[SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect...    Related Topics

This subsystem controls the system error correction.  


Command tree: [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect




































Program example: Calibration

THRough | OPEN1 | OPEN2 | OPEN12 | SHORT1 | SHORT2 | SHORT12 | MATCH1 | MATCH2 | MATCH12 | NET | ATT | IMATCH12 | REFL1 | REFL2 | SLIDE1 | SLIDE2 | SLIDE12 | LINE1 | LINE2 | LINE3 | M1O2 | O1M2 | M1S2 | S1M2 | OSHORT1 | OSHORT11 | OSHORT12 | OSHORT13 | OSHORT2 | OSHORT21 | OSHORT22 | OSHORT23 | UTHRough | ISOLation [, <Dispersion>, AUTO | <delay | phase>]

Starts a calibration measurement in order to acquire measurement data for the selected standards. The standards are reflection or transmission standards and must be connected to port 1 or 2 of the analyzer.

Use the generalized command [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect[:ACQuire]:SELected to obtain measurement data at arbitrary analyzer ports.


Channel number of the calibrated channel. If unspecified the numeric suffix is set to 1.


THRough ... UTHRough

Standard types: Through (between port 1 and 2), Open, Short, Match (MATCH12 and IMATCH12 are synonymous), Symmetric Network (NET), Attenuation (ATT), Reflect, Sliding Match (SLIDe), Line1 (LINE1 and LINE are synonymous), Line2 and Line3 (esp. for TRL calibration), Match/Open (M1O2, O1M2), Match/Short (M1S2, S1M2), Offset Short (OSHORT), Unknown Through (UTHRough), Isolation (optional, between port 1 and 2).  

The numbers in the parameter names denote the analyzer ports. Two numbers 12 mean that two separate calibrations are performed at ports 1 and 2. For Offset Short standards, the first number denotes the port (1 or 2), the second number denotes the number of the standard (1 to 3).

*RST value




Optional status parameter for UTHRough standard:

OFF – Unknown through standard is non-dispersive
ON – Unknown through standard is dispersive

*RST value



AUTO | <delay | phase>

Optional entry of delay time or phase for UTHRough standard:  

AUTO – The analyzer determines the delay time or phase during the calibration sweep
<delay or phase> – entry of the delay time in ps (for non-dispersive standards) or of an estimate of the phase at the start frequency of the sweep in deg (for dispersive standards).

See also background information for [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect[:ACQuire]:SELected.  

*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Confirmed (with device-specific standards), no query


See [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:SAVE.



[SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect[:ACQuire]:RSAVe <Boolean>

Activates or deactivates the calibration mode where the raw measurement data of the standards is stored after the calibration is completed. The setting is valid for the current calibration, where it overwrites the global setting ([SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect[:ACQuire]:RSAVe:DEFault). A new calibration deletes the calibration data acquired in previous calibrations.


Channel number of the calibrated channel.



ON | OFF - Keep measurement data on or off.  

*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query




Generally keep the raw measurement data of the standards after the calibration is completed.  


Select a one-port normalization at port 1 with a short standard as calibration type.


Measure a short standard connected to port 1 and store the raw measurement results of this standard.


To save disk space, delete the current raw calibration data after the calibration is completed.


Calculate the system error correction data and apply them to the active channel.




[SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect[:ACQuire]:RSAVe:DEFault <Boolean>

Activates or deactivates the calibration mode where the raw measurement data of the standards is stored after the calibration is completed. The setting remains valid for all subsequent calibrations until it is changed explicitly. A new calibration deletes the calibration data acquired in previous calibrations.


Channel number of the calibrated channel.



ON | OFF - Keep measurement data on or off.  

*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query



See [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect[:AQUire]:RSAVe.



THRough | OPEN | SHORt | MATCh | NET | ATT | REFL | SLIDe | LINE1 | LINE2 | LINE3 | OSHort | OSHORT1 | OSHORT2 | OSHORT3 | UTHRough | ISOLation, <port_no>, <port_no> [, <Dispersion>, AUTO | <delay | phase>]

Starts a calibration measurement in order to acquire measurement data for the selected standards. The standards are reflection or transmission standards and can be connected to arbitrary analyzer ports.


Channel number of the calibrated channel.


