Synthesis and structural characterization of ruthenium(II) complexes of histidine and methionine derivatives Pages 1-9 W. S. Sheldrick, R. Exner |
Synthesis and characterization of molybdenum species: dinuclear and mononuclear species of the molecular formulas [Mo2(O2CCH3)2(LL)2][BF4]2 and [Mo(O)(F)(LL)2][BF4] where LL=bis-phosphine. The use of [Mo2(NCCH3)10][BF4]4 as a source for the [Mo2]4+ core Pages 11-23 F. Albert Cotton, Judith L. Eglin, Kenneth J. Wiesinger |
Transition metal complexes with sulfur ligands LXXXVII. Coordination of CO to high valent molybdenum sulfur centers: syntheses, properties and structure of stable molybdenum(IV) thiolato carbonyl complexes Pages 25-33 Dieter Sellmann, Franz Grasser, Falk Knoch, Matthias Moll |
Protonation of tetranuclear oxo(chloro)pyridinecopper(II) complexes by HBF4 in nitrobenzene Pages 35-43 Geoffrey Davies, Xiaochun Liu, Mohamed A. El-Sayed |
Preparation and study of amino acid ( Pages 45-49 A. Angoso, J. M. Martín-Llorente, J. L. Manzano, M. Martín, R. Martín, E. Rodríguez, J. Soria |
A comparison of different experimental techniques for the determination of the stabilities of polyether, crown ether and cryptand complexes in solution Pages 51-60 Hans-Jürgen Buschmann |
Copper complexes with a pyrazole derivative ligand. Crystal structure of tetrakis{[(3,5-bis(pyridin-2-yl)pyrazolate)-(aqua)copper(II)] nitrate monohydrate} Pages 61-66 J. Pons, X. López, J. Casabó, F. Teixidor, A. Caubet, J. Rius and, C. Miravitlles |
Synthesis, characterization and catecholase-mimetic activity of mononuclear copper(II) aspirinate complexes Pages 67-71 A. Latif Abuhijleh, Clifton Woods, Ekaterini Bogas, Gaelle Le Guenniou |
Synthesis and complexation to ruthenium(II) and iron(III) meso-tetraphenylporphyrins of two new fluorinated alkyl isocyanides: 2-monofluoroethyl isocyanide and 2,2,2-trifluoroethyl isocyanide Pages 73-76 Catherine Gèze, Nathalie Legrand, Arnaud Bondon, Gérard Simonneaux |
(1,2-Diaryl-1,2-ethylenediamine)platinum(II) complexes with sulfato and 3-sulfopropionato leaving groups: investigations with different types of coordination in the solid state, in solution and reactions with nucleophiles Pages 77-87 Richard Müller, Patrick J. Bednarski, Helmut Schönenberger |
NMR and potentiometric studies of 1,4,7-triazacyclononane-N,N′,N″-tris(methylenephosphonate monoethylester) and its complexes with metal ions Pages 89-93 Istvan Lazar, Ravichandran Ramasamy, Erno Brücher, Carlos F. G. C. Geraldes, A. Dean Sherry |
Aggregation of copper(II) derivatives of meso-substituted porphyrins in frozen aqueous media Pages 95-100 Geoffrey Dougherty, Robert F. Pasternack |
Spectroelectrochemical studies of hexachlorometallates. Optical charge transfer spectra of [MCl6]1− anions Pages 101-108 Brendan J. Kennedy, Graham A. Heath |
Synthesis and characterization of iron derivatives of dihydrolipoic acid and dihydrolipoamide Pages 109-115 Franco Bonomi, Silvia Pagani, Franco Cariati and, Andrea Pozzi, Guido Crisponi, Franco Cristiani and, Valeria Nurchi, Umberto Russo, Roberto Zanoni |
Quantum yield measurements on some new hematoporphyrin mixtures, including zinc and HpD precursor Pages 117-122 John W. Owens, Kenville Grimes, King Goay, Lloyd McMahon |
Complexes of folic acid, lumiflavin and riboflavin with bis(2, 2′-bipyridine)ruthenium(II). Facilitated formation of flavosemiquinone complexes and substantial decrease of pKa(NH) Pages 123-126 Brigitte Schwederski, Wolfgang Kaim |
Diamagnetic susceptibilities of porphyrins Pages 131-132 T.P.G. Sutter, P. Hambright, A.N. Thorpe, N. Quoc |
Catalytic hydrogenation reactions by cis-[Ru(6,6′-Cl2bpy)2(OH2)2][CF3SO3]2(6,6′-Cl2bpy=6,6′-dichloro-2,2′-bipyridine) Pages 133-134 C.P. Lau, L. Cheng |
