Editorial Board Page iii |
Preface Pages 1-3 J. P. Fackler Jr. |
Calixarene complexes of the molybdenum-molybdenum quadruple bond Pages 5-8 Jacqueline A. Acho, Stephen J. Lippard |
A model for the ‘shuttling ligand’ of cytochrome c oxidase. The synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of allyl-Fe(TPP) and Cp---Fe(TPP) Pages 9-11 Chris A. James, William Woodruff |
Organometallic phosphazenes: synthesis and characterization of Pt(II) and Pt(0) cinnammonitrile cyclophosphazene derivatives Pages 13-15 Umberto Belluco, Roberta Bertani, Rino A. Michelin, Mirto Mozzon, Franco Zingales, Mario Gleria |
Conformational diversity in the solid state structures of [Rh2(μ-CH3N(P(OCH3)2)2)2(CH3N(P(OCH3)2)2)2]X2 (X = O3SCF3, B(C6H5)4) Pages 17-25 Joel T. Mague |
Preparation of anhydrous vanadium(II) sulfate compounds from aqueous solutions: the synthesis and characterization of [V(en)3]SO4, V(bpy)2SO4 and V(py)4SO4 Pages 27-32 Lee M. Daniels, Carlos A. Murillo, Kattia G. Rodríguez |
An asymmetric homodinuclear complex containing the μ-oxo-bis(μ-carboxylato)diruthenium(III) core: X-ray structure of [Ru2O(O2CC6H4-p-OMe)3(en)(PPh3)2](ClO4)·3CHCl3 Pages 33-38 Ariyanchira Syamala, Munirathinam Nethaji, Akhil R. Chakravarty |
The resolution of CpMo(NO)(methylallyl)(X) complexes. X-ray crystal structures of (−)-CpMo(NO)(syn-crotyl)(1S)-10- camphorsulfonate) and (μ-OH)2[CpMo(NO)I]2 Pages 39-45 J. W. Faller, Kevin J. Chase, Maria R. Mazzieri |
Coordination and fragmentation of 1,4-dithiacyclohexane by a triosmium cluster Pages 47-54 Richard D. Adams, Linfeng Chen, John H. Yamamoto |
Preparation of cis-[MoI4(Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2)]− and structure of (THF)3Na(μ-I)3MoI(Ph2PCH2CH2PPh2) with a new coordination environment around sodium Pages 55-60 Sundeep P. Mattamana, Rinaldo Poli |
Activation of dinuclear gold(I) ylide complexes by Lewis acids. Isomerization of trans-[Au(CH2)2PPhMe]2, and the crystal structures of [Au(CH2)2PPhMe]2, [Au(CH2)2PPhMe]2[SO2]2, [Au(CH2)2PPh2]2[SO2]2 and [Au(CH2)2PPhMe]2[S2CNEt2]2 Pages 61-75 Dwight D. Heinrich, Richard J. Staples, John P. Fackler Jr. |
Synthesis and structure of {Cu2(EBPYT)3(PF6)2}n (where EBPYT = N,N′-ethylenebis(pyridin-2-thione)); a novel polymeric complex containing 4-, 18- and 36-membered rings Pages 77-80 David M. L. Goodgame, Dean A. Katahira, Stephan Menzer, David J. Williams |
Evidence of zeolite-solution equilibrium for isomorphous substitution using aqueous metal fluoride complexes Pages 81-85 Scott Han, Kirk D. Schmitt, Suzanne E. Schramm, David S. Shihabi, Clarence D. Chang |
Neutral and anionic halide complexes of ruthenium(IV) Pages 87-93 Jonathan W. Steed, Derek A. Tocher |
Synthesis and crystal structure of the unique chiral anion [Re2Cl7PBzMePh]− and the direct determination of its δ-bond energy by molecular modelling Pages 95-100 Patrick McArdle, Mary Rabbitte, Desmond Cunningham |
Circular dichroism of configurationally chiral dimolybdenum complexes with chiral diamine ligands Pages 101-103 Michael Gerards |