THRough ... UTHRough

Standard types: Through, Open, Short, Match, Symmetric Network (NET), Attenuation (ATT), Reflect, Sliding Match (SLIDe), Line1 (LINE1 and LINE are synonymous), Line2 and Line3 (esp. for TRL calibration), Offset Short 1 to 3 (OSHort), Unknown Through, Isolation (optional).  



Port numbers of the analyzer. For a transmission standard (through, line, attenuation, symmetric network) the input and output port numbers must be specified, for reflection standards, only one port number is required.

*RST value



Optional status parameter for UTHRough standard:

OFF – Unknown through standard is non-dispersive
ON – Unknown through standard is dispersive

*RST value



AUTO | <delay | phase>

Optional entry of delay time or phase for UTHRough standard:  

AUTO – The analyzer determines the delay time or phase during the calibration sweep
<delay or phase> – entry of the delay time in ps (for non-dispersive standards) or of the phase at the start frequency of the sweep in deg (for dispersive standards). If an estimate of the start phase is entered, the analyzer uses the calculated value which is closest to the estimate.  

Automatic determination of the phase

The UOSM algorithm provides the transmission factor of the unknown through standard up to an ambiguous sign. This yields the two alternative phase values displayed in the calibration wizard; see Unknown Through Standard.

In remote control, the analyzer performs a plausibility check in order to determine the correct phase. No manual selection is necessary. The check starts at the first sweep point, using the transmission factor with negative phase. The analyzer measures the phase at the subsequent sweep points, assuming that the phase difference between any two consecutive points is less than 90 deg. From these phase values, the analyzer calculates a linear extrapolation and derives an estimate for the DC phase limit. If this DC phase is in the vicinity of ... –180 deg, +180 deg, ... then the transmission factor with negative phase is adopted. If the DC phase is in the vicinity of ... 0 deg, +360 deg, ... then the transmission factor with inverted sign (corresponding to a 180 deg phase shift) is adopted.  

*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, no query



See [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:SAVE:SELected.




Selects and initiates a one-port, two-port, three-port or four-port automatic calibration at arbitrary analyzer and cal unit ports.

If the test setup contains a high attenuation the analyzer may fail to detect the cal unit ports connected to each of its ports. In this case use the extended command [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:AUTO:PORTs. Use [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:AUTO:TYPE if you want to specify a particular calibration type for the automatic calibration.

If several calibration units are connected, use SYSTem:COMMunicate:RDEVice:AKAL:ADDRess to select a unit for the calibration.


Channel number of the calibrated channel.



Name and (possibly) directory of the cal kit file to be used for the automatic calibration (string parameter):

  • If nothing is specified (empty string ' '), the default cal kit file stored in the active calibration unit is used. This file is also used in manual control.

  • A NWA cal kit file name *.calkit without path denotes a specific cal kit file stored in the active calibration unit.

  • A NWA cal kit file name *.calkit with path denotes a specific cal kit file stored in an arbitrary directory.



Port numbers of the analyzer. For an n-port automatic calibration (n = 1 to 4), n arbitrary (not necessarily consecutive) port numbers must be specified. The analyzer automatically detects the calibration unit ports connected to each analyzer port.  

*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, no query



CORR:COLL:AUTO '', 1, 2, 4

Perform an automatic 3-port  calibration at test ports 1, 2, and 4 using the calibration unit's default calibration kit file and arbitrary test ports of the cal unit.




Generate a cal kit file with the specified name containing the cal kit data of the active calibration unit (SYSTem:COMMunicate:RDEVice:AKAL:ADDRess). The cal kit file can be stored in the calibration unit or written to a directory on the analyzer.


Channel number of the calibrated channel (not relevant for this command).



Name and (possibly) directory of the created cal kit file (string parameter, extension *.calkit):

  • If no path and directory is specified, the file is stored in the calibration unit (see also [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:AUTO). The factory calibration data on the unit is not overwritten.

  • If a path and directory is specified, the file is stored in the directory on the analyzer's hard disk.

The default directory (MMEMory:CDIRectory) is not used.


*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, no query



CORR:COLL:AUTO:CKIT 'AutoCalChar.calkit'

Generate a cal kit file AutoCalChar.calkit for the active calibration unit and store it internally.





