Journal of Organometallic Chemistry
Volume 8
Main Index
Issue 1, Pages 1-192 (April 1967)
Perfluorophenyl derivatives of the elements X. The formation of polyhalobipneyl derivatives from trifluorobromobenzyne, and some related reactions
Pages 1-8
S. C. Cohen, D. E. Fenton, D. Shaw, G. Massey
Zur aktivierung lithiumorganischer reagenzienThe activation of organolithium reagents
Pages 9-16
M. Schlosser
Polymetallophilic organic compounds II. Organomagnesium intermediates of 2-alkyl-2-(chloromethyl)-1,3-dichloropropanes
Pages 17-27
Edward L. McCaffery, Shalaby W. Shalaby
Halomethyl-metal compounds VIII. The reaction of phenyl(trihalomethyl)mercury compounds with hydrogen chloride
Pages 29-36
Dietmar Seyferth, Jeffrey Yick-Pui Mui, Lee J. Todd, Kirk V. Darragh
Addition of diboron tetrachloride to some cyclic olefins and dienes
Pages 37-44
Harendra Kumar Saha, Leon Jules Glicenstein, Grant Urry
Studies of methyl derivatives of 1,2-dicarbaclovopentaborane(5)
Pages 45-51
Russell N. Grimes
Bora-aromatic systems I. Competition between haloboration and phenylboration in the attempted synthesis of triphenylboracyclopropene
Pages 53-64
John J. Eisch, Leonhard J. Gonsior
Decomposition of some free radical initiators in hexamethyldisilane
Pages 65-68
Hideki Sakurai, Tamon Kishida, Akira Hosomi, Makoto Kumada
Tetracyclohexylsilane: The resolution of an enigma
Pages 69-77
Leonard Spialter, Glen R. Buell, Charles W. Harris, J. Dudley Austin
Proton NMR spectra of methylpolysilanes
Pages 79-85
Robert West, F. Axtell Kramer, Edward Carberry, Mokoto Kumada and, Mitsuo Ishikawa
Structure and properties of unsaturated germanium heterocycles
Pages 87-96
M. E. Vol'pin, V. G. Dulova, Yu. T. Struchkov, N. K. Bokiy, D. N. Kursanov
Étude de la pentacovalence dans les complexes halogénures de trialkylétains avec bases monoaza-aromatiques par spectroscopie MössbauerStudy of the pentacoordination of trialkyltinhalide complexes with monoaza-aromatic bases by Mössbauer spectroscopy
Pages 97-104
J. Nasielski, N. Sprecher, J. Devooght, S. Lejeune
OrganozinnstibineOrganotin stibine
Pages 105-110
Herbert Schumann, Thea Östermann, Max Schmidt
Mixed organometallic compounds of group V I. Synthesis of tris(trimethyl-group-IV)stibines
Pages 111-114
Eberhard Amberger, Richard W. Salazar G
Allyldicyclopentadienyltitanium(III) and (DI)methylallyl homologues
Pages 115-128
Hendrik A. Martin, F. Jellinek
Organometallic chemistry of the transition metals XIX. A comparative study of the temperature dependence of the NMR spectra of analogous cyclic polyolefin complexes of chromium, molybdenum, and tungsten
Pages 129-137
R. B. King
Organometallic chemistry of the transition metals XX. Some reactions of acetonitrile derivatives of molybdenum and chromium carbonyls with olefinic and acetylenic compounds
Pages 139-148
R. B. King
Acetylenic derivatives of metal carbonyls I. Substitution reactions of CO
RR′ complexes
Pages 149-154
G. Cetini, O. Gambino, R. Rossetti, E. Sappa
Zum verhalten von
-elektronen unter dem einfluss ungewöhnlicher ligandenfelder II. Das absorptionsspektrum von tricyclopentadienylthuliumOn the behaviour of
-electrons influenced by usual ligands field II. The absorption spectrum of tricyclopentadienylthulium
Pages 155-175
R. D. Fischer, H. Fischer
Quantitative analysis of organolithium reagents
Pages 176-178
Robert L. Eppley, Joseph A. Dixon
PMR studies of silycarbinols and related compounds
Pages 179-184
A. G. Brook, K. H. Pannell
Spektroskopische Untersuchungen an Komplexverbindungen VI. EPR-spektren von (C
Rh und (C
IrSpectroscopic investigations on complex compounds VI. EPR spectra of (C
Rh) and (C
Pages 185-188
H. J. Keller, H. Wawersik
The production of the species HMn(CO)
from dimanganese decarbonyl and triphenylphosphine or triphenyl phosphite
Pages 189-192
Renato Ugo, Flavio Bonati
Über die reaktion von anionbasen mit methylmanganpentacarbonyl und eine neue synthese für trimeres mangantetracarbonylhydridThe reaction of anionic bases with methylmanganese pentacarbonyl and a new synthesis for trimeric manganese tetracarbonyl hydride
Pages P1-P4
Ernst Otto Fischer, Rudolf Aumann
1-Methyl-1,2-dihydropyridin-chrom(0)-tricarbonyl1-Methyl-1,2-dyhydropyridinchromium(0) tricarbonyl
Pages P5-P6
E. O. Fischer, K. Öfele
Catalysis of methyl-group exchange in dimethylcadmium
Pages P7-P9
N. S. Ham, E. A. Jeffery, T. Mole, J. K. Saunders, S. N. Stuart
Methods of Elemento-Inorganic Chemistry : Vol. 1. The Inorganic Compounds of Boron, Aluminium, Gallium, Indium and Thallium, by A.N. Nesmeyanov and R.A. Sokolik, North Holland Publisching Company, Amsterdam, 1967, xvi + 628 pages, D.fl.87.—.
