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Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Volume 213
Main Index

Issue 1, Pages 1-403 (16 June 1981)

Editorial Note
Page vii
C. Eaborn, E. O. Fischer, J. F. Normant, O. A. Reutov, D. Seyferth
Methylarsin-und methylarsiniden-metallcarbonyle
Pages 1-9
E. Röttinger, H. Vahrenkamp
Metal carbide clusters synthesis systematics for heteronuclear species
Pages 11-24
Mamoru Tachikawa, Rolf L. Geerts, E. L. Muetterties
The bonding capabilities of transition metal clusters : IV. Three classes of carbonyl cluster compounds
Pages 25-34
Joseph W. Lauher
Metal—metal and metal—ligand bond strengths in metal carbonyl clusters
Pages 35-43
Catherine E. Housecroft, Marion E. O'Neill, Kenneth Wade, Barry C. Smith
Synthesis, spectroscopic characterization and crystal and molecular structure of μ-(dimethylstannado)-μ-(hydrido) dodecacarbonyltrirhenium
Pages 45-62
B. T. Huie, S. W. Kirtley, C. B. Knobler, H. D. Kaesz
X-ray and neutron diffraction analysis of the structures of H3Re3(CO)11[P(C6H5)3] and H4Os4(CO)11[P(OCH33]
Pages 63-78
Chiau-Yu Wei, Luigi Garlaschelli, Robert Bau, Thomas F. Koetzle
Organometallic complexes with metal—metal bonds : XVI. Synthesis of new tri- and tetrametallic platinum-manganese complexes. Crystal structures of (OC)4Mimagen(CO)4, (OC)4Mimagen(CO)4 and (OC)4Mimagen(CO)4
Pages 79-107
Pierre Braunstein, Dominique Matt, Odile Bars, Michèle Louër and, Daniel Grandjean, Jean Fischer and, André Mitschler
Reactions of coordinated nitride to generate novel rhenium and molybdenum imido complexes: The crystal and molecular structures of [Mo(NCPh3)(S2CNMe2)3)]BF4 and [Mo(NSO2Ph)(S2CNMe2)3]PF6
Pages 109-124
Michael W. Bishop, Joseph Chatt, Jonathan R. Dilworth, Bryan D. Neaves, Phillip Dahlstrom, Jeffery Hyde and, Jon Zubieta
The role of metal cluster interactions in the proton-induced reduction of CO. the crystal structures of [PPN]{HFe4(CO)12} and HFe4(CO)12(η-COCH3)
Pages 125-137
E. M. Holt, K. H. Whitmire, D. F. Shriver
Synthesis and structure of FeRu3(CO)13(μ-PPh2)2; A “64-electron” cluster complex with a planar triangulated rhomboidal array of metal atoms
Pages 139-150
Melvyn Rowen Churchill, Clifford Bueno, David A. Young
Microcalorimetric studies of dodecacarbonyl(diiron)ruthenium and dodecacarbonyl(iron)diruthenium. Enthalpy contribution of heterometallic metal—metal bonds
Pages 151-156
Alexei K. Baev, Joseph A. Connor, Nabila I. El-saied, Henry A. Skinner
Hydrogenolysis of hydrocarbons over supported catalysts derived from metal carbonyl clusters
Pages 157-174
A. F. Simpson, R. Whyman
Synthesis and crystal structure of (η-C5H5)2Ru2Ni(CO)33CO)(C2Ph2). Facile, one step synthesis of a chiral complex
Pages 175-184
Enrico Sappa, Antonio Tiripicchio, Marisa Tiripicchio Camellini
The reaction of Ru3(CO)12 and Os3(CO)12 with PH2Ph; the x-ray crystal structures of HRu3(CO)10(PHPh) and H2Ru3(CO)9(PPh)
Pages 185-206
Fujico Iwasaki, Martin J. Mays, Paul R. Raithby, Philip L. Taylor, Peter J. Wheatley
Ligand Dynamics in H2Os3(CO)10 and H2Os3(CO)10L
Pages 207-213
S. Aime, D. Osella, L. Milone, E. Rosenberg
Surface-supported metal cluster carbonyls. Chemisorption, decomposition and reactivity of Os3(CO)12, H2Os3(CO)10 and Os6(CO)18 supported on silica and alumina and the investigation of the fischer-tropsch catalysis with these systems
Pages 215-247
R. Psaro, R. Ugo, G. M. Zanderighi, B. Besson, A. K. Smith and, J. M. Basset
The preparation, characterisation and some reactions of Os3(CO)92-H)(μ3-SR) (R = Me or Et)
Pages 249-258
Brian F. G. Johnson, Jack Lewis, David A. Pippard
