Audio Codec '97 Component SpecificationThe Audio Codec 97 Component Specification version 2.0 (AC '97 2.0) is now available. AC '97 2.0 is the next step in enabling PCs with audio quality comparable to consumer electronics devices. The specification defines new cost-effective options to help integrate the components necessary to support next-generation auto-intensive PC applications such as DVD, 3-D multiplayer gaming and interactive music. The specification also defines new extensions supporting modem and docking to help both desktop and mobile manufacturers adopt these new technologies more quickly and cost-effectively. AC '97 2.0 is meant to augment the original AC '97 1.03 spec, not replace it. In fact, the specification is written as a stand-alone set of appendices to the 1.03 spec.
Download the Audio Codec '97 Component Specification Revision 1.03, September 15, 1996 (309 KB, Adobe Acrobat format) See also Intel's software audio technology, 3D Realistic Sound Experience (3D RSX).