Selects and initiates a one-port, two-port, three-port or four-port automatic calibration at arbitrary analyzer and calibration unit ports.

This command is necessary if the analyzer fails to detect the cal unit ports connected to each of its ports (e.g. because of a high attenuation in the test setup). If auto-detection works you can use the simpler command [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:AUTO.


Channel number of the calibrated channel.



Name and (possibly) directory of the cal kit file to be used for the automatic calibration (string parameter):

  • If nothing is specified (empty string ' '), the default cal kit file stored in the calibration unit is used. This file should be used to operate the calibration unit like in manual control; specifying another cal kit file is primarily for service purposes.

  • A NWA cal kit file name *.calkit without path denotes a specific cal kit file stored in the Calibration Unit.

  • A NWA cal kit file name *.calkit with path denotes a specific cal kit file stored in an arbitrary directory.



Port numbers of the analyzer. For an n-port automatic calibration (n = 1 to 4), n arbitrary (not necessarily consecutive) port numbers must be specified.


Port numbers of the cal unit. For an n-port automatic calibration (n = 1 to 4), n arbitrary (not necessarily consecutive) port numbers must be specified. It is possible to combine arbitrary (not necessarily matching) pairs of analyzer and cal unit ports.  

*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, no query



CORR:COLL:AUTO:PORT '', 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 1

Perform an automatic 3-port calibration at the analyzer test ports 1, 2, and 4 using the calibration unit's default calibration kit file and ports 2, 4, and 1 of the cal unit.



Returns the assignment between the network analyzer ports and the ports of the connected automatic calibration unit.


Channel number of the calibrated channel (not relevant for this command).


*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, query only



CORR:COLL:AUTO:PORT '', 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 1

Perform an automatic 3-port calibration at the analyzer test ports 1, 2, and 4 using the calibration unit's default calibration kit file and ports 2, 4, and 1 of the cal unit.


Query the actual port assignment. If the cal unit is properly connected according to the previous command, the response is 1,2,2,4,3,0,4,1. A zero means that the corresponding analyzer port is not connected to any port of the calibration unit.


<cal_type>, '<file_name>', <analyzer_port_no>, <cal_unit_port_no> {,<analyzer_port_no>, <cal_unit_port_no>}

Selects and initiates a one-port, two-port, three-port or four-port automatic calibration at arbitrary analyzer and calibration unit ports.

This command is necessary if the analyzer fails to detect the cal unit ports connected to each of its ports (e.g. because of a high attenuation in the test setup). If auto-detection works you can use the simpler command [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:AUTO.


Channel number of the calibrated channel.



FNPort – Full N-port calibration
FOPort – Full One Port calibration
SFTPort – Separate Full Two-Port calibration
OPTPort – One Path Two Port calibration
FRTRans – Transmission normalization, bidirectional
FTRans – Transmission normalization, forward
RTRans – Transmission normalization, reverse


Name and (possibly) directory of the cal kit file to be used for the automatic calibration (string parameter):

  • If nothing is specified (empty string ' '), the factory cal kit file stored in the calibration unit is used. This file should be used to operate the calibration unit like in manual control; specifying another cal kit file is primarily for service purposes.

  • A NWA cal kit file name *.calkit without path denotes a specific cal kit file stored in the calibration unit.

  • A NWA cal kit file name *.calkit with path denotes a specific cal kit file stored in an arbitrary directory.



Port numbers of the analyzer. For an n-port automatic calibration (n = 1 to 4), n arbitrary (not necessarily consecutive) port numbers must be specified. For a one path two port calibration (OPTPort), the first port no. denotes the node port (fully calibrated port). The transmission normalizations are two-port calibrations.  


Port numbers of the cal unit. For an n-port automatic calibration (n = 1 to 4), n arbitrary (not necessarily consecutive) port numbers must be specified. It is possible to combine arbitrary (not necessarily matching) pairs of analyzer and cal unit ports.  

*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, no query



CORR:COLL:AUTO:PORT FNPort, '', 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 1

Perform an automatic full 3-port calibration at the analyzer test ports 1, 2, and 4 using the calibration unit's default calibration kit file and ports 2, 4, and 1 of the cal unit.


