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Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Journal of Organometallic Chemistry

Volume 259
Main Index

Issue 1, Pages 1-125 (13 December 1983)

Author index
Page C8
The facile cyclometallation reaction of 1,3-BIS[(diphenyl-phosphino)methyl]benzene
Pages C6-C7
Heinrich Rimml, Luigi M. Venanzi
Synthesis and x-ray structure of (2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-piperidinyl-1-oxo-O,N)tricarbonylmanganese(0); “side-on” coordination of the nitroxyl radical to manganese
Pages C1-C5
P. Jaitner, W. Huber, G. Hunter and, O. Scheidsteger
Carbometallation: addition of organometallic compounds to isolated multiple bonds in functionally substituted compounds
Pages 1-30
J. V. N. Vara Prasad, C. N. Pillai
The positions of the hydrogen atoms in allyllithium and solvated allyllithium species. A MNDO study
Pages 31-36
Gero Decher, Gernot Boche
Metal-silicon bonded compounds XVII. A 199Hg Ft NMR study of some silylmercury derivatives and selected organomercury compounds
Pages 37-50
Michael J. Albright, Theodore F. Schaaf, Allan K. Hovland, John P. Oliver
Chemistry of organosilicon compounds CLXXXIII. An ESR study on β-trimethylsilylamine-and related amine-N-oxyls. Unusual conformational preference of the β-silyl group
Pages 51-63
Mitsuo Kira, Hiroyoshi Osawa, Hideki Sakurai
Organo-silicon,-germanium and -lead derivatives of dimethyl- and diphenyl-dithioarsinic acids
Pages 65-69
Luminita Silaghi-Dumitrescu, Ionel Haiduc
Crystal structure and coordination chemistry of Cl3SnCH2CH2CH2CO2Et
Pages 71-78
R. Alan Howie, Eric S. Paterson, James L. Wardell, Joseph W. Burley
Spiroverknüpfte diorganylzinn-chalkogenide mit unterschiedlicher konformation
Pages 79-89
Heinrich Puff, Edmund Friedrichs, Rudolf Hundt, René Zimmer
Organolanthanoids V. The crystal and molecular structure of DI-η5-cyclopentadienyl-1,2-dimethoxyethaneytterbium(II)
Pages 91-97
Glen B. Deacon, Peter I. Mackinnon, Trevor W. Hambley and, John C. Taylor
Darstellung und eigenschaften von und reaktionen mit metallhaltigen heterocyclen XXXV. Metallzentrierte C-C-verknüpfung durch reduktive dimerisierung von thioaroyl-gruppen;synthese, abfangreaktionen und kristallstrukturen von dithiolen-komplexen
Pages 99-117
Ekkehard Lindner, Ingobert P. Butz, Sigurd Hoehne, Wolfgang Hiller, Riad Fawzi
Reactions of Coordinated cyclic polyolefins. The synthesis and cycloaddition reactions of tricarbonyl[(1,2,3,4-η)-3,7,7-trimethylcycloheptatriene]iron
Pages 119-125
Zeev Goldschmidt, Shlomo Antebi

Issue 2, Pages 127-251 (20 December 1983)

Novel triangulo-diplatinum-iron and isomeric triangulo-platinum-palladium-iron complexes, [Pt2Fe(Ph2PCH2PPh2)2(CO)4] and [PtPdFe(Ph2PCH2PPh2)2(CO)4], and other related mixed-metal clusters; : by M.C.Grossel, R.P. Moulding and K.R. Seddon (J. Organomet. Chem., 253 (1983) C50–C54)
Page C20
Phosphorus donor ligand substitution in pentanuclear osmium cluster carbonyls: crystal and molecular structures of [Os5H2(CO)14(PEt3)] and [Os5H2(CO)13(PEt3)(PEt3)P(OMe)3]
Pages C9-C14
Brian F. G. Johnson, Jack Lewis, Paul R. Raithby, Maria J. Rosales
Cyclopalladated primary, secondary and tertiary benzylamines, and benzalimines. A new method of synthesis
Pages C17-C19
P. W. Clark, S. F. Dyke
The use of SO2Cl2 in organometallic chemistry. Convenient high yield syntheses of [Fe(η-C5H5)(CO)3] [FeCl4] and [M(CO5Cl] (M = Mn or Re)
Pages C15-C16
A. R. Manning, Gerald McNally, Reg Davis and, Christopher C. Rowland
Author index
Page C20
Page C20
On the 1,6-addition of alkylamuninium compounds to para-quinones
Pages 127-137
Zbigniew florjanczyk, Ewa Szymanska-Zachara
Preparation and reactivity of the new cyclopentadienyl-bridged complex (Me2SiCH2CH2SiMe2)(C5H4Fe(CO)2)2
Pages 139-143
Kim D. Janda, Wesley W. McConnell, Gregory O. Nelson, Michael E. Wright
Silylamides of group IVA and IVB elements with spirobicycloheptane structure
Pages 145-156
H. Bürger, W. Geschwandtner, G. R. Liewald
Long-range tin-tin coupling constants : II. Two-bond coupling via carbon
Pages 157-164
T. N. Mitchell, A. Amamria, B. Fabisch, H. G. Kuivila, T. J. Karol and, K. Swami
Synthesis, spectroscopic investigation and molecular structure of pentacarbonyl-5-t-butyl-5-aza-2,8-dithia-1-stannobicyclo[3.3.01,5]octanechromium(0)
Pages 165-170
A. Tzschach, K. Jurkschat, M. Scheer, J. Meunier-Piret and, M. Van Meerssche
Synthesis and spectral properties of diethyl organylchalcogenoalkyl(alkyl)malonates, RX(CH2)nCR′(COOC2H5)2, and 5-alkyl-5-(organylchalcogenoalkyl)barbiturates, RX(CH2)nimageO (X = Se, Te)
Pages 171-181
Robert A. Grigsby Jr., Kurt J. Irgolic, Furn F. Knapp Jr.
Reactions of coordinated ligands : IX. chromium(0)-promoted intramolecularnucleophilic substitution of an aryl halide: a preparation of chroman
Pages 183-188
Roy P. Houghton, Martyn Voyle, Raymond Price
Substitutions selectivesde carbonyle dans des complexes polynucleaires : IV. Regioselectivite sous activation thermique ou electrochimique pour un complexe binucleaire du fer non-symetrique
Pages 189-206
André Darchen, El Kbir Lhadi, Henri Patin
Phosphine-substituted ruthenium carbonyl carboxylates
Pages 207-214
Mario Bianchi, Piero Frediani, Ugo Matteoli, Gloria Menchi, Franco Piacenti, Giorgio Petrucci
Migratory-insertion reactions involving the thiocarbonyl ligand. dihapto-thioacyl complexes from the rearrangement of arylthiocarbonyl complexes of osmium(II). Structure of Os(η2-CSR)(η1-O2CCF3)(CO)(PPh3)2
Pages 215-232
G. R. Clark, T. J. Collins, K. Marsden, W. R. Roper
Reactions (η5-C5Me5)Co(CO)2 with XCN (X = Br, I) and INCO
Pages 233-236
J. Macazaga, S. Delgado, J. R. Masaguer
Reactions of dimethyl(dimethylsulphoxide)pentamethylcyclopentadienyl-rhodium and -irridum with acids
Pages 237-243
Manuel Gómez, Paul I. W. Yarrow, Amelio Vázquez De Miguel, Peter M. Maitlis
Isolation and Isomerization of anti AND syn ISOMERS OF trans-NiRR′L2, where R, R′ = 2-tolyl, 2,6-dimethoxy-3-bromophenyl, or trichlorovinyl and L = t-methylphosphines
Pages 245-251
Masanori Wada, Makoto Kumazoe

