Multinuclear magnetic resonance study of the interaction of aluminium(III)—(+)-tartrate complexes with additional metal ions in aqueous solution Pages 1-8 Fokko R. Venema, Joop A. Peters, Herman van Bekkum |
Mixed-valence complexes containing the Rh25+ core. X-ray crystal structure of the dimer-of-dimers [Rh2(form)2(O2CCF3)3-(AgO2CCF3)2]2 (form=N, N′-di-p-tolylformamidinate anion) Pages 9-14 Giuseppe Bruno, Giuseppe Tresoldi, Sandra Lo Schiavo, Sergio Sergi, Pasquale Piraino |
Fluxional behaviour of [Ir4(CO)11H]− in solution Pages 15-20 Martin J. Davis, Raymond Roulet |
X-ray structure analysis of the cobalt(III) complex formed with the ambidentate ligand 3-hydroxyiminopentane-2,4-dione: proof for N,O-fac-coordination and resonance charge delocalization Pages 21-24 H. Elias, D. Wiegand, K. J. Wannowius, H. Paulus |
Tetraethylammonium (diorgano)halogeno(thiosalicylato)stannates: synthesis, characterization and in vitro antitumor activity Pages 25-30 Rudolph Willem, Monique Biesemans, François Kayser, Mohammed Bouâlam, Marcel Gielen |
Study of mixed ligand copper(I) complexes with tri-m-tolyl-phosphine (tmtp) and heterocyclic thiones. Crystal structures of bis[μ-S(benzimidazoline-2-thione)(tmtp) copper(I) chloride] and bis[μ-Br(thiazolidine-2-thione)(tmtp) copper(I)] Pages 31-38 S. K. Hadjikakou, P. Aslanidis, P. D. Akrivos, P. Karagiannidis, B. Kojic-Prodic and, M. Luic |
Synthesis, magnetic and electrochemical properties of binuclear copper(II) complexes of pyridoxal hydrazones Pages 39-46 Madan Mohan, Niranjan K. Gupta, Munesh Kumar, Narendra K. Jha, William E. Antholine |
Spectral and electrochemical properties of an iron(II) complex of Z---Cys---Ala---Pro---Cys---OMe and new synthesis of the corresponding Z---Cys---Ala---Ala---Cys---OMe analogue Pages 47-50 Wei-Yin Sun, Norikazu Ueyama, Akira Nakamura |
Five-coordinate platinum(II) complexes containing substituted olefins: synthesis and cytostatic activity Pages 51-57 Simonetta Bartolucci, Patrizia Carpinelli, Vincenzo De Felice, Bruno Giovannitti, Augusto De Renzi |
Fructose and sucrose interactions with hydrolyzed aluminium(III) Pages 59-65 Maja Tonkovi |
Electron-transfer behaviour of oxorhenium(V), nitridorhenium(V) and rhenium(III) diethyldithiocarbamate complexes Pages 67-73 Grant N. Holder, Mark W. Kanning |
Binuclear platinum(II) complexes containing 1,1,4,7,10,10-hexaphenyl-1,4,7,10-tetraphosphadecane (P4): first X-ray structure of a tetraphos dimer Pages 75-81 Hans Goller, Peter Brüggeller |
Crystal and molecular structures of the adducts of tri-p-tolyltin chloride, bromide and iodide with 4,4′-bipyridine Pages 83-87 Stanley A. Bajue, Fitzgerald B. Bramwell, MacArthur Charles, Francisco Cervantes-Lee and, Keith Pannell |
Force constant calculations for tetrakis(tribromophosphine)nickel(0), Ni(PBr3)4 Pages 89-93 Howell G. M. Edwards, Victor Fawcett |
Interaction of mercury(II) and silver(I) with bis[di(2-ethylhexyloxy)thiophosphoryl]disulfide Pages 95-99 Lev Bromberg, Isaak Lewin, Hugo Gottlieb, Abraham Warshawsky |
Acid—base chemistry of α-alkylcobalamins. Determination of additional formation constants for the ‘tuck-in’ species of base-off cobalamins Pages 101-106 Kenneth L. Brown, Daniel R. Evans |
The reaction of the pyrophosphate ion with the antitumour complex [{CuL(CH3COO)}2] (HL=2-formylpyridine thiosemicarbazone) and the single-crystal X-ray structure of [(CuL)4P2O7]·nH2O Pages 107-115 Eric W. Ainscough, Andrew M. Brodie, John D. Ranford, Joyce M. Waters, Keith S. Murray |
A new N,O-donor binucleating ligand and its first iron(III) complex as a model for the purple acid phosphatases Pages 121-124 Ademir Neves, Sueli M. D. Erthal, Valderes Drago, Klaus Griesar and, Wolfgang Haase |