<cal_type>, '<file_name>',<port_no>{,<port_no>}

Selects and initiates a one-port, two-port, three-port or four-port automatic calibration at arbitrary analyzer and cal unit ports. This command also selects the calibration type.

If the test setup contains a high attenuation the analyzer may fail to detect the cal unit ports connected to each of its ports. In this case use the extended command [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:AUTO:PORTs:TYPE.

If several calibration units are connected, use SYSTem:COMMunicate:RDEVice:AKAL:ADDRess to select a unit for the calibration.


Channel number of the calibrated channel.



FNPort – Full N-port calibration
FOPort – Full One Port calibration
SFTPort – Separate Full Two-Port calibration
OPTPort – One Path Two Port calibration
FRTRans – Transmission normalization, bidirectional
FTRans – Transmission normalization, forward
RTRans – Transmission normalization, reverse


Name and (possibly) directory of the cal kit file to be used for the automatic calibration (string parameter):

  • If nothing is specified (empty string ' '), the factory cal kit file stored in the calibration unit is used.

  • A NWA cal kit file name *.calkit without path denotes a specific cal kit file stored in the calibration unit.

  • A NWA cal kit file name *.calkit with path denotes a specific cal kit file stored in an arbitrary directory.



Port numbers of the analyzer. For an n-port automatic calibration (n = 1 to 4), n arbitrary (not necessarily consecutive) port numbers must be specified. The analyzer automatically detects the calibration unit ports connected to each analyzer port. For a one path two port calibration (OPTPort), the first port no. denotes the node port (fully calibrated port). The transmission normalizations are two-port calibrations.

*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, no query



CORR:COLL:AUTO:TYPE FNPort, '', 1, 2, 4

Perform an automatic full 3-port  calibration at test ports 1, 2, and 4 using the calibration unit's default calibration kit file and arbitrary test ports of the cal unit.



Additional parameters (): UFEMALE1 | UMALE1 | UFEMALE2 | UMALE2 | SMAFEMALE | SMAMALE

Selects a connector type at a specified port <port_no> and its gender.

Use [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:SCONnection<port_no> to select an arbitrary connector type using a string variable.


Channel number of the calibrated channel.



Port number of the analyzer.

Note: If the analyzer is set to use the same connectors at all ports ([SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:CONNection<port_no>:PORTs ALL), then a change of a connector type is valid for all ports. The gender of the connectors can still be different.



Connector type and gender of the connectors (omitted for query). PC1MALE denotes a 1.0 mm (m) connector, PC185MALE a 1.85 mm (m) connector and so forth. UFEMALE1 and UMALE1 denote the user-defined connector type UserConn1, UFEMALE2 and UMALE2 denote the user-defined connector type UserConn2. SMAFEMALE and SMAMALE denote the user-defined connector type SMA. The user-defined connector types must be defined before being addressed by [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:CONNection<port_no>.

*RST value

N50FEMALE for all ports.


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query.




Change the connector type at port 1 from N50FEMALE to N75MALE. The connector type at the other ports is also changed to N75, however, the gender (female) is maintained. CORR:COLL:CONN4? returns N75FEMALE.




Qualifies whether the genders of the connectors at the analyzer ports (but not their types) are equal or independent.


Channel number of the calibrated channel.



Port number of the analyzer. This suffix is ignored; the command affects all ports.


ALL: Equal (uniform) connector genders. If the gender at one port is changed, the gender at all other ports is changed accordingly.
SINGle: Independent (possibly non-uniform) connector genders at the ports.  


*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query.



See [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:CONNection:PORTs.




Qualifies whether the connector types at the analyzer ports (but not their genders) are equal or independent. Some calibration types require uniform port connector types.


Channel number of the calibrated channel.



Port number of the analyzer. This suffix is ignored; the command affects all ports.


ALL: Equal (uniform) connector types. If the connector type at one port is changed, the connector type at all other ports is changed accordingly.
SINGle: Independent (possibly non-uniform) connector types at the ports.  


*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query.




Select independent connector types and genders at the ports.


Select independent connector types at ports 1 and 4. The connector type at port 2 is not changed; the query returns the original connector type (depending on the analyzer model), e.g. N50FEMALE.  


Select an average detector for the calibration, e.g. for a noise figure measurement.



[SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:DELete ['<cal_name>' | ALL]

Deletes system error correction data generated and stored previously.


Channel number of the calibrated channel.


'<cal_name>' | ALL

Name of the calibration (string parameter) defined together with calibration type [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:METHod:DEFine.

ALL – The analyzer deletes all calibrations

If nothing is specified the analyzer deletes the last system error correction stored by means of [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:SAVE.

*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, no query




Select a one-port normalization at port 1 with a short standard as calibration type.


Measure a short standard connected to port 1 and store the measurement results of this standard.


Calculate the system error correction data and apply them to the active channel, then delete the data.



NORMal | AVERage

Selects the S-parameter detector type during the calibration.


Channel number of the calibrated channel.



AVERage: AVG detector, especially for noise figure measurements
NORMal: Normal detector, recommended for all other applications  


*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query.



See [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:CONNection<port_no>:PORTs



OPEN | SHORT, <port_no>{,<port_no>}  

Starts a fixture compensation sweep in order to acquire measurement data for a test fixture that has its inner conductor terminated with the selected standards.


Channel number of the corrected channel



Standard type, open or short circuit  



Port numbers of the analyzer. For an n-port fixture compensation (n = 1 to 4), n arbitrary (not necessarily consecutive) port numbers must be specified.

*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, no query



Configure a fixture compensation measurement (for all channels): The analyzer performs an Auto Length (no loss) calculation.


Perform a fixture compensation sweep at port 2, terminated with an open standard, and at port 4, terminated with a short.


Save and apply the compensation data.


Prepare a new fixture compensation measurement, deleting the previous data for channel 1.  


Select a Direct Compensation measurement (for all channels and traces).


Perform a fixture compensation sweep at ports 1 and 3, terminated with a short standard.

CALC2:PAR:SDEF 'Trc2', 'S22'

Create channel no. 2 with a trace named Trc2.


Prepare a fixture compensation measurement for channel 2. The channel 1 data is not affected.


Repeat the previous fixture compensation sweep for channel 2.


Save and apply the compensation data for both channels.


Query whether the analyzer uses Direct Compensation results at port 3. The response is 1;1 (true for both channels).



[SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:FIXTure:LMParameter:LOSS[:STATe] <Boolean>

Selects an Auto Length or an Auto Length and Loss calculation.


Channel number of the corrected channel. This suffix is ignored; the setting is valid for all channels.



1 – Auto Length and Loss
0 – Auto Length, no loss

*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query



See [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:FIXTure[:ACQuire]



[SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:FIXTure:LMParameter[:STATe] <Boolean>

Selects an Auto Length (and Loss) calculation or a Direct Compensation.


Channel number of the corrected channel. This suffix is ignored; the setting is valid for all channels.  



1 – Auto Length (and Loss), depending on the last [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:FIXTure:LMParameter:LOSS[:STATe] setting
0 – Direct Compensation

*RST value



SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query



See [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:FIXTure[:ACQuire]




Completes a fixture compensation, storing and applying the acquired data.  


Channel number of the corrected channel  


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, no query



See [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:FIXTure[:ACQuire]




Prepares the analyzer for fixture compensation comprising a single or a series of fixture compensation sweeps ([SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:FIXTure[:ACQuire]). Previous compensation data is deleted.  


Channel number of the corrected channel  


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, no query



See [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:FIXTure[:ACQuire]



TOM | TRM | TRL | TNA | TOSM | FOPORT1 | FOPORT2 | FOPORT12 | FOPTport | ROPTport | REFL1 | REFL2 | REFL12 | FRTRans | FTRans | RTRans | TPORt | UOSM

Selects a one-port or two-port calibration type for channel <Ch> at ports 1/2.

Use the generalized command [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:METHod:DEFine to select the calibration type for arbitrary analyzer ports or a multiport calibration type.


Channel number of the calibrated channel.



Calibration types, TOM, TRM, TRL, TNA, TOSM, Full One Port, One Path Two Port, Normalization (REFL1, REFL2 and REFL12 for one-port, FRTRans, FTRans, RTRans, and TPORT for two-port), TOSM with unknown through.  

The numbers in the parameters denote the analyzer ports. Parameters for two-port calibration types contain no numbers because the command is only valid for ports 1 and 2.