The partial hydrogenation of small unsaturated molecules by osmium cluster compounds. The reaction of diispropylcarbodiimide with H2Os3(CO)10
Pages 259-270
Richard D. Adams, Dean A. Katahira, John P. Selegue
Mixed iron cobalt carbonyl sulphides
Pages 271-275
Lázló Markó
Structural and infrared spectroscopic characterization of Co6C(CO)12S2: a high-nuclearity carbido carbonyl cluster spontaneously formed from dicobalt octacarbonyl and carbon disulphide
Pages 277-292
György Bor, Urs K. Dietler, Pier Liugi Stanghellini, Giuliana Gervasio and, Rosanna Rossetti, Gino Sbrignadello and, Giovanni A. Battiston
Carbide clusters in the cobalt subgroup : VII. Crystallographic characterization of the anion dicarbido-undeca-μ-carbonyl-undecacarbonyl-polyhedroundecacobaltate(3---) as its tris(benzyltrimethylammonium) salt
Pages 293-301
Vincenzo G. Albano, Dario Braga, Gianfranco Ciani, Secondo Martinengo
The formation of a new mixed cobalt rhodium carbonyl from Co2(CO)8 and Rh4(CO)12: Infrared spectroscopic characterization under carbon monoxide pressure
Pages 303-312
Felix Splinder, György Bor, Urs K. Dietler, Piero Pino
Pentamethylcyclopentadienyl-rhodium and -iridium complexes : XXVIII. Properties and x-ray crystal structures of [(RhC5Me5)3(H)3O]+ and [(RhC5Me5)2(H)2OAc]+ prepaerd from reactions of [RhC5Me5)2(OH)3]+ with alcohols
Pages 313-332
Andrew Nutton, Pamela M. Bailey, Peter M. Maitlis
Structural studies of Rh4(CO)12 derivatives in solution and in the solid state
Pages 333-350
Brian T. Heaton, Luciano Longhetti, D. Michael, P. Mingos, Clive E. Briant, Peter C. Minshall and, Brian R. C. Theobald, Luigi Garlaschelli and, Ugo Sartorelli
[Rh12Sb(CO)27]3-. an example of encapsulation of antimony by a transition metal carbonyl cluster
Pages 351-363
José L. Vidal, J. M. Troup
Synthesis and x-ray crystal structure of [PPN]+2[RuIr4(CO)92-CO)6]2-
Pages 365-377
Alessandro Fumagalli, Thomas F. Koetzle, Fusao Takusagawa
Chemistry of iridium carbonyl : I. Chemical and structural characterization of the tetranuclear anions [Ir4(μ-CO)3(CO)8(COOR)]-
Pages 379-388
Luigi Garlaschelli, Secondo Martinengo, Paolo Chini, Franco Canziani, Robert Bau
Synthesis, stereodynamics, and reactivity of isonitrile derivatives of dodecacarbonyltetrairidium
Pages 389-403
Gordon F. Stuntz, John R. Shapley

Issue 2, Pages 405-512 (23 June 1981)

Purification of Laboratory Chemicals : by D.D. Perrin, W.L.F. Armarego, and D.R. Perrin. Pergamon, Oxford, Second Edition, 1980, x + 568 pages, £32.00 $72.00.
Page C62
Colin Eaborn
Monocyclopentadienyl zirconium(IV) complexes
Pages C17-C20
Norman J. Wells, John C. Huffman, Kenneth G. Caulton
Komplexchemie reaktiver organischer verbindungen : XXXVII. Metallinduzierter abbau eines σ,π-koordinierten ketens in ein π-allyl/σ-aryl/π-olefin-system
Pages C26-C30
Wolfgang A. Herrmann, Jose Gimeno, Josef Weichmann, Manfred L. Ziegler and, Barbara Balbach
The palladium-catalyzed “head-to-tail” cross-coupling reaction of 1-alkenylboranes with phenyl or 1-alkenyl iodides. A novel synthesis of 2-phenyl-1-alkenes or 2-alkyl-1,3-alkadienes via organoboranes
Pages C53-C56
Norio Miyaura, Akira Suzuki
Gmelin handbook of inorganic chemistry, 8th Edition, Fluorine-perfluorohalogenorganic compounds of the main group elements, Part 8, Aliphatic and aromatic nitrogen compounds : (Continued), by A. Haas (volume author) edited by D. Koschel, 1980, vi + 230 pages, DM619, $365.30. Gmelin Institute for Inorganic Chemistry of the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science, Springer Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg/New York.
