a complex banded system of linear equations
- f04cc – Computes the solution and error-bound to a complex tridiagonal system of linear equations
- f04cd – Computes the solution and error-bound to a complex Hermitian positive-definite system of linear equations
- f04ce – Computes the solution and error-bound to a complex Hermitian positive-definite system of linear equations, packed storage
- f04cf – Computes the solution and error-bound to a complex Hermitian positive-definite banded system of linear equations
- f04cg – Computes the solution and error-bound to a complex Hermitian positive-definite tridiagonal system of linear equations
- f04ch – Computes the solution and error-bound to a complex Hermitian system of linear equations
- f04cj – Computes the solution and error-bound to a complex Hermitian system of linear equations, packed storage
- f04dh – Computes the solution and error-bound to a complex symmetric system of linear equations
- f04dj – Computes the solution and error-bound to a complex symmetric system of linear equations, packed storage.
- f04ea – Solution of real tridiagonal simultaneous linear equations, one right-hand side (Black Box)
- f04fa – Solution of real symmetric positive-definite tridiagonal simultaneous linear equations, one right-hand side (Black Box)
- f04fe – Solution of the Yule–Walker equations for real symmetric positive-definite Toeplitz matrix, one right-hand side
- f04ff – Solution of real symmetric positive-definite Toeplitz system, one right-hand side
- f04ja – Minimal least-squares solution of m real equations in n unknowns, rank <= n, m >= n
- f04jd – Minimal least-squares solution of m real equations in n unknowns, rank <= m, m <= n
- f04jg – Least-squares (if rank =n) or minimal least-squares (if rank <n) solution of m real equations in n unknowns, rank <= n, m >= n
- f04jl – Real general Gauss–Markov linear model (including weighted least-squares)
- f04jm – Equality-constrained real linear least-squares problem
- f04kl – Complex general Gauss–Markov linear model (including weighted least-squares)
- f04km – Equality-constrained complex linear least-squares problem
- f04le – Solution of real tridiagonal simultaneous linear equations (coefficient matrix already factorized by f01le)
- f04lh – Solution of real almost block diagonal simultaneous linear equations (coefficient matrix already factorized by f01lh)
- f04mc – Solution of real symmetric positive-definite variable-bandwidth simultaneous linear equations (coefficient matrix already
factorized by f01mc)
- f04me – Update solution of the Yule–Walker equations for real symmetric positive-definite Toeplitz matrix
- f04mf – Update solution of real symmetric positive-definite Toeplitz system
- f04qa – Sparse linear least-squares problem, m real equations in n unknowns
- f04ya – Covariance matrix for linear least-squares problems, m real equations in n unknowns
- f04yc – Norm estimation (for use in condition estimation), real matrix
- f04zc – Norm estimation (for use in condition estimation), complex matrix