UOSM is interpreted as a mixer vector calibration if vector mixer measurements are active ([SENSe<Ch>:]FREQuency:CONVersion VMIXer).


*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Confirmed (with device-specific calibration types), command or query. If several "merged" calibration types are assigned to channel <Ch> (see MMEMory:LOAD:CORRection:MERGe), the query returns a list of all calibration types.  


See [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:SAVE.


<cal_name>', REFL | RSHort | FOPort | FRTRans | FTRans | RTRans | OPTPort | TOSM | TOM | TRM | TRL | TNA | UOSM, <port_no>[,<port_no>][,<port_no>][,<port_no>]

Selects a one-port, two-port, three-port or four-port calibration type for channel <Ch> at arbitrary analyzer ports.


Channel number of the calibrated channel.



Name of the calibration (string parameter). The name serves as a reference to delete a particular set of system correction data ([SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:DELete).



Calibration types; see list below.

UOSM is interpreted as a mixer vector calibration if vector mixer measurements are active ([SENSe<Ch>:]FREQuency:CONVersion VMIXer).



Port numbers of the analyzer. For an n-port calibration type (n = 1 to 4), n port numbers must be specified. If more than n numbers are defined, the spare numbers (the last ones in the list) are ignored. Entering less than n numbers causes an error message. For a one path two port calibration (OPTPort), the first port no. denotes the node port (fully calibrated port).

*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query. If several "merged" calibration types are assigned to channel <Ch> (see MMEMory:LOAD:CORRection:MERGe), the query returns a list of all calibration types.  



See [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:SAVE:SELected.



The supported calibration types are listed below.


Type (Add Calibration dialog)


Refl Norm Open | Refl Norm Short


Full One Port

FRTRans | FTRans | RTRans

Trans Norm - Bidirectional | Trans Norm - Forward | Trans Norm - Backward


One Path Two Port








RECeiver | SOURce | ATTenuator

Starts a noise figure calibration sweep for the NWA receiver, NWA source, or an external attenuator. The port assignment is defined via [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:NFIGure:STARt.

A noise figure calibration must be terminated with one of the following commands, to be sent immediately after the sequence of ...[:ACQuire] commands:
– terminate calibration, discarding the acquired calibration data (the active channel is not calibrated)
– terminate calibration, applying the acquired calibration data (the active channel is calibrated)
These commands ensure that the analyzer is able to start a new measurement sweep.


Channel number of the corrected channel


RECeiver, SOURce, ATTenuator

Calibration step, to be performed in the order RECeiver -> SOURce -> ATTenuator (optional, only if an external attenuator is used)


*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, no query


See Noise Figure Measurement (condensed programming examples)




Terminates a noise figure calibration, discarding the acquired data (see note for [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:NFIGure[:ACQuire]).  


Channel number of the corrected channel  


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, no query



See Noise Figure Measurement (condensed programming examples)




Completes a noise figure calibration, storing and applying the acquired data (see note for [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:NFIGure[:ACQuire]).  


Channel number of the corrected channel  


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, no query



See Noise Figure Measurement (condensed programming examples)



<port1_no>, <port2_no>, <ext_att_ON | OFF>, <src_ncal_att>, <DUT_meas_att>

Defines the calibration settings (port assignment, attenuations) for a noise figure calibration.


Channel number of the corrected channel



Port numbers of the DUT output (<port1_no>) and the DUT input. The port numbers may be different from each other or equal.

<ext_att_ON | OFF>,

ON | OFF – Boolean parameter, indicates whether an external attenuator is used.


Attenuation of the source level during the source noise calibration.


Attenuation of the source level during the measurement (i.e. after calibration).

*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, no query


See Noise Figure Measurement (condensed programming examples)




Calculates the system error correction data from the acquired one or two-port measurement results ([SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect[:ACQuire]), stores them and applies them to the calibrated channel <Ch>. To avoid incompatibilities, older system error correction data is deleted unless it has been transferred into a cal pool (MMEMory:STORe:CORRection <Ch>, '<file_name>').

This command is the ZVR-compatible equivalent of [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:SAVE:SELected. It must be used in combination with the ZVR-compatible commands for calibration method and standard selection; see example below.


Channel number of the calibrated channel.


