Cytosine Complexes with Copper(II) Perchlorate Pages L13-L15 Chester M. Mikulski, Chung Ja lee, Thu Ba Tran, Nicholas M. Karayannis |
A 1H NMR study of the reaction of adriamycin with Pd(II) Pages L21-L24 Tim Allman, R. E. Lenkinski |
Exafs studies of [N(C2H5)4]2 [M(SC6H5)4] and [N(C2H5)4]2 [M4(SC6H5)10] (M = Zn, Cd): Model Compounds for Zn and Cd Metallothioneins Pages L1-L5 Douglas W. Stephan, Adam P. Hitchcock |
Effect of sodium dodecyl sulfate on spectral properties of the nitric oxide complex of ferrous cytochrome c′ from Alcaligenes sp. NCIB 11015 Pages L17-L19 Tetsuhiko Yoshimura, Shinnichiro Suzuki, Akitsugu Nakahara, Hidekazu Iwasaki, Teruo Matsubara, Masamoto Iwaizumi |
51V NMR Investigation of a vanadate(V)-dependent peroxidase from ascophyllum nodosum (L.) Le Jol Pages L7-L10 Hans Vilter, Dieter Rehder |
Interaction of bis[μ-chlorodicarbonylrhodium(I)] with nucleosides Pages L25-L28 G. Pneumatikakis, J. Markopoulos, A. Yannopoulos |
Simple synthesis of the potent iron chelators 1-alkyl-3-hydroxy-2-methylpyrid-4-ones Pages L11-L12 George J. Kontoghiorghes, Lyndon Sheppard |
Metal complexes containing the monoanion, dianion and the neutral form of the ligand N-(2-carboxylphenyl)pyridine-2′-carboxamide Pages 1-10 Vagelis Hondrellis, Themistoclis Kabanos, Spyros P. Perlepes, John M. Tsangaris |
Oxidation of L-ascorbic acid by trisoxalatoferrate(III) in aqueous solution. Kinetic and spectroscopic evidence for the formation of an intermediate species Pages 11-16 P. Martinez, J. Zuluaga, D. Uribe, R. Van Eldik |
Metal Complexes of Phytohormones. Part I. Copper(II) complexes of 6-furfurylaminopurine (Kinetin) Pages 17-19 M. A. Cabras, M. A. Zoroddu |
Complexes of some trace metal ions with 5-fluorouracil Pages 21-24 Udai P. Singh, Ranjana Ghose, Animesh K. Ghose |
Interaction of (dien)Pd(II) complexes with the amino group of cytidine: a kinetic and NMR study Pages 25-32 R. Ménard, M. T. Phan Viet, M. Zador |
The electrochemistry of amavadine, a vanadium natural product Pages 33-39 Mohd. Asri Nawi, Thomas L. Riechel |
Attempts at the production of more selective antitumourals. Part III. Aziridinocyclophosphazenes linked to the polyamines 1,5-diaminopentane (cadaverine) and higher cousins Pages 41-46 Pierre Castera, Jean-François Labarre |
Formation and scission of the imidazolate-bridge linkage in binuclear copper(II) complex with glycylglycine as a function of pH in aqueous solution Pages 47-52 Massaki Sato, Michihiko Ikeda, Masako Fukuda, Tetsuro Ikeda, Jun-Ichi Nakaya |
The gem-tetraziridinocyclotriphosphazene diazide, N3P3Az4(N3)2, a synthon to monophosphazenylmonoazido derivatives of biological interest Pages 53-59 Michèle Willson, Michel Sanchez, Jean-François Labarre |
Studies on the acute toxicity of the antineoplastic metal chelate trans-bis(salicylaldoximato)copper(II) in rats Pages 61-63 Hanno Elo, Inke Sunila, Paavo Lumme |
Synthesis, characterization and antitumor activity of manganese(II), cobalt(II), nickel(II), copper(II), zinc(II) and platinum(II) complexes of 3- and 5-substituted salicylaldehyde benzoylhydrazones Pages 65-74 M. Mohan, A. Kumar, M. Kumar, N. K. Jha |