Page P12
M. F. Lappert
Issue 2, Pages 193-384 (May 1967)
Notiz Über die darstellung reiner lithiumaryleThe preparation of pure aryllithium compounds
Pages 193-197
M. Schlosser, V. Ladenberger
Phosphinomethyllithium compounds IV. An improved method of preparation and some synthetic applications
Pages 199-208
Donald J. Peterson
Organometallic complexes containing antimony and aluminum : I. Complex formation of alkylantimony compouunds with aluminum compounds, a1et
Pages 209-223
Yukichi Takashi, Itsuho Aishima
Organometallic complexes containing antimony and aluminum II. Preparation of pentaethylantimony and its reactions with aluminum compounds, AlEt
Pages 225-231
Yukichi Takashi
Reaction of triethylaluminium with esters
Pages 233-238
Stanislaw Pasynkiewicz, Lech Kozerski, Bartolomiei Grabowski
The cleavage of ethynylsilanes by alcoholic solutions of alkali halides
Pages 239-243
Charles S. Kraihanzel, John E. Poist
Pages 245-253
Henry Gilman, Clifford L. Smith
Umsetzungen von tributylzinn-diäthylamid mit epoxiden
Pages 255-260
A. Tzschach, E. Reiss
Infrared spectra of alkyltin isothiocyanates
Pages 261-270
Masanori Wada, Rokuro Okawara
Substituent effects in aryl-tin cleavage of aryltriethltin compounds by mercuric acetate
Pages 271-275
Harukichi Hashimoto, Yoshio Morimoto
Mono- and dialkyltitanocene dichlorides
Pages 277-285
M. F. Sullivan, W. F. Little
Organometallic chemistry of the transition metals XXI. Some π-pentamethylcyclopentadienyl derivatives of various transition metals
Pages 287-297
R. B. King, M. B. Bisnette
Über aromatenkomplexe von metallen XCVIII. Spectroskopische untersuchungen an charge-transfer-komplexen von aromaten-chrom-tricarbonylen mit 1,3,5-trinitrobenzolAromatic complexes of metals XCVIII. Spectroscopic investigations on charge-transfer complexes of arenechromium tricarbonyls with 1,3,5-trinitrobenzene
Pages 299-310
Gottfried Huttner, Ernst Otto Fischer
Beiträge zum problem des überganges von σ-arylchromverbindungen in aromaten—chrom-komplexe V. Unterschung des reaktionsmechanismusContributions to the problem of conversion of σ-arylchromium compounds into π-arenechromium complexes V. The examination of the reaction mechanism
Pages 311-319
Johannes Hähle, Günter Stolze
Perfluorophenyl derivatives of the elements XI. Metal carbonyl derivatives of tetrafluorobenzobicyclo[2.2.2]octatriene
Pages 321-327
A. J. Tomlinson, A. G. Massey
Transition-metal alkyls and hydrides II. Investigation of a complex cobalt hydride obtained from cobalt stearate and grignard reagents
Pages 329-337
Ferenc Ungváry, Barnabás Babos, László Markó
Phenylcopper complexes with tertiary phosphines and with triphenylborane
Pages 339-346
G. Costa, A. Camus, N. Marsich, L. Gatti
Tricarbonylnickel complexes of tetraarsenic and tetraphosphorus hexamethylimides
Pages 347-353
Jean G. Riess, John R. Van Wazer
On the metalation of fluorene
Pages 354-358
E. G. Janzen, J. L. Gerlock
Chelates of a boronic acid with malonic and acetoacetic acid
Pages 359-360
D. S. Matteson, G. D. Schaumberg
Organocadmium reagents III. Displacement of acyloxy at saturated carbon
Pages 361-365
P. R. Jones, C. J. Jarboe, R. Nadeau
Reactions of phenyl(bromodichloromethyl)mercury with alkenylcarboranes
Pages 366-368
D. Seyferth, B. Prokai
(Pentachlorophenyl)tris(trimethylsilyl)silane and 1,4-bis[tris(trimethylsilyl)silyl]tetrachlorobenzene
Pages 369-371
H. Gilman, K. Shina
The reaction of organosilicon hydrides with organic hydroperoxidic compounds
Pages 372-373
Y. Nagai, K. Honda, T. Migita
Substitution reactions of trigonal bipyramidal complexes of iron pentacarbonyl
Pages 374-376
R. J. Angelici, E. E. Siefert
NMR and IR studies of dialkyltin halide hydrides
Pages 377-381
K. Kawakami, T. Saito, R. Okawara
The iodotetracarbonyliron anion
Pages 382-384
E. W. Abel, I. S. Butler, C. R. Jenkins