Reactions of monodentate tertiary phosphines with the dirhenium(II) alkyne complexes [Re2Cl3(μ-dppm)2(CO)-(η2-RCCH)]X (X = PF6 or O3SCF3) to form ylides Pages 105-112 Keng-Yu Shih, Robert M. Tylicki, Wengan Wu, Phillip E. Fanwick, R. A. Walton |
Synthesis and structure of W2Cl4(μ-dppm)2(η2-μ-CH3CN) Pages 113-119 Judith L. Eglin, E. Marie Hines, Edward J. Valente, Jeffrey D. Zubkowski |
Reaction of tetraethylorthosilicate and hexafluoroacetone trihydrate Pages 121-125 Joseph P. Carpenter, C. M. Lukehart, Brennan T. Price, James E. Wittig |
Tetrakis (μ-difluoroacetato) dimolybdenum(II): solution chemistry and mass spectrum Pages 127-133 Thomas R. Webb, James D. Pollard, George W. Goodloe, Michael L. McKee |
Characterization of the isocyanurate complexes [M(cyan-N)- (H2O)5](cyan-N)·2H2O (M = Ni, Co, Mn) compounds that form molecular ribbons in the solid state Pages 135-142 Larry R. Falvello, Isabel Pascual, Milagros Tomás |
Metal—metal interaction in ligand-bridged dimolybdenum(0,0) and -(I,0) complexes with very small frontier orbital gaps: electrochemistry and spectroscopic properties of three neighboring oxidation states Pages 143-151 Wolfgang Kaim, Wolfgang Bruns, Stephan Kohlmann, Michael Krej |
Synthesis and structural characterization of some molybdenum carbonyl nitrosyl complexes of diethyldithiocarbamate Pages 153-163 Kom-Bei Shiu, Sheng-Ting Lin, Shie-Ming Peng, Ming-Chu Cheng |
Preparation and spectroscopic studies of the complexes of diacetamide with meta(II) perchlorates Pages 165-169 Margaret Goodgame, Izhar Hussain |
Atomic orbital energies in calcium to copper Pages 171-178 James L. Bills, Richard L. Snow |
Synthesis, spectroscopic studies and reactivity of η6-arene derivatives of titanium(IV) Pages 179-186 Fausto Calderazzo, Guido Pampaloni, Andrea Vallieri |
Hindered rotation about single bonds in RuHX(CO)(PtBu2Me)2 and IrHCl2(PtBu2Me)2 Pages 187-193 J. Ulrich Notheis, Richard H. Heyn, Kenneth G. Caulton |
Transition metal complexes of a tridentate biquinone ligand: electronic structures, charge distributions and magnetic properties Pages 195-202 Tong Ren |
Photochemical ligand rearrangement in dirhodium(II) compounds. Structure of Rh2(O2CCH3)2(η2-O2CCH3)[(C6H4)PPh2] (η2-PCCl)(PCCl=P-ClC6H4)Ph2 Pages 203-209 Abel Garcia-Bernabé, Pascual Lahuerta, M. Angeles Ubeda, Santiago García-Granda, Pilar Pertierra |
Oxamide oxime-based copper(II) coordination polymers. Two- and three-dimensional structures controlled by dicarboxylates Pages 211-219 Satoshi Kawata, Susumu Kitagawa, Hiroyuki Machida, Tadahiro Nakamoto, Mitsuru Kondo, Motomi Katada, Koichi Kikuchi, Isao Ikemoto |
The ligand polyhedral model and its application to the fluxional behaviour of M4(CO)12−n (M = Co, Rh, Ir; n = 1, 2, 4 clusters Pages 221-227 Yvonne V. Roberts, Brian F. G. Johnson, R. E. Benfield |
Protein-bound iron-sulfur clusters: application of a structural database Pages 229-239 Jeffrey R. Long, R. H. Holm |
Preparation and characterization of dirhenium complex anions of the type [Re2Cl7(dithioether)]− with Re---Re quadruple bonds Pages 241-246 Bruce J. Heyen, J. Gregory Jennings, Gregory L. Powell |
