Intel JMedia Player
Known Problems
Version 1.3.1
The following are known bugs or deviations from the documented behavior.
Unless otherwise indicated, we intend to correct these in subsequent releases.
- Under ActiveMovie 1.0, setDB() and setLevel() do not work on a Realized Player (although they work on a
Prefetched Player). There
are two possible workarounds for this problem:
- Prefetch the Player prior to calling these APIs.
- Install Microsoft
DirectX 5.0.
- Windows 95 can hang if the browser is closed while streaming an MPEG clip
over a modem connection. If this happens reboot your system.
- Reset of stop time after StopAtTime
event changes the current media time. The problem occurs in the following scenario:
Use setStopTime() to set a value, then start the Player. When the target stop time is reached, the StopAtTime event is sent. Next, change the stop time
and restart the Player. The media time is changed
immediately to the stop time and the StopAtTime
event is sent. To work around the problem, reset the media time and call start().
- MPEG-1 clips may have different duration when accessed locally and
remotely. The duration of the same MPEG-1 clip (obtained with the Player.getDuration() API) may be slightly
different if accessed locally (using FILE protocal) and remotely (using HTTP).
- JMF Players are not serializable. This is a limitatation of the Java*
Media Framework API 1.0 specification.
- Installing the Java Media Framework SDK or runtimes may fail if the
Internet Explorer 4.0x ActiveDesktop is installed. This can happen because
ActiveDesktop prevents removing or replacing the JMF DLLs. There are two workarounds
for this problem:
- Uninstall Internet Explorer ActiveDesktop.
- Reboot your system, uninstall JMF, then reinstall JMF.
- When compiling Java applets that use the javax.media package, the JDK 1.0.2 compiler will
give an error on the import statement (for example, "import javax.media"). To workaround this
problem, the SDK installation program creates two empty subdirectories javax\media and intel\media. It includes the path to these
directories in your CLASSPATH. This is only a problem during compilation. It will not
affect execution of applets that use the Java media classes.
- Some Java Media Framework applications or applets may cause Symantec
Cafe* 1.51 Appletviewer to crash. To work around the problem, upgrade to the latest
Symantec JIT (JIT 2.0 B54 is available from Symantec).
If upgrading the JIT does not fix the crash, disable the Symantec JIT. To do so, add the
following line to your autoexec.bat:
set JAVA_COMPCMD=disable
and reboot your system.