-Isomerization of crotyllithium and crotyltrimethyltin
Pages P13-P16
Dietmar Seyferth, Theodore F. Jula
The synthesis of some 2-substituted ferrocene-carbinols and -carboxyaldehydes through lithiation
Pages P17-P18
G. Marr, J. H. Peet, B. W. Rockett, A. Rushworth
Functionally substituted distanthianes
Pages P19-P20
A. G. Davies, P. G. Harrison
The trimethylantimony cation
Pages P21-P24
A. J. Downs, I. A. Steer
Issue 3, Pages 385-553 (June 1967)
Tris(triphenylphosphine)rhodium(I) complexes
Pages P25-P26
W. Keim
Untersuchungen der
CH)-Kopplungskonstanten zur Frage der Bindungsverhältnisse in Alkoxysilanen
Pages P27-P28
G. Engelhardt
The molecular structure of [1.1]ferrocenophane
Pages P29-P31
James S. McKechnie, Bruce Bersted, Iain C. Paul, William E. Watts
Page P32
Two new color tests for determining the presence of arylmetallics
Pages 385-393
James M. Gaidis
Organometallic compounds: V. Electrophilic Substitution of dialkylzincs by phenylmercuric chloride
Pages 395-399
M.H. Abraham, P.H. Rolfe
Effet du rayonnement γ du cobalt 60 sur le diméthyl-mercure et le diéthyl-mercure purs et en solution dans le benzène
Pages 401-410
Charles Heitz
Factors relating to the formation of B-phenyl-N-alkylborazines
Pages 411-419
B.R. Currell, W. Gerrard, M. Khodabocus
Some bis-amine complexes of boronium ions with bulky substituent of boron
Pages 421-426
James E. Douglass, Gerald R. Roehrig, On-Hou Ma
Organoindium chemistry: I. A convenient preparation of dimethylindium(III) derivatives
Pages 427-434
H.C. Clark, A.L. Pickard
Hydrolytic poly-condensation of higher alkyltrichlorosilanes
Pages 435-441
K.A. Andrianov, B.A. Izmaylov
The hydrolysis reaction of the higher alkylmethyldichlorosilanes
Pages 443-450
K.A. Andrianov, B.A. Izmaylov
Some dichloro compounds derived from octaphenylcyclotetrasilane and decaphenylcyclopentasilane
Pages 451-458
Henry Gilman, Dwain R. Chapman
Über einige an benzol kondensierte germaniumhaltige heterocyclen
Pages 459-463
M. Wieber, C.D. Frohning
H-NMR-spektren von [(trimethylsilyl)methylamino]stannanen
Pages 465-468
O.J. Scherer, P. Hornig
Studies in Group IV organometallic chemistry XXIII. Mechanism of the hydrostannolysis of tin
element bonds
Pages 469-477
H.M.J.C. Creemers, F. Verbeek, J.G. Noltes
Studies of organotin chemistry: I. Preparation and properties of new, soluble forms of trimethyltin formate and acetate
Pages 479-490
Paul B. Simons, W.A.G. Graham
Nukleophile verdrängung von phenylgruppen in phosphinen, arsinen, stibinen und bismutinen durch aryllithium-verbindungen
Pages 491-494
Georg Wittig, Adalbert Maercker
The crystal and molecular structure of π-cyclopentadienylvanadium tetracarbonyl
Pages 495-502
J.B. Wilford, A. Whitla, H.M. Powell
Über die darstellung von natrium- und lithiumtetraphenylochromaten(III)
Pages 503-509
Franz Hein, Kurt Schmiedeknecht
The reaction of σ-allylpentacarbonylmanganese with some strong proton acids
Pages 511-515
M.L.H. Green, A.G. Massey, J.T. Moelwyn-Hughes, P.L.I. Nagy
Infrared and nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of alkyl- and acylmanganese pentacarbonyls
Pages 517-526
K. Noack, U. Schaerer, F. Calderazzo
A new σ-bonded aryl
cobalt(III) complex
Pages 527-533
Arthur C. Cope, R.N. Gourley
Über 6,6′-diphenylfulven-π-komplexe des kobalts, rhodiums und iridiums
Pages 535-541
Ernst Otto Fischer, Bernd-Jürgen Weimann
Preparation of hydrocarbon solutions of unsolved dialkylmagnesium reagents
Pages 542-546
Conrad W. Kamienski, Jerome F. Eastham
Pseudohalogeno—Metallverbindungen XVIII. Anionische (Tricyanomethanido)pentacarbonyl-Komplexe von Chrom, Molybdän und Wolfram
Pages 547-550
Wolfgang Beck, Robert E. Nitzschmann, Halvor S. Smedal
Investigations on organozinc compounds: VI. NMR study of unsolvated organozinc halides
Pages 551-553
J. Boersma, J.G. Noltes