Sorption and coprecipitation of trace concentrations of thorium with various minerals under conditions simulating an acid uranium mill effluent environment Pages 247-252 Edward R. Landa, Anh H. Le, Rudy L. Luck, Philip J. Yeich |
Bisperoxovanadium compounds: synthesis and reactivity of some insulin mimetic complexes Pages 253-260 Alan Shaver, David A. Hall, Jesse B. Ng, Anne-Marie Lebuis, Rosemary C. Hynes, Barry I. Posner |
A novel triply bridged dinuclear manganese (III) complex containing the [Mn2O(OAc)2]2+ core: synthesis, crystal structure and properties of [Mn2(μ-O)(μ-OAc)2(bpea)2](ClO4)2 Pages 261-270 Sanjay K. Mandal, William H. Armstrong |
Gold binding sites in red blood cells Pages 271-280 Yafei Zhang, Evelyn V. Hess, Keith G. Pryhuber, John G. Dorsey, Katherine Tepperman, R. C. Elder |
Magnetic properties of binuclear manganese(II), cobalt(II), nickel(II) and copper(II) complexes of a macrocyclic ligand derived from pyridine-N-oxide, and crystal structure of the nickel complex Pages 281-290 Antony B. Blake, Ekk Sinn, Ahmad Yavari, Boujemaa Moubaraki, Keith S. Murray |
Synthesis, structure and reactivity of stable dianionic organometallic complexes of Pt(IV). Crystal structure of [PEtPh3]2[cis-Pt(C6F5)2Cl4] and [NBu4mer-Pt(C6F5)2Cl3- (NH2-p-C6H4CH3)] Pages 291-298 JoséM. Casas, Antonio Martín, Joaquín Oliva, Milagros Tomás |
Dinuclear gold(I) and silver(I) derivatives with bridging phosphines containing an imidazole ring; X-ray crystal structure of (1-benzyl-2-imidazolyl)diphenylphosphinegold(I)chloride Pages 299-305 Alfredo Burini, Bianca Rosa Pietroni, Rossana Galassi, Giovanni Valle, Sandro Calogero |
Cycloheptatrienyl bridged heterobimetallic complexes: fluxional behavior and X-ray crystal structure of syn-(μ3: η2-C7H7)Fe(CO)3Pd(η3-C3H5) Pages 307-313 Wenyi Fu, Robert McDonald, Josef Takats, Andrew H. Bond, Robin D. Rogers |
Synthesis and structure of tris[dihydrobis(pyrazolyl)borate](tetrahydrofuran)uranium(III), U[H(μ-H)Bpz2]3 (THF): three-center B---H§d U(III) interactions in the presence of coordinated THF ligand Pages 315-322 Yimin Sun, Josef Takats, Todd Eberspacher, Victor Day |
Synthesis, structure and solid-state polymerization of dimethyl(propynoato)thallium Pages 323-328 Michael J. Moloney, Bruce M. Foxman |
The effect of salt on selectivity in water soluble hydroformylation catalysts Pages 329-333 Hao Ding, Brian E. Hanson, Thomas E. Glass |
Synthesis and structure of titanium tetrathiolate and tantalum pentathiolate complexes. Metal-sulfur bonding in early transition metal compounds Pages 335-342 Douglas T. Corwin Jr., James F. Corning, Stephen A. Koch, Michelle Millar |
Metal-silicon bonding energetics in organo-Group 4 and organo—f-element complexes. Implications for bonding and reactivity Pages 343-354 Wayne A. King, Tobin J. Marks |
The higher hydridospherosiloxanes: synthesis and structures of HnSinO1.5n (n = 12, 14, 16, 18) Pages 355-364 Pradyot A. Agaskar, Walter G. Klemperer |
Reaction of Rh2(μ2-O2CCH3)3[μ2-(C6H4)PMePh](HO2CCH3)2 with triphenylphosphine: rearrangement of the metalated PMePh2 ligand and formation of a compound with a diphenylphosphinomethanide group in (P,C) coordination; crystal structure of [Rh2(μ2-O2CCH3)2{μ2-(CH2)PPh2}- {μ2-(C6H4)PPh2}(PPh3)]·2CH2Cl2 Pages 365-371 Francisco Estevan, Santiago García-Granda, Pascual Lahuerta, Julio Latorre, Eduardo Peris, Mercedes Sanaú |
