Intel introduces first Pentium® II processor for Mobile PCs. Boosting performance to the highest levels ever, Intel's new mobile Pentium II processors are driving the new generation of high performance mobile PCs. The mobile Pentium II family of performance PC processors blend superior power with technical innovation to help provide today's demanding mobile users with greater functionality anywhere, anytime. At speeds of 266 and 233 MHz, these processors incorporate state-of-the-art technologies, like Intel's 0.25 micron manufacturing process and Dual Independent Bus (DIB) architecture, for dramatically improved business, graphics, and communication software productivity
Intel recently sponsored the ACPI Implementation Workshop on February 9th and 10th. The Workshop is a hardware and software compatibility testing event and technical seminar. Testing and education were the principal focus of the Workshop. Technical experts from Intel, Microsoft and Toshiba were available to answer questions and assist with testing. Browse and download the workshop information and presentations.
Next Generation Mobile Platform Technologies; read the article by Frank Spindler, Intel's Director of Mobile Marketing, in Issue #6 of PSN based on the information provided at the February Intel Developer Forum.
Intel Extends PC Health Management To Mobile PCs with LANDesk® Client Manager v3.2.
Providing Mobile PC users with the flexible environment they require has always been a challenge. IT management challenges include affordability, maintenance, administration, productivity and security. Notebook users need desktop equivalent capabilities in a mobile form factor that's portable. They won't sacrifice performance for mobility, and they need the lowest possible power consumption providing the longest battery life on the road. Users also require seamless communicationsover the LAN, the phone line, and through wireless technologies.
Intel is meeting those challenges with it's mobile computing vision: anytime, anywhere performance and productivity. Intel is committed to enabling and delivering cost effective, high performance computing solutions that focus on power efficiency, remote manageability, and mobile communications.
As the industry prepares to design systems for 1999and users continue to demand more featuresbalancing power, battery life and size is ever more challenging. By designing with the Mobile Power Initiative in mind, it is possible to deliver high-end mobile features without sacrificing reliability and extended battery life.
The Mobile Power Initiative is an industry-wide program for mobile PC system manufacturers, component suppliers and software vendors. This comprehensive initiative addresses the industry's power consumption challenges in three major areas: System Hardware, System Software, and Application Software. Intel has made available new high-performance, power efficient microprocessors and other building blocks, new Mobile Power Guidelines (Version 1.0 now available), and a broad array of tools and specifications to support power efficient hardware and software development. The Mobile Power Initiative is supported by a broad array of leading PC system manufacturers, component suppliers and software vendors.
Through the Wired for Management Initiative, Intel is leading the industry to define and deliver the managed mobile PC. Mobile manageability was added to the WfM Baseline specification in June '97, and Intel is providing mobile instrumentation tools and software to enable mobile OEMs to offer managed mobile PCs.
Recently Intel hosted a Wired for Management Interop Event. New at this event was the testing for mobile PCs. The WfM Baseline includes instrumentation capabilities specific to mobile devices, allowing for remote monitoring of batteries, PC cards and docking stations. In addition, the instrumentation recognizes the mobile environment as a dynamic one, allowing IT managers to recognize changes in the environment, such as insertion of a PC card or plugging the mobile PC into a docking station. AST*, Dell*, IBM*, and Toshiba* have announced mobile systems implementing the Wired for Management Baseline Specification. Several other OEMs that are developing mobile PCs attended the interoperability event to continue preparing their Wired for Management-enabled systems for production.
Formed and led by Intel, the Mobile Data Initiative is a cross-industry effort to provide mobile PC users with an easy and affordable wireless connection to data networks, using cellular telephones linked to mobile PCs.
The Mobile Data Initiative unites three exciting technologies. The combination of powerful mobile PCs, digital wireless telephony, and the Internet gives business users new resources that they can leverage while out of the office. With these new products and services, business professionals have fast, reliable and cost-effective access to information wherever their business takes them.
* Legal Information © 1998 Intel Corporation