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Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Volume 110
Main Index

Issue 1, Pages 1-137 (13 April 1976)

Definitive evidence that the ESR spectrum observed during photolysis of Mn2(CO)10 in THF is due to octahedral high-spin (d5) manganese(II)
Pages C5-C8
A. Hudson, M. F. Lappert, J. J. Macquitty, B. K. Nicholson, H. Zainal, G. R. Luckhurst and, C. Zannoni, S. W. Bratt and, M. C. R. Symons
trans-Chelation of 1,12-bis(dimethylarsino)dodecane to palladium(II)
Pages C25-C26
William Levason, Charles A. McAuliffe, Stephen G. Murray
Homogene, katalytische hydrierung von acrylsäureäthylester mit RhCl(PPh3)3 und IrClCO(PPh3)2 in substanz
Pages C22-C24
Walter Strohmeier, Erich Hitzel
Dicarbonyl-η′-α-benzilidintrimethylphosphoran-η-benzolchrom-tetrachloroborat. Ein weg vom kationischen carbinkomplex zum kationischen ylid
Pages C9-C11
Fritz R. Kreissel, Peter Stückler
Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry : 8th Edition, New Supplement Series, Vol. 22, Boron Compounds, Part 4, Compounds with a Trigonal Boron Atom and Covalent Boron---Nitrogen Bonds, K. Beeker, J.J. Lagowski and K. Niedenzu, volume authors; K.-C. Buschbeck and K. Niedenzu, volume editors; 1975, x + 360 pages, DM 586, $ 252.00; Vol. 23, Boron Compounds, Part 5, Boron---Pyrazole Derivatives and Spectroscopy of Trigonal Boron---Nitrogen Compounds, H. Bock, R.H. Cragg, A. Meller, K. Niedenzu, H. Nöth, S. Trofimenko and N. Weinstock, volume authors; K. Niedenzu and K.-C. Buschbeck, volume editors; Carboranes 2. Electronic Properties of Closo-Carboranes; Hetero- and Metallocarboranes; Polymeric Carborane Compounds, J.F. Ditter, J.R. Wasson and I.v. Willucki, volume authors; K. Niedenzu and K.-C. Buschbeck, volume editors; 1975, xii + 150 pages, DM 339, $139.00, Gmelin Institut für Anorganische Chemie und Grenzgebiete der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Wissenschaften, Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York.
Pages C30-C31
Dietmar Seyferth
Umsatzzahlen bei der homogenen katalytischen hydrierung mit HRuCl(PPh3)3
Pages C17-C21
Walter Strohmeier, Günter Buckow
Dehydrogenation of an alkane chain: rhodium(I) and iridium(I) complexes of 1,6-bis(diphenylphosphino)- trans-hex-3-ene
Pages C13-C15
P. W. Clark
Pyrolysis of silyl azides. Generation and reactions of unsaturated silicon—nitrogen intermediates [R2 Si=NR]
Pages C1-C4
D. R. Parker, L. H. Sommer
International Review of Science. Inorganic Chemistry Series Two : Vol. 4. Organometallic Derivatives of the Main Group Elements, B.J. Aylett, Volume Editor, Butterworth & Co., London/University Park Press, Baltimore, 1975, 417 pages, $37.50
Pages C31-C32
Martel Zeldin
Acid-catalyzed ligand substitution on the complex Ni0 (CO)[P(C6H5)2 (CH2)4 P(C6H5)2]2
Pages C27-C29
B. Corain, L. De Nardo
A theoretical study of the allyllithium ion-pair
Pages 1-6
A. Bongini, G. Cainelli, G. Cardillo, P. Palmieri, A. Umani-Ronchi
On the bonding and electronic structure of boron---oxygen complexes. AB initio MO-calculations on BH3OH2, (BH2OH)2 and related compounds
Pages 7-14
Even Flood, Odd Gropen
III. Darstellung und molekülstruktur von triazoboracyclooctanen
Pages 15-24
K. -D. Müller, U. W. Gerwarth
Lithium bis(ethylenedioxyboryl)methide and its reactions with carbonyl compounds and with the chlorotriphenyl derivatives of germanium, tin and lead
Pages 25-37
Donald S. Matteson, Pradipta K. Jesthi
Novel cleavages of benzyl- and m-methoxybenzyltrimethylsilane by trifluoroacetic acid
Pages 39-47
K. A. Andrianov, S. A. Igonina, V. I. Sidorov, Colin Eaborn and, Patricia M. Jackson
Interaction of lithium alkylamides or lithium dialkylamides with tetraphenylphosphonium chloride reaction course as a function of reaction conditions and dialkylamide structures
Pages 49-57
N. A. Nesmeyanov, O. A. Rebrova, V. V. Mikul'shina, P. V. Petrovsky, V. I. Robas, O. A. Reutov
Zur elektronenstruktur metallorganischer komplexe der f-elemente : III. Kristallfeld-theoretische analyse des raumtemperatur-absorptionsspektrums von uran(IV)-tetracyclopentadienyl
Pages 59-66
H. -D. Amberger
Reactions of aryl- and diaryl-thioureas with some molybdenum carbonyl derivatives
Pages 67-71
S. C. Tripathi, S. C. Srivastava, R. D. Pandey, R. P. Mani
Amine complexes of cyclopentadienyltungsten carbonyl and the synthesis of some W---Mn bonded compounds
Pages 73-78
S. C. Tripathi, S. C. Srivastava, D. N. Pathak
The enthalpies of thermal decomposition of iron---olefin complexes, and the strengthens of iron---olefin bonds
Pages 79-89
D. Lalage S. Brown, Joseph A. Connor, May L. Leung, Maria I. Paz-Andrade, Henry A. Skinner
Etude structurale de ferrocenophanes : II. Structure cristalline et moleculaire du bis-(cyclopentylene-1″, 3″)-(1,1′), (3,3′) ferrocene “syn”, C20H22Fe
Pages 91-102
Patrick Batail, Daniel Grandjean, Didier Astruc and, Rene Dabard
Dienyl complexess of transition metals : VI. The addition of hydride to (methyl benzoate)cyclopentadienyliron cation
Pages 103-107
James F. McGreer, William E. Watts
Metal complexes with tetrapyrrole ligands : XV. A carbonylosmium porphodimethene: Synthesis, and determination of the crystal and molecular structure
Pages 109-120
Johann W. Buchler, K. Lam Lay, Paul D. Smith, W. Robert Scheidt, Gregory A. Rupprecht and, Jonathan E. Kenny
Reactions of diphenylcyclopropenone with ketenes in the presence of nickel tetracarbonyl
Pages 121-127
Akio Baba, Yoshiki Ohshiro, Toshio Agawa
X-ray crystal structure of racemic bis(ethyl fumarate) (acetonitrile)nickel(0)
Pages 129-137
I. W. Bassi, M. Calcaterra