Tris(N,N′-diphenylthioureato)-chromium(III) Pages 135-137 Ulf Bodensieck, Yves Carraux, Helen Stoeckli-Evans, Georg Süss-Fink |
Charge effects on the photochemistry of the Co(EDTA)−·I− system in the presence of polyammonium macrocyclic receptors Pages 139-143 Fernando Pina, A.Jorge Parola, Andrea Bencini, Mauro Micheloni, M.Francesca Manfrin, Luca Moggi |
Technetium complexes of capped tetradentate ligands Part II. The synthesis and electrochemistry of technetium(III) and (V) complexes of 2-diphenylphosphino-N,N-bis(2-diphenylphosphinoethyl)ethaneamine (NP3) and tris-2-diphenylphosphinoethylphosphine (PP3) Pages 145-149 Jonathan R. Dilworth, D.Vaughan Griffiths, Jonathan M. Hughes, Stephen Morton, Colin M. Archer, J.Duncan Kelly |
Syntheses of new diphenylphosphinoacetatorhodium(I) complexes and their catalytic reactivities in hydrogenation of aromatic compounds Pages 151-155 Masayoshi Onishi, Katsuma Hiraki, Masao Yamaguchi, Jun-ichi Morishita |
Synthesis, crystal and molecular structure and magnetic properties of bis[(μ-hydroxo)bis(μ-2,5-diamino-1,3,4-thiadiazole-N1, N2)chloroaqua(2,5-diamino-1,3,4-thiadiazole-N1)cobalt(II)-O,N1,N1]cobalt(II) dichloride dihydrate Pages 157-161 A.C. Fabretti, W. Malavasi, D. Gatteschi, R. Sessoli |
Tungsten-organoimido chemistry. The crystal and molecular structures of [(n-C4H9)4N][W(NC6H4CH3)Cl5] and [(n-C4H9)4N][C7H7NH3][W2OCl8(NC6H4CH3)2] Pages 163-167 Chen Qin, Deborah McClinton, Jon Zubieta |
FT-IR studies on the formation of tetrazinc long straight-chain (even-numbered C6---C18) μ4-oxo-hexa-μ-carboxylates from the corresponding bis(carboxylato)zinc compounds Pages 169-173 O. Berkesi, I. Dreveni, J.A. Andor, J. Mink |
Coordination of pentaammineruthenium to RNA: spectra, equilibria, kinetics and electrochemistry Pages 175-185 Maria A. McNamara, Michael J. Clarke |
Lanthanide(III)-copper(II) squarates: synthesis, crystal structure, magnetism and thermal behaviour of [La2Cu(C4O4)4(H2O)16]·2H2O and [Gd2Cu(C4O4)4(H2O)12]2H2O Pages 193-201 Abdelouayed Bouayad, Chantal Brouca-Cabarrecq, Jean-Christian Trombe, Alain Gleizes |
The synthesis and properties of Pt2→M (M=Ag(I), Hg(II)) adducts of Pt2{o-C6H4P(Ph)(CH2)3PPh2}2 with Ag(O2CCF3), HgCl2 and Hg(O2CCF3)2. X-ray crystal structure of [Pt2{o-C6H4P(Ph) (CH2)3PPh2}2Hg(O2CCF3)2] Pages 203-210 G.P.C.M. Dekker, C.J. Elsevier, S.N. Poelsma, K. Vrieze, P.W.N.M. van Leeuwen, W.J.J. Smeets, A.L. Spek |
Binuclear complexes of rhodium(II) bridged by anionic Pages 211-216 S. Gopinathan, C. Gopinathan, S.A. Pardhy, S.S. Tavale, V.G. Puranik, S. Krishnan |
Chemical structure of the azidonitridotetracyanorhenate(V) ion Pages 217-220 W. Purcell, L.J. Damoense, J.G. Leipoldt |
One-pot and selective synthesis of a series of [RuCl6−2nLn] (L=bidentate ligand, n=0−3) types of complexes with polypyridyl ligands; another example of the synthetic utility of ‘ruthenium-blue’ solution Pages 221-225 Tadashi Togano, Noriharu Nagao, Mitsuko Tsuchida, Hiromi Kumakura, Kumiko Hisamatsu, F.Scott Howell, Masao Mukaida |
The crystal, molecular and electronic structures of copper(II)dipropylenetriamine thiocyanate nitrate Pages 227-236 Günther Gliemann, Ulrich Klement, A.Claudia Stückl, Christos Bolos, George Manoussakis, Georgi St. Nikolov |
Synthesis of new (cyclopentadienyl)rutheniumphosphine complexes with hemilabile ether-phosphines. The X-ray structure of (η5-C5H5)RuCl(Ph2PCH2CH2OCH3)2 Pages 237-243 B. de Klerk-Engels, J.H. Groen, K. Vrieze, A. Möckel, E. Lindner, K. Goubitz |
Cleavage of DNA by nickel complexes Pages 245-248 Janet R. Morrow, Kimberly A. Kolasa |
Kinetics of the oxidation of Pages 249-253 P. Martinez, J. Zuluaga, P. Noheda, R. van Eldik |
Reassessment of the unusual ESR signal from type 3 copper of ascorbate oxidase reacted with hexacyanoferrate(II) Pages 255-258 Takeshi Sakurai |