CALCulate<Chn>:SMOothing...    Related Topics

This subsystem provides the settings for trace smoothing.


Command tree: CALCulate<Chn>SMOothing



CALCulate<Chn>:SMOothing:APERture <numeric_value>

Defines how many measurement points are averaged to smooth the trace.  


Channel number used to identify the active trace. If unspecified the numeric suffix is set to 1.



Smoothing aperture.

Range [def. unit]

0.05% to 100%. A smoothing aperture of n % means that the smoothing interval for each sweep point i with stimulus value xi is equal to [xi – span*n/200, xi + span*n/200], and that the result of i is replaced by the arithmetic mean value of all measurement points in this interval.  [%]

*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query.




Activate smoothing for the default trace.


Reduce the smoothing aperture to 0.5 %.



CALCulate<Chn>:SMOothing[:STATe] <Boolean>

Enables or disables smoothing for trace no. <Chn>.


Channel number used to identify the active trace.  



ON | OFF - Smoothing on or off.  

*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query.  



See CALCulate<Chn>:STATistics:SMOothing:APERture