Issue 2, Pages 139-279 (20 April 1976)

Spectroscopic Properties of Inorganic and Organometallic Compounds, Vol.8, A Specialist Periodical Report; : N.N. Greenwood, senior reporter, The Chemical Society, London, xi + 543 pages, $68.75, £25.00
Page C48
Dietmar Seyferth
Electrochemical preparation of d2 organometallic rhodium and iridium complexes
Pages C45-C47
Sandro Zecchin, Gilberto Schiavon, Giuseppe Pilloni, Mario Martelli
The homolytic reactivity of stannacyclopentanes
Pages C33-C35
Alwyn G. Davies, Glynn R. Parry, Brian P. Roberts, Man-Wing Tse
The ferrocene analogues of salicylic acid and aspirin
Pages C42-C44
R. Epton, G. Marr, G. K. Rogers
The reaction of Re2(CO)10 with cycloheptatriene
Pages C39-C41
R. Davis, I. A. O. Ojo
Novel complexes of manganese with phenylvinylidene as a ligand
Pages C36-C38
A. N. Nesmeyanov, G. G. Aleksandrov, A. B. Antonova, K. N. Anisimov, N. E. Kolobova, Yu. T. Struchkov
Coupure de liaison s silicium—carbone par des complexes du platine(II) : II. Reactions des silanes, CH2=CH(CH2)n SiMe3 (n = 0, 1 et 2)
Pages 139-148
D. Mansuy, J. Pusset, J. C. Chottard
Reactivity of the germanium---germanium bond in 1,1,1-triethyl-2,2,2-tris(pentafluorophenyl)digermane
Pages 149-157
M. N. Bochkarev, N. S. Vyazankin, L. N. Bochkarev, G. A. Razuvaev
Quaternary ammonium bromide catalyzd chloride for bromide redistributions between carbon of alkyl halides and tin of tri-n-butyltin halides
Pages 159-165
Edwin C. Friedrich, Paul F. Vartanian
The synthesis of small-ring monostannacycloalkanes
Pages 167-174
E. J. Bulten, H. A. Budding
Synthesis and low-frequency vibrational spectra of some halo- and pseudohalo-diphenylantimonates(V)
Pages 175-182
N. Bertazzi
Investigations on organoantimony compounds : XV. The synthesis of heterocyclic antimony compounds via thermolysis of α,ω-bis(dimethylstibino)alkanes. A new route to the synthesis of 1-methylstibacycloalkanes.
Pages 183-193
H. A. Meinema, H. F. Martens, J. G. Noltes
Metallorganische Diazoverbindungen : IX. Me2AsCHN2, ein neues metalorganisch monosubstituiertes Diazomethan
Pages 195-200
Peter Krommes, Jörg Lorberth
Pages 201-203
Frank J. Berry, Barry C. Smith, Colin H. W. Jones
Synthese et proprietes de quelques porphyrines de titanyle
Pages 205-217
P. Fournari, R. Guilard, M. Fontesse, J. -M. Latour and, J. -C. Marchon
Cumulated double bond systems as ligands : V. Dialkylsulfurdiimine compounds M(CO)4(RN=S=NR) (M = Cr, Mo, W) and M(CO)5(RN=S=NR) (M = Cr, W); structural, spectroscopic and fluxional properties.
Pages 219-233
R. Meij, J. Kuyper, D. J. Stufkens, K. Vrieze
KMR-spektroskopie an paramagnetischen komplexen : XI. 13C-, 1H-spektren und darstellung alkylierter nickelocene, kobaltocene, chromocene und vanadocene
Pages 235-246
Frank H. Köhler
Paramagnetic transition metal carbonyls : IV. ESR study of anions derived from (CO)5MnPbPh3 and (CO)4CoPbPh3 by high energy radiation
Pages 247-255
Oren P. Anderson, Stephen A. Fieldhouse, Charles E. Forbes, Martyn C. R. Symons
Stable carbocations : XI. H/D exchange reactions of ferrocenylalkylium ions in CF3CO2D solution
Pages 257-264
William Crawford, William E. Watts
Homogene katalytische hydroformylierung von 1-hexen in substanz mit RhHCO(PPh3) unter milden bedingungen
Pages 265-270
Walter strohmeier, Alfred Kühn
The preparation of some bulky dihalo-, halohydrido- and dihydro-phosphineplatinum(II) compounds
Pages 271-279
P. G. Leviston, M. G. H. Wallbridge

