Add or View / Modify Standard    Related Topics  

Defines, displays or modifies the properties of the calibration standards in a particular calibration kit. This dialog is opened from the Add or View / Modify Calibration Kit dialog (Add Standard... or View / Modify Standard... buttons). Depending on the title, some control elements may not be active.

Calibration standard types.

In its upper part the Add Standard or View / Modify Standard dialog contains several controls to do the following:

Assigning a label to standards is optional. However, the label is displayed in many dialogs and can help you identify a standard or distinguish different standards with similar parameters.

If Circuit Model is selected in the S-params From panel, then the controls in the central panel of the dialog are enabled. The circuit diagram is adjusted to the selected standard type. The following parameters can be set:

The impedance for waveguides is frequency-dependent. If a waveguide line type is selected in the Offset Model dialog, the circuit model indicates varies instead of a definite impedance value.

Remote control:



Restrict Port Assignment

Opens a dialog to define whether the standard can be connected to any port of the analyzer or to just one port (for one-port standards) or a pair of ports (for two-port standards).

The port assignment is displayed in the Add or View / Modify Calibration Kit dialogs.

Port assignment and gender

The standards are handled differently, depending on their port assignment:

This approach simplifies the definition of standards and helps to avoid inconsistencies.

Remote control:


Modify Offset

Specifies the offset parameters for the transmission lines of a particular calibration standard. This dialog is opened from the Add or View / Modify Standard... dialog (Modify Offset... button).


The offset parameters depend on whether or not the circuit model is defined in Agilent Mode (see Add/Modify Calibration Kit dialog):

Both parameter sets are closely related. The Electrical Length is proportional to the Delay; Z0 corresponds to the Char. Impedance. Moreover the analyzer converts an Agilent-type Offset Loss into a ZVR-type Loss and vice versa using the Relative Permittivity εr for the connector type defined in the Offset Model... dialog.  

The offset parameters have the following physical meaning:

The default delay is 0 s, the default step width is 1 ns, corresponding to a step width of 299.792 mm for the electrical length. The relations hold for one-port and 2-port standards.

The default characteristic impedance is equal to the reference impedance of the system.

In Agilent mode the Offset Loss is expressed in units of Ω/s at a frequency of 1 GHz. The following formula holds for two-port standards:

The conversion formula for one-port standards has an additional factor 1/2 on the right-hand side. The reason for this factor is that the Loss in dB accounts for the attenuation along the forward and the reverse path (no matter how often the wave actually propagates through the line), whereas the Offset Loss is proportional to the attenuation of the line. 

To determine an offset loss value experimentally, measure the delay in seconds and the loss in dB at 1 GHz and use the formula above.

The default Loss or Offset Loss is zero.

The impedance for waveguides is frequency-dependent. If a waveguide line type is selected in the Offset Modeldialog, the Char. Impedance field is disabled and indicates "varies" instead of a definite impedance value. Moreover no Loss or Offset Loss can be set.

Offset parameters are used to describe all types of standards except the Sliding Match and the Attenuation.

Remote control:


Modify Load

Specifies the load parameters for a particular calibration standard describing its terminal impedance. This dialog is opened from the Add or View / Modify Standard... dialog (Modify Load... button).

The circuit model for the load consists of capacitance C which is connected in parallel to an inductance L and a resistance R, both connected in series.

Load parameters are used to describe all types of standards except a Through, a Sliding Match, a Line and an Attenuation.

Remote control:


Calibration Standard Types

The following table gives an overview of the different standards and their offset and load models:

Standard Type


Ideal Standard

Offset Model

Load Model


Open circuit (one-port)



Short circuit (one-port)

0 Ω

Offset short

Short circuit with added electrical length offset, for waveguide calibration (one-port)

0 Ω


Matched broadband termination (one-port)

Z0 (reference impedance of the connector type)

Sliding match

One-port standard consisting of an air line with a movable, low-reflection load element (sliding load). See Measure Standards.


Unknown mismatched standard (one-port)



Through-connection with minimum loss (two-port)

Line1, Line 2

Line(s) for TRL calibration with minimum loss (two-port)


Fully matched standard in both directions (two-port; the reflection factor at both ports is zero).

Symm. network

Unknown mismatched reflection-symmetric standard (two-port)

The calibration of rectangular waveguides at very high frequencies requires a special set of standards; see Frequency Extension – Calibration.

Remote control:

For an overview of standard parameters see also