Acetonitrile complexes of diiridium Part 1. Isolation and characterization of the partially solvated cations [Ir2(COD)(μ-form)2(MeCN)3]2+ and [Ir2(μ-form)2(MeCN)6]2+ (COD = 1,5-cyclooctadiene, FORM = N, N′ -di-p-tolylformamidinate) Pages 373-382 Kim R. Dunbar, Shannon O. Majors, Jui-Sui Sun |
On correlating the frequency of the 7F0 → 5D0 transition in Eu3+ complexes with the sum of ‘nephelauxetic parameters’ for all of the coordinating atoms Pages 383-390 Steven T. Frey, William DeW. Horrocks Jr. |
Low-nuclearity titanium oxoalkoxides: the trititanates [Ti3O](OPri)10 and [Ti3O](OPri)9(OMe) Pages 391-405 Victor W. Day, Todd A. Eberspacher, Yuewu Chen, Jinling Hao, Walter G. Klemperer |
An X-ray determination of the electron distribution in crystals of hexapyridine-N-oxide cobalt(II) perchlorate and the electronic structure of the Co2+ ion Pages 407-415 John S. Wood |
Structure and reactivity of an intermediate in the two-electron reduction of dimolybdenum(III) by a hydride ligand in the Mo---H---Mo system Pages 417-420 Michael Ardon, Avi Bino |
Synthesis and identification of pentachloropyridinemolybdate(III) and pentabromopyridinemolybdate(III): crystal structures of [NH2(CH3)2]2[MopyCl5] and [N(CH3)4]2[MopyCl5] (py = pyridine) Pages 421-424 Jurij V. Bren |
The binding of dinucleoside phosphonates in the active site of the metallo-enzyme, Staphylococcal nuclease: synthetic, solution and preliminary crystallographic studies Pages 425-436 P. W. Tucker, M. D. Edge, G. H. Jones, J. G. Moffatt |
An analysis of the bonding in some ‘nonclassical’ d0 and d10 metal carbonyl complexes Pages 437-443 Matthew A. Lynn, Bruce E. Bursten |
Metal-metal bonding in pentamethylcyclopentadienylmolybdenum(IV) dinuclear compounds: chloride abstraction from non-bonded Cp*2Mo2Cl6 to afford bonded [Cp*2Mo2Cl5]+ Pages 445-454 Fatima Abugideiri, James C. Fettinger, Rinaldo Poli |
Chemical bonding and electronic structure in the ionic species CrNO2 and [Cr(H2O)5NO]2+ by all electron ab initio multi configurations self consistent field calculations Pages 455-460 Irene Shim, Karl A. Gingerich, Kim Mandix, Xuejun Feng |
Cycloheptatrinyl bridged heterobimetallic complexes: synthesis, fluxional behaviour and X-ray crystal structure of syn-[(μ-η3;η2-C7H7)Fe(CO)3Pt(η2, σ1-C8H12---C5H5)] Pages 461-468 Marta Airoldi, Tiziana Beringhelli, Giulio Deganello, Giuseppe Gennaro, Massimo Moret, Filippo Saiano, Angelo Sironi |
Ultrafast studies of metal-metal bond cleavage in Fe3(CO)12 in solution Pages 469-471 N. J. Tro, J. C. King, C. B. Harris |
Preparation and structure of the face-sharing bioctachedral ion [Mo2Cl8(PEt3)]2− Pages 473-476 K. Vidyasagar |
Hexacoordinated complexes of bivalent zinc incorporating thioether binding Pages 477-481 Partha Chakraborty, Swapan Kumar Chandra, Animesh Chakravorty |
Preparation and crystal structure of the cluster complex Os7H2(CO)21P(OMe)3 Pages 483-486 Gregory L. Powell, Thomas F. Tekut |
Conference calendar Pages 487-489 |
Author index of volume 229 Pages 491-492 |