Linearity Deviation    Related Topics

Compensate the active trace for the average slope and response value.

Effect and purpose of the linearity deviation calculation

To obtain the Linearity Deviation trace, the analyzer calculates a regression line to all trace points. The corrected trace is based on the deviation dlin of each trace point from the regression line:

The effect of the operation on an almost straight trace is shown below.

The Linearity Deviation operation is useful in all applications where the deviation of the trace from linearity is investigated, e.g. the mixer delay measurement.

The Linearity Deviation functions are selected from a submenu:


The Linearity Deviation Manual dialog is used for manual entry of the correction factors.

When it is opened, the dialog shows the latest set of correction values used.

Remote control:

CALCulate< Chn >:LDEViation:SLOPe
CALCulate< Chn >:LDEViation:ELENgth
CALCulate< Chn >:LDEViation:CONStant


Initiates a (re-)calculation of the linearity deviation from the active measured trace.

Remote control:

CALCulate< Chn >:LDEViation:AUTO ONCE

On / Tracking / Off

On / Off and Tracking are alternative functions to apply/discard the correction factors or re-calculate them for each trace (Tracking).  

While On or Tracking is selected, the correction factors are displayed in an info field.

Remote control:

CALCulate< Chn >:LDEViation:MODE OFF | ON | TRACking