Issue 3, Pages 281-406 (27 April 1976)

Page C61
Synthesis of tributylstannyl ethers of carbohydrates
Pages C57-C59
Alan J. Crowe, Peter J. Smith
Reactions of dimethyl acetylenedicarboxylate with hydridoalkynyl complexes of palladium(II) and platinum(II)
Pages C53-C56
Y. Tohda, K. Sonogashira, N. Hagihara
Specific syntheses and electrochemistry of isomeric [Mn(CO)6-n(CNMe)n]+ (n = 3, 4) complexes
Pages C49-C52
P. M. Treichel, H. J. Mueh, B. E. Bursten
Structure and dehydrogenation of silylated dihydroanthracenes. A new route to 9- and 9,10-silylated anthracenes
Pages 281-289
R. M. G. Roberts
Improved syntheses of chlorodicyclopentadienyl derivatives of scandium(III), titanium(III) and vanadium(III)
Pages 291-294
Leo E. Manzer
Darstellung und eigenschaften von N-(diphenylmethylen)-triorganoelement-methylaminen (element = C, Si, Ge, Sn)
Pages 295-302
E. Popowski, A. Hahn, H. Kelling
Preparation, reactions and stereochemistry at silicon of (2,3,4,5-tetraphenyl-1-silacyclopentadiene)iron tricarbonyls
Pages 303-313
Hideki Sakurai, Josaburo Hayashi, Toshiaki Kobayashi
Steric and electronic effects of substituents at arsenic on the decomposition of arsonium betaines
Pages 315-320
David W. Allen, Graham Jackson
Synthese et etude des complexes [C5H4(CH2)3C5H4]Ti(C5H5)2 presentant un pont entre deux ligands cyclopentadienyles
Pages 321-326
A. Dormond, Ou-Khan, J. Tirouflet
Synthesis and properties of alkyldicyclopentadienyl-vanadium(III) compounds
Pages 327-330
H. Bouman, J. H. Teuben
Complexes d'addition des metaux halocarbonyle et halonitrosyle avec les acides de lewis
Pages 331-338
Marek Pankowski, Michaël Bigorgne, Yves Chauvin
The interaction of 1,1,3,3-tetrakis(trifluoromethyl)allene with sodium derivatives of iron and rhenium carbonyl compounds. Synthesis and structure of the σ- and π-complexes
Pages 339-344
A. N. Nesmeyanov, N. E. Kolobova, I. B. Zlotina, B. V. Lokshin, I. F. Leshcheva, G. K. Znobina, K. N. Anisimov
The mechanism of photoinsertion of haloalkenes into Fe---C bonds of dieneiron tricarbonyls
Pages 345-357
Robert C. Kerber, Ernst A. Koerner von Gustorf
13C NMR spectroscopy XI. 4H-indenediiron pentacarbonyl complexes
Pages 359-365
D. G. Leppard, H. -J. Hansen, K. Bachmann and, W. v. Philipsborn
Tridentate chelate π-bonded complexes of rhodium(I), iridium(I), and iridium(III) and chelate σ-bonded complexes of nickel(II), palladium(II), and platinum(II) formed by intramolecular hydrogen abstraction reactions
Pages 367-381
M. A. Bennett, P. W. Clark
Photochemical electron transfer reactions in alkylcobaloximes
Pages 383-388
C. Giannotti, J. R. Bolton
Katalysatoraktivität und umsatzzahlen bei der homogenen hydrierung mit RhCl(PPh3)3 und IrCl(CO)(PPh3)2 bei anaeroben und aeroben arbeiten
Pages 389-394
Walter Strohmeier, Erich Hitzel
Arylkomplexe des typs trans-[Ir(Ar)(CO)(PPh3)2]
Pages 395-406
L. Dahlenburg, R. Nast