Binuclear phosphido-bridged platinum-platinum complex. Synthesis and X-ray structure of [Pt(μ-N(CH2CH2PPh2)3)-(μ-PEt2)Pt(PPh3)](BPh4)·CH2Cl2 Pages 1-2 Carlo A. Ghilardi, Stefano Midollini, Simonetta Moneti, Annabella Orlandini |
Spectroelectrochemical studies of bipyridyl and ring-metallated bipyridyl complexes; evidence for mononuclear Pt(I) derivatives Pages 7-9 Paul S. Braterman, Jae-Inh Song, Franz M. Wimmer and, Smita Wimmer |
Electrical conductivity of octakis(decyloxy) phthalocyaninato-copper(II) Pages 11-12 Kuninobu Kasuga, Takuya Mihara, Tadahiro Nakao, Kazuhiro Takahashi |
Coordinative capability of propane-l,3-diamine: spectroscopic and structural properties of a complex of formula [Cd(pnH)4CI2]Cl4 Pages 13-18 G. Ciani, N. Masciocchi, A. Sironi, S. Bruni, F. Cariati and, A. Pozzi, L. Forti, T. Manfredini and, L. Menabue |
Mono-, homo- and hetero-dinuclear lanthanide(III) complexes with new acyclic compartmental schiff bases Pages 19-27 P. Guerriero, S. Tamburini, P. A. Vigato, C. Benelli |
Molybdenum(VI)-dioxo complexes with sterically bulky thiocarboxylate ligands. Reactions with aliphatic thiols and electrochemical properties Pages 29-34 Elisa Llopis, Antonio Doménech, José A. Ramirez, Antonio Cervilla, Pedro Palanca, Teresa Picher, Vicente Sanz |
Methylnickel compounds containing bridging and monodentate carboxylate ligands Pages 35-44 Hans-F. Klein, Thomas Wiemer, Michèle Dartiguenave and, Yves Dartiguenave |
Dioxobenzene dianions - unusual ligands in methylnickel compounds Pages 45-51 Hans-F. Klein, Thomas Wiemer, Marie-J. Menu, Michèle Dartiguenave and, Yves Dartiguenave |
Verification and reinterpretation of the structure of K2Tc2Cl6 Pages 53-54 F. Albert Cotton, Lee M. Daniels, L. R. Falvello, M. S. Grigoriev and, S. V. Kryuchkov |
On the preparation and luminescence of trans- and cis-[Cr(en)2(CN)2]+ ions Pages 55-58 M. Perkovic, G. Ferraudi |
Synthesis of bifunctional phosphonates and phosphine oxides. Structural studies of 1-N,N-diethyl-carbamoyl-2-(4-hydroxylbenzene)-ethyl phosphonic acid and diphenyl[1-(N,N-diethyl-carbamoyl)-2-(phenyl)ethyl]phosphine oxide uranyl nitrate Pages 59-66 G. S. Conary, R. L. Meline, L. J. Caudle, E. N. Duesler, R. T. Paine |
The chemistry of uranium. Part 41. Complexes of uranium tetrahalide, with emphasis on iodide, and triphenylphosphine oxide, tris(dimethylamino)phosphine oxide or tris(pyrrolidinyl)phosphine oxide. Crystal structure of tetrabromobis[tris(pyrrolidinyl)phosphine oxide]uranium(IV) Pages 67-75 Jan G. H. du Preez, Hans E. Rohwer, Bernardus J. A. M. van Brecht, Ben Zeelie, U. Casellato, R. Graziani |
On the quenching of the luminescence of the trivalent cerium ion Pages 77-80 G. Blasse, W. Schipper, J. J. Hamelink |
Synthesis and characterization of ‘double-cubane’ complexes containing MFe3Se4 cores (M=Mo, W) Pages 81-96 Mark A. Greaney, Catherine L. Coyle, Robert S. Pilato, Edward I. Stiefel |
Rhenium(V) oxo complexes with schiff base ligands containing four or five coordination sites. X-ray molecular structure of [N,N′-3-azapentane-1,5-diylbis(salicylideneiminato)(3-)-O,O′,N,N′,N″]oxorhenium(V) Pages 97-103 Francesco Tisato, Fiorenzo Refosco, Ulderico Mazzi, Giuliano Bandoli and, Marino Nicolini |
Dechlorination of ClPEt2 by (np3)Pt(PPh3) (np3=N(CH2CH2PPh2)3): synthesis and characterization of [(np3)Pt(PEt2)](BPh4) and [(np3)Pt(PHEt2)](BPh4)2 Pages 105-110 Franco Cecconi, Carlo A. Ghilardi, Stefano Midollini, Simonetta Moneti, Annabella Orlandini, Giancarlo Scapacci |
Hydration of complexes between cobalt chloride and 15-crown-5. Crystal structure of [Co·15-crown-5·(H2O)2][CoCl4]·H2O and [Co·15-crown-5·(H2O)2]Cl2·H2O Pages 111-115 N. R. Streltsova, V. K. Belsky, B. M. Bulychev and, O. K. Kireeva |
Synthesis and X-ray crystal structure of salts of the bis(1,2-dimethyl-dicarbadodecarborane)aurate(III) anion Pages 117-120 M. Concepción Gimeno, Antonio Laguna, Mariano Laguna, Peter G. Jones |
Sextet ground state in a dinuclear nickel(II) complex containing a tetraoxolene radical as bridging ligand Pages 125-128 Andrea Dei, Dante Gatteschi, Luca Pardi |
Novel cyclic trinuclear palladium(II) complex containing dimetallated benzene Pages 129-130 Yoshio Fuchita, Momoko Akiyama |
The binding of dinitrogen to ruthenium(II) in aqueous solution Pages 131-133 Gábor Laurenczy, Lothar Helm, André E. Merbach, Andreas Ludi |