Page C61
Carl G. Krespan
Molybdenum-95 NMR spectra of some molybdenum carbony and related compounds
Pages C10-C12
S. Dysart, I. Georgii, B. E. Mann
Metallorganische verbindungen der lanthanoide : XI. Dicyclopentadienyllutetiumhydrid
Pages C7-C9
Herbert Schumann, Wolfgang Genthe
The Reaction of μ-dithiobis(tricarbonyliron) with dimanganese decacarbonyl: a novel product and an interesting structural problem
Pages C21-C25
Dietmar Seyferth, Richard S. Henderson, John P. FacklerJr. and, Anthony M. Mazany
Some new rhodium(I)-iridium(III) complexes with bridging hydride and chloride ligands
Pages C46-C48
Hans Lehner, Alfredo Musco, Luigi M. Venanzi, Alberto Albinati
Reaktive hydrido-iridium(III)-komplexe mit den schwach koordinierten anionen BF4, CF3SO3 und C4F9SO3
Pages C57-C59
B. Olgemöller, H. Bauer, Wolfgang Beck
Chemie polyfunktioneller liganden : LXV. Über einen kationischen eisenthiocarbonyl-komplex mit einem organocyclotriarsan als liganden
Pages C4-C6
Jochen Ellermann, Martin Lietz
Homoleptic phenyl isocyanide complexes of molybdenum and tungsten: zerovalent six-coordinate versus divalent seven-coordinate
Pages C13-C16
Douglas D. Klendworth, Warren W. WeltersIII, Richard A. Walton
Toxic Metals and their Analysis : by E. Berman, Heyden, London 1980, ix + 293 pages, $ 27.00.
Page C63
J. D. Smith
The preparation of organoiron η1-α-alkoxyethyl complexes and their reaction with electrophiles: characterization of cationic organoiron ethylidene compounds
Pages C31-C36
Thomas Bodnar, Alan R. Cutler
Conversion of H2Os33-NCH3)(CO)9 to Os43-NCH3)(CO)12; crystal and molecular structure of the two methylnitrene cluster complexes
Pages C41-C45
Y. C. Lin, C. B. Knobler, H. D. Kaesz
Tetraphenylcyclobutadien als ligand in Nickel(I)-Komplexen
Pages C49-C52
Heinz Hoberg, Wolfgang Richter, Christian Fröhlich
Chalkogenide als komplexliganden : II. Reaktionen des SH-Liganden in Li[(CO)5WSH]
Pages C1-C3
M. Höfler, H. Hausmann, H. A. Heidelberg
New Syntheses with Carbon Monoxide : J. Falbe (Ed.), Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1980, xiv + 465 pages, DM 244.
Page C60
Joseph Chatt
Structural characterization of the anions [Rh6(CO)15X] [X = COEt and CO(OMe)]
Pages C37-C40
Gianfranco Ciani, Angelo Sironi, Paolo Chini, Secondo Martinengo
Regiointegrity of carbanions derived by selective metalations of dimethylpyridines and -quinolines
Pages 405-417
Edwin M. Kaiser, William R. Thomas, Terry E. Synos, James R. McClure, Tarek S. Mansour, Joseph R. Garlich, James E. ChastainJr
An additivity scheme for the estimation of heats of formations, entropies, and heat capacities of silanes, polysilanes, and their alkyl derivatives
Pages 419-434
H. E. O'Neal, M. A. Ring
Molecular and crystal structures of two organoarsenic compounds with As=O bonds: Triphenylarsinoxide hydrate and p-carbomethoxyphenylarsinoxide
Pages 435-440
V. K. Belsky
Structural eludication of some new titanacycles by means of degradation and 13C NMR studies
Pages 441-450
J. Mattia, D. J. Sikora, D. W. Macomber, M. D. Rausch, J. P. Hickey, G. D. Friesen and, L. J. Todd
Dicarbonyl-η5-methylcyclopentadienyl-manganio-bis[dicarbonyl-η5-methylcyclopentadienyl-manganio(Mn---Mn)]germanium, [(η5-CH3C5H4)Mn(CO)2]3Ge und bis[dicarbonyl-η5-methylcyclopentadienyl-manganio]-germanium, [η5-CH3C5H4Mn(CO)2]2Ge. Neuartige verbindungen mit einer bzw. Zwei Mn---Ge-Doppelbindungen
Pages 451-460
Wolfgang Gäde, Erwin Weiss
Etude vibrationnelle des composes (C4H4P)Mn(CO)3 et [C4H2(CH3)2P]Mn(CO)3 et calcul du champ de force du cycle C4H4P complexe
Pages 461-485
O. Poizat, C. Sourisseau
The hydrogenation of 9,10-dimethylanthracene by hydridopentacarbonylmanganese(I). Evidence for a free-radical mechanism
Pages 487-492
Ray Sweany, Steven C. Butler, Jack Halpern
Vinylmetallics as ligands : VII. Acetylacetonatobis(η2-vinylsilane)rhodium(I) complexes
Pages 493-502
John W. Fitch, William T. Osterloh
The hydroformylation reaction: catalysis by platinum(II)-tin(II) systems
Pages 503-512
Howard C. Clark, Julian A. Davies