Photochemical production of hydrogen and carbon dioxide from formate using mixed-ligand iridium complexes as catalysts Pages 125-127 Karen J. Watson, Raymond Ziessel |
Routes to bis(amino)tin dichlorides: exchange reactions between tin(IV) chloride and tin(II) and tin(IV) amides, and the synthesis of a cyclic bis(amino)tin dichloride from tin(IV) chloride and N,N′-di-tert-butyl-1,3-diaminopropane via HCl elimination Pages 129-133 Bernd Wrackmeyer, Gerald Kehr, Hong Zhou, Saqib Ali |
Characterization and crystal structure of (xanthine +)2[ZnCl4] Pages 135-140 Gaby Hänggi, Helmut Schmalle, Erich Dubler |
Syntheses and characterization of binuclear manganese(III,IV) and (IV,IV) complexes with 1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane (cyclen) Pages 141-147 Patricia A. Goodson, Derek J. Hodgson, Jørgen Glerup, Kirsten Michelsen and, Høgni Weihe |
Preparation and structural characterization of three adamantylcarboxylato diruthenium(II,II), diruthenium(II,III) and dimolybdenum(II,II) compounds Pages 149-158 F. Albert Cotton, Luca Labella, Maoyu Shang |
Unsymmetrical polypyrazolylborate via boron cations Pages 159-162 Giuseppe Agrifoglio |
Synthesis, and spectral and X-ray characterization, of methylmercury(II) and dimethylthallium(III) complexes of 2-furanthiocarboxyhydrazide Pages 163-168 José S. Casas, Alfonso Castiñeiras, Alejandro Macias, María C. Rodríguez-Argüelles, Agustín Sánchez, José Sordo |
Synthesis and crystal structures of tetra- and hexanuclear copper(I) complexes of pyrimidine derivatives, [Cu4(C4H8N2S)4](ClO4)4 and [Cu6(C5H5N2S)6] Pages 169-175 Susumu Kitagawa, Youichi Nozaka, Megumu Munakata, Satoshi Kawata |
Binuclear gold(I) complexes with bridging diisocyanides and X-ray structures of [Au(tBuNC)(CN)], [Au2(dmb)(CN)2] and [Au2(tmb)(CN)2] (tmb=2,5-diisocyano-2,5-dimethylhexane; DMB=1,8-diisocyano-p-menthane) Pages 177-183 Chi-Ming Che, Hon-Kay Yip, Wing-Tak Wong, Ting-Fong Lai |
2H NMR spectra for mixed ligand chromium(III) complexes with deuteriated malonato and acetylacetonato ligands Pages 185-192 Sumio Kaizaki, Naoko Hirota, Chikage Tanaka, Junko Tano, Liu Xi Lan, J. Ivan Legg |
Nickel(II) and palladium(II) complexes of some ortho-quinone monoximes. A study of the monomer-dimer equilibrium involving the nickel complexes Pages 193-196 I. M. El-Nahhal, G. S. Heaton, A. M. Jelan |
Stoichiometry, properties and kinetics of aprotic reduction of dioxygen by [LCuX]2 (L = N,N-diethylnipecotamide; X = Cl, Br) Pages 197-201 Mohamed A. El-Sayed |
The synthesis of water-soluble hemiporphyrazine analogues Pages 203-207 David K. Geiger, Robert G. Schmidt |
Dinuclear organohydrazido(2-)molybdenum(VI) complexes containing bridging alkoxo ligands: [{MoO(NNMePh)(acac)(μ- OR)}2]. Crystal structures of [MoO(NNMePh)(acac)2] and [{MoO(NNMePh)(acac) (μ-OPr-n)}2] Pages 209-215 David Carrillo, Francis Robert, Pierre Gouzerh |
Crystal structure, 195pt and 1H-13C COSY NMR and FAB mass spectroscopic studies of amidate-bridged binuclear platinum(II) complex, head-to-tail [Pt2(bpy)2(α-pyrrolidonato)2](ClO4)2 Pages 217-226 K. Matsumoto, K. Harashima, H. Moriyama, T. Sato |
Specific cation-solute interactions as a major contributor to the salt effects on charge-transfer transitions Pages 227-232 Maria Luisa Moyá, Amalia Rodriguez, Francisco Sánchez |
Chiral metal complexes part 37. A new stereospecific N4 tetradentate, N,N′-di(2-picolyl)-N′-methyl-2S-aminomethylpyrrolidine, S-picpyrrMe, and the crystal structures of its ternary Λ-α1-[ConIII(S-picpyrrMe)(L)]2+ ions (L=S-or R-alaninate) Pages 233-242 Ronald R. Fenton, Frederick S. Stephens, Robert S. Vagg, Peter A. Williams |
Mono- and bis(9-ethylguanine) complexes of trans-(CH3NH2)2PtII. X-ray structure of the 2:1 complex and redistribution of the 1:1 compound Pages 243-249 Ferdinand J. Pesch, Markus Wienken, Hans Preut, Andreas Tenten, Bernhard Lippert |