Organometallic carboxylato compounds of ruthenium(IV) Pages 135-136 Jonathan W. Steed, Derek A. Tocher |
Complexes of Group 12 metals with sterically-hindered thiolate ligands. The crystal and molecular structures of [Zn2(2-SC5H3N-3-SiMe3)4] and [CdI2(2-SC5H3NH-6-SiMe2But)2] Pages 137-139 Eric Block, Gabriel Ofori-Okai, Qin Chen and, Jon Zubieta |
Preparation and characterization of poly(siloxane)-supported metalloporphyrins: the effect of the support on the electronic absorption spectra Pages 141-144 H. S. Hilal, M. L. Sito, A. F. Schreiner |
Preparation and characterization of viologen-linked zinc porphyrins Pages 145-147 Ichiro Okura, Hideyuki Hosono |
Oxygen catalysis by anhydrous ruthenium(IV) oxide Pages 149-155 Andrew Mills, Hefin L. Davies |
Autoxidation of 3,5-di-t-butylcatechol catalyzed by two pyrazolatebridged dicopper complexes with different structural features Pages 157-163 Jong-Pyng Chyn, F. L. Urbach |
Synthesis and characterization of mono and dinuclear Ru(II) complexes with hexadentate ligands having N2P4 and N2As4 donor atoms Pages 165-174 M. M. Taqui Khan, Parimal Paul, Sapna Purohit |
Synthesis, chemical and electrochemical deprotonation reactions of aminocarbene complexes of palladium(II) and platinum(II). X-ray structure of {(PPh3)ClPt[μ--- Pages 175-187 Roberta Bertani, Mirto Mozzon, Rino A. Michelin, Franco Benetollo, Gabriella Bombieri, Tania J. Castilho and, Armando J. L. Pombeiro |
The reactions of silicon monoxide and aluminium monofluoride with 2,2′-bipyridyl Pages 189-193 William N. Rowlands, Andrew D. Willson, Peter L. Timms, Brynmor Mile, J. H. Bernard Chenier, James A. Howard and, Helen A. Joly |
Solution chemistry of N,N'-ethylenebis(salicylideneimine) and its copper(II), nickel(II) and iron(III) complexes Pages 195-206 Francesc Lloret, Miquel Mollar, Juan Faus, Miguel Julve, Isabel Castro, Wladimiro Diaz |
Luminescence quenching of Cr(phen)33+ by phenol derivatives Pages 207-212 Hector Gsponer, Gerardo A. Argüello, Gustavo A. Argüello, Eduardo H. Staricco |
Complexation of tin with amide ligands: two cases of mixed oxidation state tin complexes Pages 213-217 Spiros P. Perlepes, Vagelis Hondrellis, John M. Tsangaris, Umberto Russo |
Synthesis and structure of oxotechnetium(V) complexes of N,N′-ethylenebis(acetylacetone thioimine) and N,N′-ethylenebis(benzylacetone thioimine) Pages 219-224 C. I. Stassinopoulou, S. Mastrostamatis, M. Papadopoulos, H. Vavouraki, A. Terzis, A. Hountas, E. Chiotellis |
Coordination chemistry of bis(3-aminopropyl)phenylphosphine (bap): reactions of bap with some d6 metal complexes of molybdenum(0), tungsten(0) and platinum(IV) Pages 229-232 Michael A. Beckett, Devin P. Cassidy, Adam J. Duffin |
Kinetics of demetallation and oxidation of tetrakis(p-(trimethylammonio)phenyl)porphine-silver complex Pages 233-236 Joseph M. Okoh, Manickam Krishnamurthy |
Synthesis and characterization of tetrathiafulvalene charge transfer compounds with copper halides Pages 237-241 Young Inn Kim, William E. Hatfield |
Transition metal complexes of two related pyrazole containing ligands:3,6-dimethyl-1,8-(3,5-dimethyl-1-pyrazolyl)-3,6-diazaoctane (ddad) and 1,4-bis(2-ethyl-(3,5-dimethyl-1-pyrazolyl))-piperazine (bedp). Synthesis, spectroscopy and X-ray structures Pages 243-251 W. G. Haanstra, W. L. Driessen, R. A. G. de Graaff, G. C. Sebregts, J. Suriano, J. Reedijk, U. Turpeinen and, R. Hämäläinen, J. S. Wood |
Coordination compounds with the N2S donor ligand 1,3-bis(5′-methyl-4′-imidazolyl)-2-thiapropane (sbi). The X-ray structure of [ZnCl2(sbi)] Pages 253-257 E. Bouwman, W. L. Driessen, G. J. A. A. Koolhaas, A. C. van Steenbergen, J. Reedijk, M. Dartmann and, B. Krebs |
Synthesis and spectroscopic studies on nickel(II), cobalt(II) and copper(II) complexes of tetrazolyl-l-acethydrazide. Crystal structure of [Cu (TH-1)2] (ClO4)2 Pages 259-266 Valery P. Sinditskii, Mikhail D. Dutov, Alexander E. Fogelzang, Tatyana Ya. Vernidub, Valentina I. Sokol and, Mikhail A. Porai-Koshits |
Four-membered and five-membered metallocycles of methylnickel compounds Pages 267-273 Hans-F. Klein, Thomas Wiemer |
Dependence of reduction site on nature of ligand in Pt(II) square planar complexes Page 276 P. S. Braterman, Jae-Inh Song |