Is it isomerization of cobalamins or simple hydrolysis of a propionamide side chain? Pages 75-79 Rakesh K. Kohli, Amar Nath |
Chelation of copper(II) ions by doxorubicin and 4′-epidoxorubicin: ESR evidence for a new complex at high anthracycline/copper molar ratios Pages 81-85 Vincenzo Malatesta, Antonella Gervasini, Franca Morazzoni |
Studies on pyrimidine derivative complexes: Spectroscopy, thermal behaviour and crystal structure of μ-dichloro-μ-sulphur-chloro(4,6-diamino-1,2-dihydro- 2-thiopyrimidine-N3, S 2)cadmium(II) monohydrate Pages 87-92 M. A. Romero-Molina, M. D. Gutierrez-Valero, R. Lopez-Garzon, J. M. Salas-Peregrin, M. I. Arriortua, F. J. Zuñiga |
Carbohydrate-silver complexes. Interaction of β-D-glucurono-γ-lactone with Ag(I) ion and the effect of metal ion binding on sugar hydrolysis Pages 93-98 H. A. Tajmir-Riahi |
Mössbauer studies on tetra(p-sulphophenyl)porphyrin iron(II) solutions Pages 99-106 J. Silver, B. Lukas, J. Al Taies |
Cu(II) transfer into apo-Cu2Zn2-superoxide dismutase from Cu-thionein oxidized by activated leukocytes Pages 107-110 Hans-Jürgen Hartmann, Thomas Schechinger, Ulrich Weser |
Anthracycline-copper(II) complexes: Structure-dependent coordination pattern as evidenced by ESR Pages 111-115 Franca Morazzoni, Antonella Gervasini, Vincenzo Malatesta |
EPR, ligand field spectra and antimicrobial activity of dimeric aryloxyacetatocopper(II) complexes with antipyrine Pages 117-121 G. Plesch, M. Blahova, J. Krätsmár- |
On the analogy and specificity of copper(II) binding sites in type I and type IV collagen Pages 123-126 R. P. Ferrari, M. Marzona |
A molecular ‘double-pivot’ mechanism for water oxidation Pages L41-L43 John B. Vincent, George Christou |
Interaction of Mn2+ and Gd3+ with phytic acid Pages L37-L39 Agbor N. Egbewatt, Kilian Dill |
Formation of metformin complexes with some transition metal ions: their biological activity Pages 127-131 S. M. Abu-el-Wafa, M. A. El-Ries, F. H. Ahmed |
Contrast reagents for the NMR spectra of the alkali metals Pages 133-137 Frank G. Riddell, Timothy E. Southon |
Thermal degradation of copper(1) thiolate clusters and the crystal structure of solvent-free (Ph4P)2 [Cu4(SPh)6] Pages 139-147 Markus Baumgartner, Wolfgang Bensch, Paul Hug, Erich Dubler |
trans-bis(salicylaldoximato)copper(II) and its derivatives as antiproliferative and antineoplastic agents: a review Pages 149-153 Hannu Elo, Paavo Lumme |
The crystal structure of triammine(orotato)zinc(II) monohydrate Pages 155-158 Ilpo Mutikainen |
Formation constants and coordination in transition metal complexes of glycinehydroxamic acid Pages 159-163 E. B. Paniago, S. Carvalho |
The interaction of copper(II) with a lipotetrapeptide Pages 173-176 B. Decock-Le Reverend, C. Loucheux, C. Livera and, L. D. Pettit, D. Migliore-Samour and, P. Jolles |
The binding of metal Ions by mercaptoacids. II. Formation constants for the complexes of mercaptosuccinate with Cd(II) and computer simulation of its ability to mobilize the low molecular weight fraction of Cd(II) in blood plasma Pages 177-183 Montserrat Filella, Enric Casassas, David R. Wllliams |
Polarographic Studies on Copper(II) and Nickel(II) Ion Interactions with DNA Pages 185-189 Tomasz Paw |