Issue 3, Pages 253-377 (27 December 1983)

Subject index
Pages C28-C32
π-olefin-iridium-komplexe : XII. Umsetzung von chloro-cyclooctadien-methyl-imidazoyl-iridium mit methyl- oder phenyllithium; ungewöhnliche bildung eines iridacyclopentadienyl-komplexes
Pages C21-C25
Jörn Müller, Corinna Hänsch, Joachim Pickardt
Author index
Pages C26-C27
Darstellung und NMR-spektroskopie organometallisch substituierter dikobalthexacarbonyl-alkin-komplexe
Pages 253-268
Peter Galow, Angelika Sebald, Bernd Wrackmeyer
Synthesis of arylboronic acids via the reaction of borane with arylmagnesium halides
Pages 269-274
George W. Kabalka, Usha Sastry, K. A. R. Sastry, Furn F. Knapp Jr. and, Prem C. Srivastava
Cleavage of the carbon-silicon bonds in trimethylsilylacetylenes by trans[(PR3)2PtX(R′OH)]PF6 cations and formation of cationic alkoxycarbene complexes of platinum(II)
Pages 275-282
H. C. Clark, V. K. Jain, G. S. Rao
Functional allylsilanes: reactivity of pyrrolidinoallylsilanes towards electrophiles
Pages 283-293
R. J. P. Corriu, V. Huynh, J. J. E. Moreau
An investigation of the mechanism of the reation of allyltriethylstannane with bromotrichloromethane by radiofrequency probing and chemically induced dynamic nuclear polarization (CIDNP)
Pages 295-300
T. V. Leshina, R. Z. Sagdeev, N. E. Polyakov, M. B. Taraban and, V. I. Valyaev, V. I. Rakhlin, R. G. Mirskov, S. Kh. Khangazheev and, M. G. Voronkov
Carbon monooxide-induced disproportionation of dicyclopentadienyltitanium chloride dimer to dicyclopentadienyltitanium dicarbonyl and dicyclopentadienyltitanium dichloride
Pages 301-303
Luigi Pietro Battaglia, Mario Nardelli, Corrado Pelizzi, Giovanni Predieri, Gian Paolo Chiusoli
Transition metal derivatives of arenediazonium ions XI. Reactions of some molybdenum(0) arenediazo complexes with halogens, tin(IV) halides, mercury (II) halides and related reagents
Pages 305-311
Fergus J. Lalor, Michael E. Deane, David M. Condon
Enthalpies of formation of decacarbonyldirhenium and some pentacarbonylrhenium derivatives
Pages 313-320
Ghassan Al-Takhin, Joseph A. Connor, Henry A. Skinner
Substitution selectives de carbonyles dans des complexes polynucleaires V. Etudes Structurales des composes de mono-et disubstitution de co par P(OMe)3 dans un complexe binucleaire non symetrique
Pages 321-335
El Kbir Lhadi, Henri Patin, Alain Benoit and, Jean-Yves Le Marouille, Andre Darchen
Carbonyl compounds of cobalt(II) and nickel(II). Reversible arene-carbon monoxide exchange and similarities to analogous η6-arene complexes
Pages 337-343
Thomas J. Groshens, Kenneth J. Klabunde
Homomolecular esterification of aldehydes catalyzed by hydridotetrakis(triphenylphosphine)rhodium(I)
Pages 345-353
M. Massoui, D. Beaupère, L. Nadjo, R. Uzan
Xylyl isocyanide platinum and palladium complexes
Pages 355-365
Aristides Christofides
Complexation with bis(diphenylphosphino)methane of reaction products between arylcopper(I) compounds and carbon disulfide
Pages 367-377
A. Camus, N. Marsich, G. Pellizer