NAG Parallel Library, Release 3


Intel Itanium (IA64) Linux

Installer's Note


1. Introduction

This document is essential reading for whoever is responsible for the installation of the NAG Parallel Library implementation specified in the title. The installer will be supplied with a printed copy of this document. Both this (doc/in.html) and the Users' Note (doc/un.html) are supplied on the distribution medium.

Whenever the NAG Parallel Library has been supplied in compiled form, that form is considered to be the standard library file. The use of all supplied software must be in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Software Licence signed by NAG and each site. Any request to use NAG software on a computer other than the one licensed must be referred to NAG (see Section 6).

2. Implementation Provided

2.1. Applicability

This implementation is a compiled, tested, ready-to-use version of the NAG Parallel Library that is considered suitable for operation on the computer systems detailed below:

hardware:          Intel Itanium (IA64)
operating system:  64-bit Linux (with glibc-2.3)
Fortran compiler:  NAGWare f95 Release 5.0 and compatible
C compiler:        gcc 3.2.3 and compatible
MPI:               MPICH 1.2.6 and compatible

For information about implementations of the NAG Parallel Library for use on other computer systems please contact NAG.

2.2. Derivation

This implementation was produced at NAG Ltd., Oxford on the computing system detailed below:

hardware:                  Intel Itanium 2 (IA64)
operating system:          Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 3 (glibc-2.3)
Fortran compiler:          NAGWare f95 compiler Release 5.0(361)
compiler options:          -O4 -W0,-cope_with_scalapack_bug -mismatch -dcfuns
C compiler:                gcc 3.2.3
compiler options:          -O4
MPI:                       MPICH version 1.2.6
MPI configuration options: --with-f95

The entire NAG NAG Parallel Library, Release 3, was compiled with full optimization (-O4), except for the following routines, which had to be compiled at lesser optimization levels:

pdlaiect.c (-O1)   f06gbft.f (-O0)    f06paft.f (-O0)    f06pmft.f (-O0)
f06yaft.f (-O0)    f06yfft.f (-O0)    f06fjft.f (-O0)    f06kjft.f (-O0)
f08meyt.f (-O0)    zrot.f (-O0)

This implementation has been tested using the Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) and the Basic Linear Algebra Communication Subprograms (BLACS) provided by NAG.

3. Distribution Medium

3.1. Recording Details

The implementation is distributed in tar format on CD-ROM, unless otherwise indicated on the medium and accompanying despatch note.

For further details, refer to other documentation supplied or contact NAG (see Section 6).

3.2. Contents

The following shows the directory/file organization of the materials as they will be installed.
                      |-- in.html
            |-- doc --|-- un.html
            |-- libnagmpi.a
            |-- libnagmpiblas.a
            |-- libnagfls.a
fdl6403d9 --|
            |              |-- source ---|-- *e.f
            |-- examples --|-- data -----|-- *e.d
            |              |-- results --|-- *e.r
            |-- scripts ---|-- *

3.3. File Sizes

The files require approximately the following disk space:
compiled libraries, libnagmpi.a:     8.7 Mb
                    libnagmpiblas.a: 0.7 Mb
                    libnagfls.a:     0.6 Mb
example program material:            0.9 Mb
documentation files:                 0.1 Mb

4. Library Installation

4.1. Installation

To install all material (including source), use the Unix tar utility, e.g.

tar xvf /cdrom/fd03.tar
(assuming the CD-ROM has been mounted as /cdrom).

Links to the object libraries libnagmpi.a, libnagmpiblas.a and libnagfls.a should be placed in a directory, such as /usr/lib, in the default search path of the linker so that linkage is convenient.
The object library libnagmpiblas.a is a subset of the BLAS required by the NAG Parallel Library.

The script nagmpiexample is intended to provide users with a simple means of access to the example material. It will require some minor edits to reflect the local installation and should be placed in a directory, such as /usr/local/bin, which is on users' execution search paths.

4.2. Checking Accessibility

The installation may be tested by using the script nagmpiexample (when logged in as a normal user). The script will copy an example program and its data, compile it, link it with the libraries and run it.

For example, give the command

nagmpiexample f04ebfp
to run the F04EBFP example program.

4.3. Release to Users

The Users' Note (doc/un.html) should be checked and amended as necessary (particularly Section 2.2). It can then be made available to users directly, or be absorbed into local access information.

The following material should also be made accessible to users:

other library documentation (see Section 5) compiled libraries:

example program material:

Making the supplied example material directly available to users provides them with easily adaptable templates for their own problems.

4.4. Maintenance Level

The maintenance level of the supplied library can be determined by writing a simple program to call A00AAFP, which prints out details of the implementation, including title and product code, precision used, release, maintenance level and the underlying message passing mechanism (MPI in this case).

5. Documentation

Each NAG Parallel Library site is ordinarily provided with a printed copy of the NAG Parallel Library Manual (or Update). If you require additional copies then please contact NAG.

On-line documentation is also provided, in PDF form, with this implementation. Please see the Readme file on the distribution medium for further information.

6. Support from NAG

(a) Contact with NAG

Queries concerning this document or the implementation generally should be directed initially to your local Advisory Service. If you have difficulty in making contact locally, you can contact NAG directly at one of the addresses given in the Appendix.

(b) NAG Response Centres

The NAG Response Centres are available for general enquiries from all users and also for technical queries from sites with an annually licensed product or support service.

The Response Centres are open during office hours, but contact is possible by fax, email and phone (answering machine) at all times.

When contacting a Response Centre please quote your NAG site reference and NAG product code (in this case FDL6403D9).

(c) NAG Websites

The NAG websites are an information service providing items of interest to users and prospective users of NAG products and services. The information is reviewed and updated regularly and includes implementation availability, descriptions of products, downloadable software, product documentation and technical reports. The NAG websites can be accessed at

or (in North America)

or (in Japan)

(d) NAG Electronic Newsletter

If you would like to be kept up to date with news from NAG you may want to register to receive our electronic newsletter, which will alert you to special offers, announcements about new products or product/service enhancements, case studies and NAG's event diary. To register visit one of our websites or contact us at

7. User Feedback

Many factors influence the way NAG's products and services evolve and your ideas are invaluable in helping us to ensure that we meet your needs. If you would like to contribute to this process we would be delighted to receive your comments. Please contact your local NAG Response Centre (shown below).

Appendix - Contact Addresses

Wilkinson House
Jordan Hill Road
OXFORD  OX2 8DR                         NAG Ltd Response Centre
United Kingdom                          email:

Tel: +44 (0)1865 511245                 Tel: +44 (0)1865 311744
Fax: +44 (0)1865 310139                 Fax: +44 (0)1865 310139 

1431 Opus Place, Suite 220
Downers Grove
IL 60515-1362                           NAG Inc Response Center
USA                                     email:

Tel: +1 630 971 2337                    Tel: +1 630 971 2345
Fax: +1 630 971 2706                    Fax: +1 630 971 2706

Nihon NAG KK
Hatchobori Frontier Building 2F
Tokyo 104-0032

Tel: +81 (0)3 5542 6311
Fax: +81 (0)3 5542 6312