*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Confirmed, no query




Select a one-port normalization at port 1 as calibration type.


Measure an open standard connected to port 1 and store the measurement results of this standard.


Calculate the system error correction data and apply them to the active channel.




Generates a set of default system error correction data for the selected ports and calibration type. The default data set corresponds to a test setup which does not introduce any systematic errors; none of the measurement results acquired previously ([SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect[:ACQuire]) is taken into account.

The main purpose of the default correction data set is to provide a dummy system error correction which you can replace with your own, external correction data. You may have acquired the external data in a previous session or even on an other instrument. If you want to use the external correction data on the analyzer, simply generate the default data set corresponding to your port configuration and calibration type and overwrite the default data. For details refer to the program example below.

This command must be used in combination with the ZVR-compatible commands [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:METHod and [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:DATa. Use [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:SAVE:SELected:DEFault if you want to use ZVT-specific calibration commands or if you want to calibrate more than 2 ports.


Channel number of the calibrated channel.


*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, no query




Select a one-port normalization at port 1 with an open standard as calibration type.


Calculate a dummy system error correction for the normalization at port 1. The dummy system error correction provides the reflection tracking error term 'SCORR3'.


Stop the sweep to ensure correct transfer of calibration data.


Query the dummy system error correction term. The response is a 1 (written as 1,0 for the real and imaginary part) for each sweep point (no attenuation and no phase shift between the analyzer and the calibration plane).


Replace the dummy system error correction term with your own correction data, transferred in ASCII format.


Restart the sweep in continuous mode.




Calculates the system error correction data from the acquired measurement results ([SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect[:ACQuire]:SELected), stores them and applies them to the calibrated channel <Ch>. To avoid incompatibilities, older system error correction data is deleted unless it has been transferred into a cal pool (MMEMory:STORe:CORRection <Ch>, '<file_name>').


Channel number of the calibrated channel.


*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Confirmed, no query




Select a one-port normalization at port 1 with a short standard as calibration type.


Measure a short standard connected to port 1 and store the measurement results of this standard.


Calculate the system error correction data and apply them to the active channel.




Generates a set of default system error correction data for the selected ports and calibration type. The default data set corresponds to a test setup which does not introduce any systematic errors; none of the measurement results acquired previously ([SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect[:ACQuire]:SELected) is taken into account.

The main purpose of the default correction data set is to provide a dummy system error correction which you can replace with your own, external correction data. You may have acquired the external data in a previous session or even on an other instrument. If you want to use the external correction data on the analyzer, simply generate the default data set corresponding to your port configuration and calibration type and overwrite the default data. For details refer to the program example below.


Channel number of the calibrated channel.


*RST value


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, no query




Select a one-port normalization at port 1 with a short standard as calibration type.


Calculate a dummy system error correction for the normalization at port 1. The dummy system error correction provides the reflection tracking error term 'REFLTRACK'.


Query the dummy system error correction term. The response is a 1 (written as 1,0 for the real and imaginary part) for each sweep point (no attenuation and no phase shift between the analyzer and the calibration plane).


Stop the sweep to ensure correct transfer of calibration data.


Replace the dummy system error correction term with your own correction data, transferred in ASCII format.


Restart the sweep in continuous mode.



'<conn_name>', MALE | FEMale

Selects a connector type at a specified port <port_no> and its gender. In contrast to [SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:CONnection<port_no>, this command uses a string variable to identify the connector type.


Channel number of the calibrated channel.



Port numbers of the analyzer.

Note: If the analyzer is set to use the same connectors at all ports ([SENSe<Ch>:]CORRection:COLLect:CONNection<port_no>:PORTs ALL), then a change of a connector type is valid for all ports. The gender of the connectors can still be different.



Connector type (string parameter) and gender of the connectors. The gender designation MALE | FEMale is not necessary (and ignored) for sexless connector types.

*RST value

'N 50 Ohm',FEM for all ports.


SCPI, Command Types

Device-specific, command or query.




Change the connector type at port 1 from 'N 50 Ohm', FEM to 'N 75 Ohm', MALE. The connector type at the other ports is also changed to N 75 Ohm, however, the gender (female) is maintained. CORR:COLL:SCON4? returns 'N 75 Ohm', FEM.