About this Help    Related Topics

This Help system contains the complete user and programming documentation for the network analyzers R&S ZVT. The following sections show you how to make efficient use of the help system and the complementary printed documentation.    

Launching Help

Closing Help

Help contents

Navigating Help

Working with Help on your PC

Obtaining more assistance

To Launch this Help System...

Accessing context-sensitive help is even easier:

You can also use Help on a PC.

To Close the Help System and Return to the NWA...

Help Contents

The Help system comprises the complete user and programming documentation for the network analyzers R&S ZVT. For an overview of the contents use the Contents tab of the navigation pane and the introductory topics at the beginning of each main chapter.


To navigate within the Help system...

The Help window is divided into the following main areas:  

Hover your mouse over the following picture to obtain a definition of the controls or click an area to obtain detailed information.

Title Bar

The title bar is known from other Windows™ applications:

Hover your mouse over the following picture to identify the controls.

Menu Bar

The menu bar provides access to the different areas of the Help system.navigation with keys


The toolbar is displayed across the top of the Help window, below the title bar. The toolbar provides quick mouse access to frequent tasks:

Navigation Pane

The navigation pane forms the left part of the Help window and provides several tools to access information.  

The following picture shows the navigation pane with all tabs. With an narrower pane, two browse buttons let you access the individual tabs.


Shows how the help is organized and provides access to the individual topics. The table of contents (TOC) is synchronized with the currently displayed topic: The corresponding book is opened and the page is displayed on a gray background.

Hover your mouse over the following picture to identify the elements in the Contents tab.


Helps you find information about a particular subject or keyword.  

Hover your mouse over the following picture to identify the elements in the Index tab.


Lists all topics containing a particular expression, even if it is not listed in the index.

  1. Type a keyword or expression in the Type in... field and click List Topics to display all topics containing the expression in the ordered Select Topic... list.

  2. Double-click a topic in the list or click a topic and then Display to open the topic.

Search for all topics containing...


Several words

reference frequency,
reference AND frequency

An expression consisting of several words

"reference frequency"

At least one of several words

reference OR frequency

A word but not another word

reference NOT frequency

Several words close together

reference NEAR frequency

A word with an undefined character or several words differing by one character


A word with one or more undefined characters or several words differing by groups of characters



Hover your mouse over the following picture to identify the elements in the Search tab.


Contains your own list of favorites where you can store or recall frequently needed topics.

Hover your mouse over the following picture to identify the elements in the Favorites tab.


Provides a definition of important terms as they are used in the Help.  

 Some glossary terms are often also defined in the topics where they are needed: Click on a green word or expression to get its definition in a popup window.

Topic Pane

The topic pane forms the right (main) part of the Help window and displays the current topic.  

Hover your mouse over the following picture to identify the elements in the topic pane.

To work with Help on your PC...

Simply copy the Help file RSZVThelp.chm into a directory and double-click to open it. The Help file is located in the Resources\Help subdirectory of the NWA program directory. It is also provided on the User Documentation CD-ROM provided with each analyzer and on the R&S internet.

Working with the Help file on a PC offers a number of advantages. In particular:

To obtain more assistance...

Refer to one of the following sources of information: