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Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Volume 192
Main Index

Issue 1, Pages 1-145 (10 June 1980)

Advances in inorganic chemistry and radiochemistry : vol. 22, H.J. Emeléus and A.G. Sharpe, editors, Academic Press, New York, New York/San Francisco/London, 1979, ix + 457 pages, $48.00
Pages C17-C18
W. K. Dean
Reductive dimerisation of but-2-yne on niobium: some chemistry of mono-η-cyclopentadienyl compounds
Pages C6-C8
Mark J. Bunker, Malcolm L. H. Green, Claire Couldwell and, Keith Prout
Progress in inorganic chemistry : volume 26, S.J. Lippard, editor, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York/Chichester, 1979, vii + 489 pages, $35.95
Pages C23-C24
Larry W. Houk
Theory and practice of direct methods in crstallography : M.F.C. Ladd R.J. Palmer (Editors), Plenum Press, New York and London, 1980, xiv + 411 pages, $35.00.
Pages C21-C22
Peter B. Hitchcock
Steric control cf diene insertion in a diene hyrdrido cobalt complex
Pages C9-C11
Hossein Eshtlagh-Hosseini, John F. Nixon
The dithiobis(tricarbonyliron) dianion: Improved preparation and new chemistry
Pages C1-C5
Dietmar Seyferth, Richard S. Henderson, Li-Cheng Song
Spectroscopic properties of inorganic and organometallic compounds : Vol. 11, D.H. Adams and E.A.V. Ebsworth, Senior Reporters, The Chemical Society. London, 1979, xii + 455 pages, $80.00, £32.00.Electron spin resonance : Vol. 5, P.B. Ayscough, Senior Reporter. The Chemical Society, London, 1979, xii + 378 pages, $77.00. £30.00.
Pages C19-C20
Edward I. Solomon
Synthesis of aryl esters from olefin and phenols via palladium carbonyl chloride
Pages C12-C16
John E. Hallgren, Robert O. Matthews
Benzenoid-quinoid tautomerism of azomethines and their structrual analogues XXX. Molecular structure of gallium and boron organometalic compounds with tautomeric azomethines
Pages 1-15
V. I. Bregadze, N. G. Furmanova, L. M. Golubinskaya, O. Y. Kompan, Y. T. Struchkov, V. A. Bren, Zh. V. Bren, A. E. Lyubarskaya, V. I. Minkin and, L. M. Sitkina
The chemistry and stereochemistry of poly(N-alkyliminoalanes). XVII. The syntheses of poly(N-alkyliminoalanes) from dimethylamino- or methoxy-propylamines
Pages 17-25
G. Dozzi, C. Busetto, T. Salvatori, S. Cucinella
The reactions of tris(trimethylsilyl)silicon iodides and hydrides with iodine monochloride
Pages 27-32
Colin Eaborn, Steven P. Hopper
Phospha-guanidine I. Eine neue verbindungsklassemit zweifach-koordiniertem dreibindigem phosphor
Pages 33-39
Kurt Issleib, Harry schmidt, Hinrich Meyer
Konfigurationsumkehr am tetrakoordinierten phosphor in 1,1-dialkyl-3-phenyl-3-thio-1,2,3-stannathiaphospholanen
Pages 41-46
C. Mügge, H. Weichmann, A. Zschunke
Metallorganische Diazoalkane XVII. 1,3-dipolare cycloadditionen von heterometalldiazoalkenen: untersuchungen zur metallotropie in organometall-iso-pyrazolen und die kristallstruktur eines N-(trimethylstannyl)dimethylarsen[bis-carboxymethoxy]pyrazols
Pages 47-64
Mathias Birkhahn, Rüdiger Hohlfeld, Werner Massa, Roland Schmidt, Jörg Lorberth
Synthesis and structure of (η5-C5H5)3Gd · OC4H8
Pages 65-73
Robin D. Rogers, R. Vann Bynum, Jerry L. Atwood
The isocyanide-induced formation of dicyclopentadienyltantalummonoalkyl species from hydride olefin complexes
Pages 75-81
A. H. Klazinga, J. H. Teuben
Preparation of isonitrile-substituted group VI metal carbonyls by phase-transfer catalysis
Pages 83-85
Subhi A. Al-jibori, Benard L. Shaw
Preparation and properties of two pentacarbonyltungsten complexes of substituted cyclopropenylidenes
Pages 87-91
Y. Kawada, W. M. Jones
13C-{103Rh} double resonance spectra of rhodium(I) and rhodium(-I) carbonyl complexes
Pages 93-99
C. Brown, B. T. Heaton, L. Longhetti, W. T. Povey, D. O. Smith
The chemistry of hetero-allene and -allylic derivatives with rhodium and iridium II. Rhodium(I)- and iridium(i)-phosphine complexes of hetero-allylic ligands of the type [Ph2PC(x)NR] (X = S, NR, O) and [Ph2P(W)C(S)NR] (Q = S, O). Synthesis and 31P-NMR
Pages 101-113
D. H. M. W Thewissen, H. P. M. M. Ambrosius, H. L. M. Van Gaal, J. J. Steggerda
The chemistry of hetero-allene and -allylic derivatives with rhodium and iridium III. Elimination of hetero-allene molecules from rhodium(I)-hetero-allylic-phosphine complexes. The first complex with η2-coordinated Ph2PS
Pages 115-127
D. H. M. W Thewissen
Four-membered chelate aminoalkenyl complexes of platinum(II). Synthesis, carbonylation and oxidation to aminoacidato complexes
Pages 129-132
Augusto De Renzi, Achille Panunzi, Michaelangelo Scalone, Aldo Vitagliano
Dimesitylboryl compounds. Part II. Nitrogen derivatives
Pages 133-138
N. M. D. Brown, F. Davidson, J. W. Wilson
The electronic structure of transition-metal carbonyl complexes of norbornadiene and mesitylene
Pages 139-145
S. D. Worley, T. R. Webb

Issue 2, Pages 147-295 (17 June 1980)

Organometallic compounds : (G.E. Coates, B.J. Aylett, M.L.H. Green, D.M.P. Mingos, K. Wade). Volume one: The Main Group Elements. Part two: Groups IV and V. By B.J. Aylett, Chapman and Hall, London 1979, 521 pages; ß 32.50
Page C47
Michael F. Lappert
Surface supported metal cluster carbonyls. the surface organometallic chemistry of polymetallic and monometallic osmium carbonyl species formed by depositing various osmium clusters on silica and alumina
Pages C31-C34
A. K. Smith, B. Besson, J. M. Basset, R. Psaro, A. Fusi and, R. Ugo
Synthesis and structure of the NbIV metallocycle [M(η-C5H4SiMe3)2{CH2C6H4CH2-o}] (M = Nb, R = Me3Si) and reductive cleavage of d° analogues (M = Ti, Zr, OR Hf; R = H or Me3Si) by Na[C10H8]
Pages C35-C38
M. F. Lappert, T. R. Martin, C. R. C. Milne, J. L. Atwood, W. E. Hunter and, R. E. Pentilla
Synthesis and structural characterization of the anion [Rh6(CO)143-C3H5)]
Pages C39-C41
Gianfranco Ciani, Angelo Sironi, Paolo Chini, Alessandro Ceriotti, Secondo Martinengo
A novel hydridic high-nuclearity rhodium cluster: synthesis and x-ray crystal structure of the anion [Rh14H(μ-CO)15(CO)10]3−
Pages C42-C46
Gianfranco Ciani, Angelo Sironi, Secondo Martinengo
Flourenylsilane : II. Ein fulven-ähnliches sila-olefin
Pages C25-C30
Ulrich Schubert, Alfred Rengstl
Page C48
Metal Vapour Synthesis in Organometallic Chemistry : by J.R. Blackborow and D. Young, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1979, 202 pages: DM 98
Page C48
Michael F. Lappert
Alkynylaluminum compounds : II. Synthesis and structure of the bimetallic complexes with alkynyl bridges
Pages 147-154
K. B. Starowieyski, A. Chwojnowski, Z. Kusmierek
The calculated acidity of benzocyclopropene and its relevance to the ease of base cleavage of 1-trimethylsilybenzocyclopropene
Pages 155-161
Colin Eaborn, John G. Stamper
Metallorganische diazoalkane : XVIII. Ueber den mechanismus der phosphazinbildung metallorganischer diazomethane: 15N-NMR-untersuchungen an isotopenmarkierten diazomethanen
Pages 163-169
Eberhard Glozbach, Peter Krommes, Jörg Lorberth
Metallorganische diazoalkane : XIX. Die kristallstruktur von trimethylbleidiazoessigester, Me3PbC(N2)CO2Et
Pages 171-176
Matthias Birkhahn, Eberhard Glozbach, Werner Massa, Jörg Lorberth
Phosphazine : VIII. IR- und NMR-spektren von α-ketotriphenylphosphazinen
Pages 177-182
H. J. Bestmann, Fouad M. Soliman, Kurt Geibel
125Te NMR spectra of tellurium heterocycles
Pages 183-188
N. Zumbulyadis, H. J. Gysling
Dialkylbis[bis(trimethylsilyl)amido]hafnium(iv); unsymmetrical dialkyl and alkyloxide derivatives
Pages 189-193
Richard A. Andersen
Etudes sur le mecanisme de la metathese des olefines : I. Nature des catalyseurs; necessite d'hydrure de tungstene
Pages 195-207
J. Levisalles, H. Rudler, D. Villemin
Structure of the reaction product of pentaphenylgermole and diiron enneacarbonyl: μ-(1-(1,2,3,4-tetraphenylbutadienyl)phenylgermylene)octacarbonyldiiron(Fe---Fe)
Pages 209-218
M. David Curtis, William M. Butler, John Scibelli
The reactions of [Fe2(η-dienyl)2(CO)4](dienyl --- C5H5 or MeC5H4) with SbF3, AsF3, and organohalo-arsines
Pages 219-226
Henry Ashton, Brídin Brady, A. R. Manning, P. S. O'Neill
Five coordinate rhodium(I) complexes containing the thihalogenotin group
Pages 227-233
R. Uson, L. A. Oro, M. T. Pinillos, A. Arruebo, K. A. Ostoja Starzewski and, P. S. Pregosin
The crystal and molecular structures of di(nitrato-o)(η-pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)triphenylphosphinerhodium(III) (A) and (nitrato-o)(nitrato-o,o')(η-pentamethylcyclopentadienyl)rhodium(III) (b); a structural comparison of mono- and bi-dentate nitrato-ligands
Pages 235-251
Michael B. Hursthouse, K. M. Abdul Malik, D. Michael P. Mingos, Stephen D. Willoughby
Phosphinerhodium complexes as homogeneous catalysts : XI. Decarbonylation of primary alcohols used as solvents under conditions of olefin hydrogenation; a side reaction leading to catalyst deactivation
Pages 253-256
László Kollár, Szilárd Toros, Bálint Heil, László Markó
Rhodium catalyzed hydroacylation of ethylene with 4-pentenals. reactions of 4-hexenal-1-d
Pages 257-264
Krishnakant P. Vora, Charles F. Lochow, Roy G. Miller
Ligand exchange reaction between NiMe2L2 (L = image bpy, PEt3) and ditertiary phosphines Ph2P(CH2)nPPH2 (n = 1−4) and effect of ligand on ease of reductive elimination of C2H6 from NiMe2(Ph2P(CH2)nPPh2)
Pages 265-274
Teiji Kohara, Takakazu Yamamoto, Akio Yamamoto
Alkylsilver(I) induced 1,5-substitution in functionally conjugated enynes. a novel route to cumulated trienes
Pages 275-281
Henk Kleijn, Hans Westmije, John Meijer, Peter Vermeer
Crystal structure at −35°C of (2,6-dimethoxyphenyl)(triphenylphosphine)gold(I)
Pages 283-291
Paul E. Riley, Raymond E. Davis
A unimolecular solvolysis of an organosilicon perchlorate
Pages 293-295
Sujan S. Duan, Colin Esborn, Foad M. S. Mahmoud

Issue 3, Pages 297-446 (24 June 1980)

Mössbauer spectroscopy : by A. Vértes, L. Korecz and K. Burger, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1970, 432 pp. $73.25, Dfl. 150.00.
Page C55
A. Hudson
Transition metal complexes of cyclic polyolefins : By G. Deganello, Academic Press, London/New York/San Francisco, 1979, X + 476 pages, $87.50.
Pages C53-C54
J. Takats
Synthesis and characterization of Rh3(μ-PPh2)3(CO)3(PPh3)2: a novel triangular rhodium cluster
Pages C49-C51
E. Billig, J. D. Jamerson, R. L. Pruett
Organometallic chemistry reviews/plenary lectures 5th (karlsruhe) organosilicon symposium : D. Seyferth (coordinating editor), A.G. Davies, E.O. Fischer, J.F. Normant and O.A. Reutov (editors), 1980, VIII + 432 pages, US$ 105, Dfl 215, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, Amsterdam-Oxford-New York.
Page C52
Michael F. Lappert
Metal and metalloid amides: synthesis, structures, and physical and chemical properties : by M.F. Lappert, P.P. Power, A.R. Sanger, and R.C. Srivastava; Ellis Horwood Limited, Chichester, and John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1980, 847 pages, £50, $145.
Pages C55-C56
Robert H. Neilson
The effect of selfassociation of mercurated carbonyl compounds of mercury-199 chemical shifts
Pages 297-303
Yu. A. Strelenko, Yu. K. Grishin, M. A. Kazankova, Yu. A. Ustynyuk
Vibrational spectra and normal coordinate analysis of CF3 compounds : XXXIV. The bis(trifluoromethyl)difluoroborate anion: X-ray structure of Cs[(CF3)2BF2]
Pages 305-317
D. J. Brauer, H. Bürger, G. Pawelke
29Si and 13C NMR Studies of organofunctional di- and trisilanes
Pages 319-327
E. A. Williams, J. D. Cargioli, P. E. Donahue
Organosilicon chemistry : XXX. Homogeneous catalysis by iridium(I) complexes of the reaction between silanes and alcohols or dideuterium
Pages 329-338
S. N. Blackburn, R. N. Haszeldine, R. V. Parish, J. H. Setchfield
Base cleavage of substituted [phenyl(2-thienyl)methyl]- and [phenyl(2-furyl)methyl]-trimethylsilane. Stabilization of carbanionic centres by 2-thienyl and 2-furyl groups
Pages 339-345
Colin Eaborn, Graziella Pirazzini, Giancarlo Seconi, Alfredo Ricci
Use of SbF5 intercalated in graphite as fluorinating reagent in organo-silicon and -germanium chemistry
Pages 347-352
R. J. P. Corriu, J. M. Fernandez, C. Guerin
Die molekül- und kristallstruktur von trimethylzinnazid Me3SnN3
Pages 353-358
Rudolf Allmann, Rüdiger Hohlfeld, Alicja Waskowska, Jörg Lorberth
Indenyl and fluorenyl transition metal complexes. , : IV. Reactions of 2- and 4-azafluorenes with chromium hexacarbonyl
Pages 359-365
Thomas Thoma, V. G. Pleshakov, N. S. Prostakov, Yu. A. Ustynyuk, A. N. Nesmeyanov and, N. A. Ustynyuk
Elektrochemie der σ-phenylchrom(III)-bis(1,3-diketonat)komplexe
Pages 367-373
A. Rusina, A. A. Vlcek, K. Schmiedeknecht
Etudes sur le mecanisme de la metathese des olefines : II. Coupure des alkyltungstenes, amorçages anormaux
Pages 375-384
J. Levisalles, H. Rudler, D. Villemin
Die umsetzung von hydridopentacarbonylmangan mit triphenylarsan in gegenwart von sauerstoff
Pages 385-387
Heinz Berke, Michael Stumpp
Über neue olefin-dicarbonyl-isonitril-eisen(0)-komplexe
Pages 389-398
Helmut Behrens, Matthias Moll, Werner Popp, Hans-Jürgen Seibold, Erich Sepp, Peter Würstl
The barrier to internal rotation in metallocenes
Pages 399-408
S. Carter, J. N. Murrell
On the structure of H2Os3(CO)12
Pages 409-419
Miriam Gochin, John R. Moss
Synthesis and crystal structure of cyclopentadienyl(1,4-dimethyl-1,4-dibora-2,5-cyclohexadiene)cobalt
Pages 421-429
Gerhard E. Herberich, Bernd Hessner, Simon Beswetherick, Judith A. K. Howard and, Peter Woodward
Fluxional behaviour of Rh4(CO)8{P(OPh)3}4: A 13C-{31P, 1H} NMR study
Pages 431-435
B. T. Heaton, L. Longhetti, L. Garleschelli and, U. Sartorelli
Synthesis and reactivity of novel cationic organonickel(II) compexes. X-ray structure of [bis(2-diphenylphosphinoethyl)phenylphosphinenickel-O-methylsulfinate]tetraphenylborate
Pages 437-446
C. Mealli, M. Peruzzini, P. Stoppioni